Nighthawk News
Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year!
Our Vision: The Herbert Akins Road MS Learning Community collaborates to facilitate equitable outcomes and growth through social, emotional, and academic opportunities.
Communication Protocol
BOY 2024-2025
Week of July 8, 2024
Nighthawk Families,
Welcome back to the 2024-25 school year, Year 3 as a school community, in the Nighthawk Nest! Tracks 1, 2, and 3 students begin their school year on Monday, July 8, 2024.
While we understand the week of July 4th is a busy one for families, we appreciate those that were able to attend our Meet the Teacher or July 3rd. MTYR staff had 4 workdays between school years to prepare, and we are grateful for every stakeholders' understanding, patience, and flexibility.
Teachers will be reviewing expectations, processes and procedures while building relationships with students during the first few weeks of the school year. Please check communication avenues for information from teachers.
Our Administrative Team this year will include myself, three assistant principals, and two administrative intern.
- Drew Daniel, 8th Grade AP
Andrea Echols, 7th Grade AP
Emily Petersohn, 6th Grade AP
Shaunta McMillan, AP Intern
Jesse DiMartino, AP Intern
Our school website, https://www.wcpss.net/herbertakinsroadms, will be updated often by our team and provide information at your fingertips to ensure a successful partnership to support student growth and achievement.
Our instructional school day this year will be from 8:15 AM - 3:00 PM with students able to enter the building at 7:45 AM. Each morning we begin the day with announcements at 8:10 AM; therefore, it is ideal if students are in their classrooms and seated ready to begin the day at that time. Students miss valuable instruction when they come to school late, leave early, or are absent.
Students will not be checked out after 2:30 PM on school days as the staff will be preparing for student dismissal. If a student must be checked out of school early, they will need to be checked out prior to 2:30 PM.
WCPSS Transportation information and bus routes can be found at https://www.wcpss.net/transportation. Per WCPSS and regardless of personal, social or recreational activities, students may not ride any bus other than that to which he/she has been assigned.
Office staff will be available to assist you with information and procedures regarding student medication. Medication may be given at school only with the proper documentation from the doctor. Parents will need to bring the completed 1702 form and medication on or prior to the student’s first day of school.
Review and update your student’s personal data to ensure your current email, phone numbers, and emergency contacts are updated in the system so you will be able to receive emails, texts, and other important notifications. If changes need to be made, please email the documentation to NCWise435@wcpss.net.
Students will utilize a backpack and/or bag to bring their supplies to school. Students may also want to bring a water bottle as we have water bottle filling stations throughout the school. Students’ backpacks should not be filled with other items as nothing additional will be needed at school, and it will keep backpacks/bags at a reasonable weight. Lockers will not be used by students unless one is requested by a parent. Requests should be sent to the appropriate grade level school counselor.
We understand that a student’s family may have their student keep a personal device and/or mobile phone in their backpack for before/after school safety purposes. These are to remain in backpacks unless approved by a teacher to be used for educational purposes. This expectation can be found in the WCPSS Student Code of Conduct. Student/Parent Handbooks will be sent home with students the first day of the school year.
We ask that all students and their families review the WCPSS Student Code of Conduct which can be found here.
Students' schedules will be handed out on Monday morning, July 8th, by the homeroom teacher. Staff will be available throughout the school building to support students and assist them in getting to their homeroom the first few days of the school year. In addition, staff will be available throughout the school building to assist students in navigating their routes to and from elective classes.
As a reminder, in MTYR schools, not all platforms are up and running the first two weeks of the school year due to the state of NC operating the platforms and doing their yearly maintenance.
Please follow us on our school's Facebook page, X "Twitter" account, and Instagram to stay abreast of up-to-date news and reminders throughout each school week. Scroll all the way to the end of this newsletter and click on the buttons to follow us on each platform.
We encourage families to take vacations during track outs to ensure students are in the Nest on instructional days to ensure learning and growth each school year. Here is the 2024-25 school calendar for your planning purposes.
With appreciation for your support and partnership as we continue to #buildournest in Year 3,
Anne Marie Adkins
Apply for School Meals - Each School Year!
