Wade Hampton High School
Leading Like Generals Parent Newsletter--February 10, 2023
Hampton Herald Online
Wade Hampton has started back the school newspaper (Hampton Herald) for the first time in many years. Multiple people have a lot to say about it. The 2023 newspaper staff is full of new ideas and information about the school. Please see this month's edition of the Hampton Herald Online.
Student Drop Off and Pick Up
Student Drop Off and Pick Up--In the interest of safety and efficiency please only drop-off and pick-up your students in our designated car loop located off of Pine Knoll Drive. All other areas on our campus such as the student and teacher parking lots, the bus loop, and the side of the road are considered “Off Limits” for drop-off and pick-up purposes.
Also, our business neighbors in the surrounding community have reached out to us with concerns about student drop-off, pick-up, and student parking in their parking lots. In order to better serve their customers and cut-down on unnecessary traffic, they have informed us that they will begin ticketing, towing, and/or issuing trespassing notices to individuals who continue to pick-up and drop-off students on their property. Please know that we have no authority over these areas. I want to make sure you are aware of these potential actions.
We are still studying and looking at ways to improve our afternoon pick up practices. Until we are able to implement a long term practice, please adhere to the current practices outlined below.
- Pull as close as possible to the crosswalk near the fine arts center. This will maximize the number of cars that can drop off at any given time.
- Drop off your student only in the lane closest to the curb.
- Respect the WHHS Faculty and Staff Members that are directing traffic
- Use the visitor spaces for parking when going inside the building
- Drop off/Pick up in the Staff Parking Area.
- Drop off/Pick up along Pine Knoll Drive
- Drop off/Pick up in the Student parking lot
Spring Spotlight Open House Event
BOLD Leadership Network: A Celebration of Excellence
BOLD Leadership Network is a non-profit organization made up of a collaborative group of school leaders that are leading the way in their educational institutions. Their vision is to have BOLD leaders positively impacting every community.
On April 15, 2023, they will host the first annual BOLD Celebration of Excellence. The event will (1) recognize bold leaders in our community, (2) celebrate veteran and novice educators and (3) award scholarships to high school and college students majoring in education.
Do you know any educators, students, and/or community leader who deserve recognition? Please nominate them for these following categories:
- BOLD Lifetime Achievement Award
- BOLD Educator
- BOLD Educator on the Rise
- BOLD Student Scholarships
AVID--Student Recruitment 2023-2024
AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination), is a program that targets students in the academic middle. They are hard workers who, with increased support, will go to college. Often, these students will be the first in their families to attend college and come from groups traditionally underrepresented in higher education.
We are being intentional about finding students that need to be challenged. We are offering the AVID Elective course in 10th and 11th grade. AVID's teaching strategies and curriculum build positive teacher-student relationships to ensure student success schoolwide.
Please see the link to the Google Form below where parents and students can recommend themselves. It's also on the website under the "How to Recommend" tab.
Youth and Vaping--A REAL ISSUE
Seals of Distinction
The SCDE recently updated the criteria for students to earn Seals of Distinction. “The Seals of Distinction" criteria have been updated for the 2022-23 academic year. This updated criteria will begin with the spring graduating class of 2023.
The following are links to the September 2022 Seals of Distinction Template and a document summarizing the changes. “The official 2022-23 Seals of Distinction Overview and Guidelines document will be available soon. A Spanish translation of the September 2022 Seals of Distinction Template will also be available.” Once these documents are sent to us by the SCDE, we will make them available to you.
Join our PTSA
Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year! The PTA looks forward to us all working together to make a difference at Wade Hampton High School this year!
The easiest way to get involved and stay informed is to join PTA at https://whhs.memberhub.com/store. Your membership goes a long way toward sponsoring teacher mini-grants which provide classroom equipment, funding additional classroom supplies, and much more.
Of course, it takes more than membership dues to make all this happen.
In addition to your membership, please consider becoming a “Friend of the Generals” by donating $10, $25, or $50 to PTA where 100% of your donation will go directly to support WHHS students and staff. You can find the tab to make this tax-deductible donation also on the link above.
Please contact Karen Sharp at 864-355-0370 if you have any questions. Thank you for your continued support of the WHHS PTA!
School Counseling News
IGP meetings for 11th & 9th grader students
Invitation letters went home with 9th and 11th-grade students on Monday, February 6th. The IGP meetings will begin on Feb. 13th starting with 11th graders first and 9th-grade meetings will begin afterward and run through March.
*If you did not receive your child's invitation/information, ask them for it or you can contact Mrs. Childers (355-0104/mchilders@greenville.k12.sc.us) or Mrs. Carlisle (355-0133/kcarlisle@greenville.k12.sc.us) in the counseling office for this information.
- 9th and 11th-grade students will receive: a letter with the date and time of their meeting, a 2023-2024 WHHS Course list, and a printout of their Teacher recommended classes so they can begin to think about the 8 classes they will select with their counselor at the IGP meeting.
- 10th-grade students will also receive: a 2023-2024 WHHS Course list, a printout of their Teacher recommended classes, and a copy of the PDF listing the “tentative” classes that they selected during their fall IGP meeting. There is a place on the right side of this form to write in their updated course requests. It is important to note that students will be signed up for the academic classes/levels that their teachers have recommended (regardless of what they tentatively selected during their IGP meetings). However, parents can submit a completed Parent Override form if they want their student to take a different course/level than the teacher recommended. All that is necessary is to write in the “new” course on the blank line AND turn in a Parent override form to support the change. We ask that 10th-grade students turn in their completed PDF forms to the counseling office as soon as they make their updated course requests but no later than March 3rd to give counselors time to enter their updated course requests into PowerSchool.
