The Coop Scoop
May 17, 2024

Dear Coopertown Families,
Happy weekend! It finally warmed up and our kids enjoyed many days outside! I noticed a lot more wore long pants and coats so they are finally getting the message!
Happy Lunar New Year! A lot of our students here at Coopertown celebrate the Lunar New Year and we were fortunate to have them share their family traditions with us this week. Look below for some great pictures!
The Science Fair is back and we are looking for more participants! This is always an amazing experience for our 4th and 5th grade students. Look below for more information. We would love to have every 4th-5th grader (and they can work in partnerships) to do a project. If you have any questions, please reach out to your child’s homeroom teacher.
We’re all very excited for yet another Eagles Superbowl. These sports fans have no idea how lucky they are to have had three Eagles Super Bowls in their childhoods! Scroll down to see the mural Mr. Camacho and the 5th grade team has created to celebrate this great achievement!
Enjoy the weekend,
Ms. Mastrocola
Lunar New Year at Coopertown
In both the library and classrooms, Coopertown students had the chance to learn a variety of exciting new things about Lunar New Year and the Year of the Snake. In the library, students explored the cultural significance of the holiday, the traditions of family gatherings, and the customs like giving red envelopes for good luck. Students watched a video of lion dancers and one student was kind enough to bring his lion dance costume to school to share. In addition, students learned how each year is associated with a different animal in the Chinese zodiac. Many students looked up the animals for their siblings' and parents' birth years.The year 2025 is the Year of the Snake. By the end of the lessons, students not only understood the history and traditions of Lunar New Year, but also gained an appreciation for the diverse ways people around the world celebrate.
Town Hall Meeting Regarding New Plans for Coopertown on Monday, Feb. 3rd
The plan for the new Coopertown includes proposing to construct three (3) building additions, parking lot improvements, a new bus loop, and a hard surface play area. The School District will have a presentation regarding the details of the project that is open to the public at 6pm on Monday February 3, 2025 at Coopertown Elementary School in the library. The District will have some members of their administration staff at the meeting to answer any questions and the District’s construction manager, C.B. Development, will present the details of the project including the scope of work and the schedule for the work. We encourage you to let your neighbors know. The power point presentation for this meeting on February 3, 2025 is currently posted on the District’s website for review if you cannot attend the meeting.
Fourth Grade Continues Learning about Motion & Energy
It's Science Fair Time
Get Ready for the Coopertown Science Fair!
All 4th and 5th graders are invited to participate in the annual Coopertown Science Fair on Thursday March 6, 2025. The science fair is a great way to explore science in a fun and interesting way where you get to think and act like a real scientist!
Below you will find a link to The Science Fair Planning Guide - this includes a link to the Participation Form on Google Forms, the Important Dates, and has a step by step guide for how to conduct experiments using the Scientific Method.
Important Dates to Remember
January - Begin planning, think of an idea, question, or problem that you want to learn more about
Tuesday, February 4th - Entry deadline for project proposals, complete the form
Thursday, February 6th - Meet with Science Fair Coaches! HS Science Academy will arrive at Coopertown during homeroom. Discuss your proposal and get tips about how to work through the project
Thursday, February 6th - Display board will be distributed in school
Friday, February 7th - Entry deadline for the Poster Contest- bring all posters to the front office that advertise our Science Fair on March 6th.
Thursday, March 6th - Display and Present your project
- Set-up at 5:30 PM
- Judging and Awards at 7:00 PM
Getting Ready for an Eagles Superbowl Win
Mr. Camacho and the 5th grade worked diligently all week to prepare a new mural for our beloved Eagles. We will share the final product in next week's Coop Scoop. They even trusted Ms. Mastrocola with a paint brush for a few minutes!
4th & 5th Grade Coop Scoop Club
Do you want to be a kid reporter for the Coop Scoop? Join the Coop Scoop Club! Meetings will be held on the dates listed below at 8AM. The Wednesday morning Coop Scoop Club is currently limited to twenty fourth and fifth graders. Please fill out the form below and return to Ms. Mulhern by February 1st. Please enter through the main doors at 8 AM and come to the Coopertown Library.
Please be sure to look for an email from Ms. Mulhern to confirm your child’s spot in the Winter Coop Scoop Club before attending any meetings.
Winter Meeting Dates:
Wednesday, Feb. 5th
Wednesday, Feb. 12th
Wednesday, Feb. 26th
Wednesday, March 5th
Wednesday, March 12th
Wednesday, March 19th
Winter Recess
With snow on the ground and dropping temperatures, we have to set some new parameters for recess. On days when it is actively snowing or the temperature is below 32 degrees, we will have indoor recess in our students' homerooms. When the temperature is above 32 degrees but snow is covering our fields and playground, we will take two classes outside to utilize the blacktop near the gym. We will rotate the homerooms each day. If there is no snow coverage, everyone will go outside. We use the "Real Feel" temperature to make this determination so a brisk wind factor could keep us inside.
We would prefer not to take children outside who are not properly dressed for the cold but we will not enforce it. If your child is cold on an outside recess day, they should wear more layers the next day.
If your child has health reasons that make going outside in the cold difficult, please reach out to our school nurse or your child's homeroom teacher.
We love outside recess at Coopertown and try our best to get out anytime we can! Volunteers to help monitor in the lunchroom and at recess are always appreciated!
Cougar Breakfast
We have the Sign Up Genius ready for our Cougar Breakfasts. Click on the link below and sign your family up to join us for one. The next Cougar Breakfast is February 5th from 8:00-8:30 in our cafeteria. Can't wait to see you there!
Lunch & Recess Volunteers
We are always in search of lunch and recess volunteers! Please click the button to sign up!
Special Note About Early Dismissals
Arrival & Dismissal
If your child's dismissal plan changes, call the front office at ext. 3000 and email the teacher. You must do both to ensure the homeroom teacher receives the message.
Please do your best to make all changes for your child's dismissal plan before 2:30. This is a busy time of day in the office and in the classrooms and it is sometimes difficult to get the message to the teacher in time. Thank you!
February 14th: Early Dismissal
February 17th: School Closed
February 18th: Teacher In Service Day, School Closed
March 12th -14th: Early Dismissal, Parent Conferences
Haverford Township School District Goals
Contact Us:
800 Coopertown Rd.
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
Main Office:
Mrs. Nicole Natale, Secretary
(610) 853 - 5900, ext. 3000
Mr. Jerry Ummarino, VP
Ms. Elizabeth Mastrocola
(610) 853 - 5900, ext. 3500