Grades 6-12
October 2020 Secondary Science Newsletter
Jenny Nord
Email: jnord5257@columbus.k12.oh.us
Website: http://ccsoh.us/science
Location: 3700 South High Street, Columbus, OH, USA
Phone: (380) 997-0466
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ColumbusCitySchools/
It's a Whole New Reality!
CLT Google Folder: be sure to examine the new curriculum documents completely...they are loaded with resources! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rAgGPpJszPXfKUcZSsg5GR9ubbtSAJdq?usp=sharing
Teacher Prep Document: many links to assist with distance learning https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FGtqd8TqMlsuhHVIlXervHtfK359ViUceMbp2ggcgrU/edit?usp=sharing
Recordings of science training day
Topics from District Technology Day
Google Classroom 101: Using Google Classroom and Google Meet
Getting Started with Google Classroom and Materials Link
Digging Deeper with Google Classroom
Using Google Forms for Distance Learning
6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Teachers...Join Us!
6th grade: meets most 1st Wednesdays from 3:30-5:30 #38915
7th grade: meets most 3rd Wednesdays from 3:30-5:30 #38918
8th grade: meets most 4th Wednesdays from 3:30-5:30 #38922
Articles that Might Interest You
Using Pop Culture to Teach Genetics: https://tinyurl.com/y2wlde7f
Supporting Students with Disabilities during Covid19: https://sharemylesson.com/collections/supporting-students-disabilities-during-covid-19-pandemic
Distance Learning Ideas from Teachers: https://tinyurl.com/y3kyj2cf
Is Learning on Zoom the Same as in Person? Not to your Brain: https://tinyurl.com/y68l52vv
How to Build Relationships with Students during Covid19: https://tinyurl.com/y54yu4bh
Bring the Power of Stories to your Teaching: https://ditchthattextbook.com/storytelling/
4 Tips to Build Relationship with Remote Students: https://tinyurl.com/y6b7vyb5
Resources You Might Find Helpful
Hyperdocs Toolbox: 20 examples with different key tools to explore
10 Social Media-Inspired Learning Activities: https://ditchthattextbook.com/10-social-media-inspired-learning-activities-no-accounts-necessary/
8 YouTube-Inspired Classroom Video Ideas: https://ditchthattextbook.com/youtube-classroom-video-ideas/
30+ Free Digital Escape Rooms: https://ditchthattextbook.com/30-digital-escape-rooms-plus-tips-and-tools-for-creating-your-own/
Deep-Thinking Google Drawings Activity: https://ditchthattextbook.com/caption-this-a-fun-deep-thinking-google-drawings-activity/
20 Virtual Field Trip Ideas: https://ditchthattextbook.com/20-virtual-field-trip-ideas-and-activities-for-your-classroom/
20 Easy Ways to Collaborate with your Class Now: https://ditchthattextbook.com/20-easy-ways-to-collaborate-globally-with-your-class-now/
Daily Dos: many good for phenomena: https://www.nsta.org/resources/daily-do?MessageRunDetailID=3301910074&PostID=19147379&utm_medium=email&utm_source=rasa_io
Page of Science Freebies resources. Be sure to click on your subject matter at the bottom of the page for many more resources. https://tinyurl.com/y5lxoev9
Scientific American: Short podcasts on many subjects: https://www.scientificamerican.com/podcasts/
Accuracy of Glassware activity: https://tinyurl.com/y5zs36so
KoolAid Chromatography: https://tinyurl.com/y2zxx9rg
Conducting and Testing a Dichotomous Key Model for Fruit: https://tinyurl.com/y5puh5z4
O.D.E.: Great for Environmental Science, Biology, 6th grade and 7th grade:
Date/Time: Wednesday, October 21, 1PM
JOIN HERE: https://zoom.us/j/98656019399?pwd=aDBjRVB4T0owankxRlJ5QUJaTXZDdz09
Science and Content Standards Addressed:
Nature of Science; Grades 6-8, High School
6.ESS.4, 7.ESS.1, PS.M.1, B.DI.2, B.DI, B.DI.3, ENV.ES.5, ENV.ES.4, ENV.ER.3, ENV.ER.4
Learn how to determine the water quality of a local river by identifying the macroinvertebrates that live there! We will catch and quantify the local species to determine how human impact can impact the quality of our local water systems.
No pre-registration is necessary, however materials prep is required. Please ensure students/teachers have the following Aquatic ID handout.