Meal Benefits Expiration Date
Prior year meal benefits will ​carry over up to 30 school days in the new school year based on your student's school calendar. ​Families must reapply every school year if they are interested in receiving meal benefits.
To apply for free or reduced-price meals, you can do so online by visiting www.MySchoolApps.com. Paper applications will always be made available in our school's front office, or you can call 919-588-3535 or 919-856-2920 to have one mailed to you.
- Application information
- Application information - información sobre la solicitud (Español)
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Frequently Asked Questions - preguntas frecuentes (Español)
- Sample application/Ejemplo de solicitud (Please fill out an original / Favor de completar una solicitud original)
- Meal charges policy | Cuentas de Alimentos
Online Application
- Apply for Free or Reduced Price Meals Online
- Solicitud en lÃnea para las comidas escolares Gratis/Precio Reducido: Español
Questions about applying for free and reduced meals:
(919) 856-2920 (English)
(919) 588-3535 (English and Spanish)
Free and Reduced-Price Benefits Office fax number:
(919) 856-3704
Carpool 2024-2025 (For EVERY Nighthawk Student/Family)
Carpool Arrival: Carpool arrival will not begin until 7:45 AM as students cannot be on campus without adult supervision. Board policy states they can arrive 30 minutes prior to the start of the instructional day which is 7:45 AM at Herbert Akins Rd MS. Please do not release students from your vehicle until 7:45 AM.
Carpool Dismissal: Carpool dismissal is available at Herbert Akins Rd MS for middle school students and will begin at our 3:00 PM dismissal time. For the 2024-2025 school year, all students will receive a new carpool number when they receive their schedule. Please ensure your carpool sticker is placed properly in your window. If you did not attend Meet the Teacher to receive your carpool number, your student will receive it on their first day of school. You may give the staff member collecting numbers your students' name until you receive your carpool number. Beginning July 15th, all families are expected to know their carpool number as staff will not be utilizing names for dismissal. We have a large volume of carpool students, walkers, and bike riders. The carpool pattern works well when everyone follows the procedures for both the middle school and elementary school. Please drive carefully when approaching the school area and follow the instructions staff provide as they work at their duty locations. We request that all families who plan to use carpool at any point this school year watch this video. Families that have an elementary school student should exit to the left from the parking lot (not turn right) and then enter the elementary school line on Herbert Akins Road. Due to the volume of cars for both schools and having 16 bus routes (with some of those being doublebacks) at the middle school, our hope is that we can have our dismissal completed by 3:30 PM to allow the elementary school the opportunity to begin their safe dismissal processes at 3:45 PM. If you do not receive a carpool number, please utilize this form to request one.
Walker/Bike Rider Information
Walker/Biker List: Students may walk/bike between school and home if they meet the criteria. Please complete this form for your student to be added to the approved walker/biker list. A staff member will follow up if your student does not meet the criteria. Students must leave campus when they are dismissed to walk home and may not loiter at the end of the school day. Students may not request to be on the walk list to walk to a nearby neighborhood to avoid carpool. This is a potential safety concern.
Attendance Letter/Expectations 2024-2025
July 8, 2024
Dear Parents and Students:
Welcome to Herbert Akins Rd MS! We look forward to a successful and rewarding school year with all students. In order to ensure a productive school year for every stakeholder year, Attendance Matters and a student must be in school on a regular basis with little or no absences. For your information and reference, below are some facts about attendance that you might find helpful throughout the school year. You may find more information online at the Wake County Public Schools website (www.wcpss.net).
Some highlights are as follows:
All children up to 16 years of age must attend school. This is N.C. law as well as Wake County’s policy (NC Law 115C-378 and Wake County policy 6000).
Every absence is considered either excused or unexcused. Please see policy 6000.3 for a list of excused absences.
In middle school, attendance is taken during every class period and then reported by the half or whole day.
A note/email written by the parent or guardian is required within 2 school days explaining the nature of the absence with dates and the student’s name. A note is required even if the parent contacts the school by phone. A note does not guarantee an absence will be excused but all absences without notes will be considered unexcused. It is preferred that notes are emailed to Attendance435@wcpss.net.