- All students will receive a Course Request letter on March 30th to take home for final student and parent signatures indicating their final 8 course requests and 3 alternates. We will send home reminders prior to this date.
Scholarships for seniors
Greenville County Schools Foundation Golf Scholarship
Palmetto Boys State - 11th grade Boys
WHHS has the opportunity to select five 11th-grade boys for the Palmetto Boys State summer program that will take place this year at Anderson University June 11-17. It is an honor to be chosen as a delegate for Palmetto Boys State. Any interested 11th-grade boy who wants to be considered for this honor should complete this Palmetto Boys State interest form by February 28. Candidates should have high moral character, demonstrated leadership qualities and represent the diverse population of our school.
Palmetto Boys State is a unique way for young men to develop leadership skills and learn about the American system of government and politics by participating in a mock governmental system. In addition to participating in a mock government system, Boys Staters have the opportunity to explore potential career paths through different schools including the Performing Arts School, Criminal Justice Academy, and Law School.
For more information, check out their website https://palmettoboysstate.com or contact WHHS counselor, Kim Lindsey at klindsey@greenville.k12.sc.us
Career Center Applications are now open!!!
Applying to a Career Center is a 2-step process:
Step 1: Students complete the application in their Backpack account. (The link is also on Career Center website). Click on “Programs” once logged into Backpack. Students may select their first and second choices of programs. Applications must be completed by March 16, 2023.
Step 2: The career center placeholder should be on the student’s final course request in Power School.
2023 Leadership Roundup
The South Carolina 4-H Pinckney Leadership Roundup is an opportunity for youth leaders from diverse backgrounds to gather and take their leadership skills to the next level. Students will participate in hands-on student leadership sessions, engage in critical dialogue centered on personal excellence, establish and maintain relationships with like-minded student leaders, and connect with professionals from higher education. Click HERE for the flyer.
Same event...TWO opportunities to attend!
-February 18th, 2023, in Columbia, S.C.
-March 18th, 2023, in Florence, S.C.Tickets can be reserved for either date at https://sc4hplp.eventbrite.com/
Invite your friends, and they will receive a $5 discount using promo code: THISIS4H
Both adults attending and youth need to register!We look forward to seeing you there! 🍀
Greenville Tech Dual Enrollment Night
Teacher Cadet Interest Survey - Sophomore
As sophomore IGPs begin, I would like to ensure that all sophomore students and their parents have had the opportunity to hear about the Teacher Cadet Program. This Dual Credit course, through a partnership between Wade Hampton High school and North Greenville University, gives students a great opportunity to boost their GPA while learning about the profession of education.
Teacher Cadet is a course to encourage academically talented, high-achieving, high school students with exemplary interpersonal and leadership skills to consider teaching as a career. An important secondary goal of the program is to develop future community leaders who will become civic advocates for public education. The Teacher Cadet Program uses an innovative approach designed to attract talented young people to the teaching profession through a challenging introduction to teaching.
Piloted in four South Carolina high schools in 1985-86, the Teacher Cadet Program has grown to include 188 South Carolina high schools with 233 classes serving 2,991 juniors and seniors annually. More than 71,000 students have participated in the Teacher Cadet Program.
If your sophomore meets the following criteria and have an interest in joining the Teacher Cadet Program at WHHS, please complete this form and an application will be delivered to you.
· Have a GPA of 3.0 on an unweighted scale
· Enrolled in College Prep Curriculum
· Be recommended in writing by 3 or more instructors
· Submit an essay on why you would like to be a part of Teacher Cadet
· Be a Junior or Senior for the 2023-2024 school year
· Agree to provide data about the program to CERRA (the Center for Educator Recruitment, Retention, and Advancement)
Thank you for considering the Teacher Cadet program at WHHS.
Transcript requests for seniors applying to colleges
All grade level students are able to download their own transcripts for the purposes of: viewing their most current high school credits, GPA, and class rank, uploading them to colleges that accept student transcript uploads, scholarship applications, etc. Once students log into their Schoolinks account, they simply need to click on the apple icon along the left side of the page that reads "School", then "Transcript Request". They then have the option to "Get unofficial transcript" or "Send official transcript.
School Lunch Meals updates
We would like to make you aware of several updates regarding food services this school year.
- USDA is no longer providing free LUNCH meals for all students.
- All students in Greenville County Schools will continue to receive FREE BREASKFAST, regardless of the student’s meal status.
- Online Free and Reduced Meal applications are available now and can be accessed through the FANS website.
- Students will receive Paper Free and Reduced Meal applications during the 1st week of school.
- The Free and Reduced Priced Meal carry over period for the 22-23 School Year will end on 9/26/2022
- The carry over period is the amount of time students are allowed to remain on this year’s meal status
- This time period allows sufficient time for parents to complete Free and Reduced Priced Meal applications for the current year.
- Regular school meals will be provided to all High School students from 8/15/22 to 9/2/22, regardless of their account balance
- Students may accrue $20 worth of meal charges.
- Beginning 9/5/22 funds will be required to purchase meals for students on full paid meal status with negative account balances in excess of $20
WHHS Public Calendar
This calendar contains information pertinent to the general public and WHHS greater community. All athletic events, performances, and school-wide dates are placed on the calendar.
Please come out and enjoy all the great aspects of being a General.
About Us
Website: https://www.greenville.k12.sc.us/whhs/
Location: 100 Pine Knoll Drive, Greenville, SC, USA
Phone: 864-355-0100
Facebook: www.facebook.com/wadehamptonhigh/
Twitter: @whhsgenerals_greenville