Lesson Links to be covered during this webinar can be found here:
Be Sure to Take Care of You!
Resilient Educator Toolkit: https://tinyurl.com/y4ojlebb
Managing Anxiety and Emotional Well-Being: https://tinyurl.com/y6p7kz5n
Self-Care Tips for Teachers: https://tinyurl.com/y2awgqxz
Tips for Balancing Work and Life while Teaching Remotely: https://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2020/07/22/tips-for-balancing-work-and-life-while.html
What's the Big Deal about Phenomena?
o Natural phenomena are observable events that occur in the universe and that we can use our science knowledge to explain or predict. The goal of building knowledge in science is to develop general ideas, based on evidence, that can explain and predict phenomena.
o Anchoring learning in explaining phenomena supports student agency for wanting to build science and engineering knowledge. Students are able to identify an answer to "why do I need to learn this?" before they even know what the “this” is.
o By centering science education on phenomena that students are motivated to explain, the focus of learning shifts from learning about a topic to figuring out why or how something happens.
o Explaining phenomena and designing solutions to problems allow students to build general science ideas in the context of their application to understanding phenomena in the real world, leading to deeper and more transferable knowledge.
o Students who come to see how science ideas can help explain and model phenomena related to compelling real world situations learn to appreciate the social relevance of science. They get interested in and identify with science as a way of understanding and improving real world contexts. Focusing investigations on compelling phenomena can help sustain students’ science learning.
Phenomena examples have been listed in each of the CLT documents by unit/standard. Here are a few more that might be pertinent to your subject area:
-If Earth rotates, why doesn't it affect the airplane's distance:
-Why can't we inhale pure oxygen?
-What are the most popular pseudo-scientific claims?
-There are 2 exactly identical Earths, but they are on the opposite sides of the sun. How will this impact humanity?
Just go to https://www.quora.com/ and search for these questions or search for your own topic.
Free Websites with Phenomena: http://sunrisescience.blog/free-websites-ngss-anchoring-phenomena/
Telling a Story through Science Curriculum: https://fs24.formsite.com/edweek/images/WP-Carolina-Telling_a_Story_through_Science_Curriculum.pdf
Resources to Remember
Achieve 3000 has many articles for our 6-9th grade students. Please try to use one every week to two. Data suggests that if a student is exposed to an integrated article 40X a year that his/her Lexile will go up. Better reading leads to better science!
CK-12 search for topic; articles, videos, activities, study aids, lesson plans, practice, and real-world scenarios.
NewsELA has interesting articles to share with your students.
Padlet My padlet offers, among other resources, interactive tools and real-time data, citizen science opportunities, intstructional resources, and science news resources. https://padlet.com/jnord5257/science
Crash Course (HS) and Crash Course Kids (MS) offer video explanations on many science
concepts for students.
PhET Interactive search for topic; interactive simulations; make sure ahead of time that you can bring it up on your computer or Chromebook. PhET
PBS Learning Media is a site that partners with several PBS series and provides additional documents and activities. PBS Learning Media
Nova partners with PBS; search for topic; videos, labs, lessons (use the search on the left side) NOVA
Science Fridays articles for a variety of topics https://www.sciencefriday.com/
Infohio Digital library that offers a variety of content and services Infohio
What's Happening at Spruce Run?
This PD will give you information about the resource support available at Spruce Run Environmental Study Center. Be sure to check it out!
The newsletter below will be updated through out the first nine weeks, so please keep the link and check it often.
Here is a video about what is happening at Spruce.
Spooky Science
Scroll down to see science experiments that are fun for the kids to watch virtually. https://sciencebob.com/free-halloween-science-ideas/
Chemoween: you can make videos of some of these
Halloween Inspired Science Experiments: https://www.educationworld.com/a_lesson/halloween-inspired-science-experiments.shtml
Halloween Chemistry: https://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/education/students/highschool/chemistryclubs/activities/halloween-chemistry.html
Office of Teaching and Learning
Alyse Clark, Executive Director, Teaching and Learning
Kenny Lee, Director of Secondary Curriculum
Katy Myers, Secondary Curriculum Supervisor
Heather Allen, K-5 Coordinator, hallen704@columbus.k12.oh.us
Jennifer Nord, 6-12 Science Coordinator, jnord5257@columbus.k12.oh.us
Geri Granger, K-12 Spruce Run Coordinator, ggranger9556@columbus.k12.oh.us