Excessive absences (15 days or more) may lead to school failure (in some cases, based solely on absences), the requirement of a doctor’s note for any absence to be excused, and/or court penalties including fines or imprisonment. Though the law is strongly worded, its intention is for children to be successful in school. Every effort is made to avoid such serious consequences.
Note if your student had Chronic absences (15 days or more absence) for the 2024-25 school year, our School Social Worker, Essence Lincoln, will be scheduling a conference to develop a plan of support for your student in the area of reducing their absences and increasing their academic goals.
We want to work with you and your student whenever a situation arises that may be problematic. We do understand that there may be extenuating circumstances, and we will do all we can to make the school experience pleasant and successful for you and your child. As we work together, your child will have a great educational experience at Herbert Akins Road Middle. We believe that Attendance Matters!
If at any time you have questions or concerns about attendance or any other area of which you think our team could be of assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact the school office at (919) 694-8300. You may also reach out to our School Social Worker, Essence Lincoln at elincoln@wcpss.net.
Nighthawks PTA Information and Updates
The 2024-2025 PTA is very excited about this upcoming school year!
- Please join the PTA so that you can receive communications throughout the year (we promise to keep them to a minimum!) regarding school dances, fundraisers, Teacher Appreciation events, family fun nights, and more!
- Join here: Join the PTA - HERBERT AKINS RD NIGHTHAWKS PTA (weebly.com)
- We will start the year with a no-fuss fundraiser, just like last year.
- Our goal is to raise $40,000, with funds going to support teachers, student clubs, school dances, and so much more! (More information to come on that!)
- Updates are coming to the website as our board changes over, but on this site you will also be able to:
- Buy Spirit Wear (the PTA receives a portion of sales) - Herbert Akins Road spirit wear, Fuquay-Varina, NC, Nighthawks | 1st Place Spiritwear
- Rent the Spirit Rock (for birthdays and other celebrations)
- Find information on volunteering for events
- If you have any interest in joining a committee this year, please contact Alex Jamieson at herbertakinsmsptapresident@gmail.com. Examples of committee positions are:
- School Dances
- Fundraising
- Teacher Appreciation
- Audit
- Spirit Nights
- So much more! Do you have special interests? Let us know! We probably have a committee for it! :)
Alex Jamieson, PTA President
Positivity Project at Herbert Akins Rd MS
Dear Families,
As we begin our school year, our school community will be focusing on the Other People Mindset. This means anything that builds relationships is going to make you happy.
The mission of the Positivity Project is to empower America’s youth to build positive relationships by understanding, appreciating, and exemplifying the character strengths in us all. People who have strong positive relationships do five things consistently - these are the five practices of the Other People Mindset. 1. Recognize the good in other people, 2. Recognize that everything you say or do affects other people, 3. Support others when they struggle, 4. Cheer people on when they succeed, 5. Remain present when giving people your attention. People who have a strong Other People Mindset are able to build and maintain strong, positive relationships with others.
While mental health is incredibly complex, we do know that positive relationships can help people become happier, healthier, and more resilient. And, the Positivity Project believes educators have a huge opportunity and vital role to play in this endeavor. Our nation’s youth spend a large percentage of their time in school. By deliberately and consistently teaching students that relationships are important — and that positive relationships are cultivated through character and the Other People Mindset — educators can roll back these trends and create strong citizens and leaders for our communities and countries.
To practice and encourage the character strength of prudence with your child, please visit the Positivity Project’s P2 for Families, where together you will watch a video, read a quote and talk about the answers to three questions.
Have a wonderful week!
Nighthawk Athletic News
Prepare Now for 24-25 Athletic Season
For any rising 7th or 8th grader interested in participating in Nighthawk athletic during the 2024-25 school year, please read the following:
Click here for the video on how to do athletic physicals
Brent Winston
Athletic Director
Herbert Akins Road Middle School
919-694-8300 ext. 53051
Athletic Booster Club Passes - Save Money/Buy a Pass for ALL Seasons/ALL Sports
Athletic Spirit Wear - 15% Off This Week
Fine Arts Boosters
2024-25 Student Supply List
See the Supply List below for a successful year in the Nest!
We Need You as a Volunteer this Year!
Please take a moment to click here and register NOW!