DRES Family Message
May 14, 2023
Message From Mrs. Sanchez
Happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers in our Durant Road Elementary community. Wishing you a day full of blessings and love.
Thank you for all of the love and blessings you showed our staff during Teacher Appreciation Week. Along with all of our families, the PTA and John Wall Family Foundation showered us with food and gifts. We are thankful for all of you and especially your children!
Please take a few minutes to read over some updates below.
Tracie Sanchez, Principal
Kindergarten Orientation 5/18/23
Do your neighbors have a rising Kindergartener?? Spread the word!
We are having our 23-24 Kindergarten Orientation this Thursday at 5:30pm. The event is primarily an informational session for parents although children are welcome to attend. We will meet in the gym to hear about how to best prepare your child and yourself for the coming year. If you haven't been on a tour yet, you will have some time to walk around the K hall to see the specials rooms and the Kindergarten rooms.
PTA Meeting & Playdate 5/21/23
NC Under The Stars 5/25/23 6-8pm
- Hot Dog/ BBQ Truck
- Senora Lynch- NC Potter
- Storytelling
- DRES Chorus
EOG Information
We must complete these tests during the last 10 days of school so we will begin testing on June 14. Please work very hard to get all of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders here to school every day on time on June 14, 15, and 16.
All students will be able to receive free breakfast on their testing days.
EOG Remediation & Readministration Information
Powerschool Parent Portal
Quarter 4 Dates
Kidz Art Meets Monday Afternoons from 3:15pm-4:15pm until 6/12/23
Chess Club Meets Wednesday Mornings from 7:15am-8:00am in Media CenterDRES Chorus Meets Thursday Mornings from 7:15am-8:00am in Music Room
5/15/23- Quarter 4 Interims Go Home
5/18/23- Kindergarten Orientation for 23-24- 5:30pm @ DRES Gymnasium
5/21/23- PTA Playdate & General Meeting 3pm-4pm @ DRES Playground
5/25/23- NC Under The Stars Event at DRES 6:00-8:00pm- Mark Your Calendars for an evening of entertainment.
5/29/23- No School- Memorial Day Observance
6/12/23- School Improvement Team meeting @ 3:45pm in Media Center
6/14/23- EOGs Start
6/19/23- No School- Juneteenth Observance
6/24/23- Popsicles At The Playground for rising Kindergarteners for 23-24
6/26/23- PTA Board Meeting
6/28/23- Last Day of School, Quarter 4 Report Cards Go Home
6/29/23- EOG Remediation & Retakes
6/30/23- EOG Remediation & Retakes
DRES PTA Information
- Please join here if you have not already joined the DRES PTA! Also, please ask grandparents and family members to join!
- Check out the PTA website here: https://durantroadpta.weebly.co
Monthly PTA Meeting Dates, Times, and Location
- Sunday, May 21st, PTA meeting and Playdate at DRES playground
- Monday, June 26th 6:30 - location TBD
Interested in donating to the school, PTA project, or student?
- Check out options for donations here: https://durantroadpta.weebly.com/dres-wish-lists.html
Past Principal Newsletters
School Messenger
Read more at this link: https://www.wcpss.net/schoolmessenger
Did you change your phone number or move?
If you've moved, please provide an updated gas, electric, water bill, signed lease agreement, or bill of sale for house purchase. Contact Mrs. Antonio for an appointment.