FACS Career Services
Spring 2018
Greetings from Your FACS Career Consultant
Hello FACS faculty!
My name is Brittany Smith. If I have not yet had the opportunity to meet you, I am the designated FACS Career Consultant at the UGA Career Center. I work specifically with FACS and Social Work students which gives me the opportunity to develop industry-specific knowledge and relationships with relevant employers, and ultimately specialize in career paths and opportunities that will be most suited for the students in these colleges.Information that is new for this semester is highlighted below in bold font.
Email: bvsmith@uga.edu
Website: http://career.uga.edu
Location: Clark Howell Hall, South Lumpkin Street, Athens, GA, United States
Phone: 706-542-3375
Facebook: facebook.com/ugacareercenter
Twitter: @UGABSmith
Listed above are some of the services I can provide for your students. Ideally, students will begin to take advantage of the Career Center as early as possible in their college career; however, I am able to assist students at all levels, as well as recent alumni. Please do not hesitate to make referrals.
Students can meet with me via any of the following methods:
I have attached a slide you can display in your class to inform students of my weekly drop-in hours in Dawson Hall.
New This Semester - Online Appointment Scheduling!
Students may schedule individual appointments at the Career Center through their Handshake account.
Financial Planning, Housing, and Consumer Economics Internship and Career Fair
This year's FHCE Fair will be held Thursday, February 1st from 10 AM - 2 PM in Tate Reception Hall. While this fair is open to all UGA students, it is specifically targeted to students in the FHCE department. Please assist me in directing students to research companies ahead of time and come prepared and professionally dressed with plenty of copies of their resume.
For more information and an updated list of employers attending, please visit and direct students to http://tinyurl.com/FHCEFair18
Please note that students are also highly encouraged to attend the Spring Career and Internship Fair at the Classic Center on January 31st from Noon - 5 PM: https://uga.joinhandshake.com/career_fairs/3764/student_preview
Going Out of Town? Don't Cancel Class! - In-Class Presentations
As you finalize your Spring syllabi, I’d like to offer you the option of presenting on professional development/career-related topics in your classes.
This could be a good alternative to cancelling a class meeting if you need to be out for a day. Please contact me as early as possible to schedule these presentations.
Arch Ready Professionalism Certificate - Helping Students Become Workplace Ready!
Students may attend career workshops throughout the semester in order to earn the ArchReady Professionalism Certificate. For more information on this certificate, visit career.uga.edu/archready. We typically host 3-4 of these workshops per week.
A full list of eligible events for the Spring semester is posted at the link above. Many professors offer extra credit to students who complete this certificate. I am proud to report that FACS was the second highest-engaged college in the program in Spring 2017 behind Terry College of Business, thanks to your support! Please reach out to me if you are interested in adding Career Center-related assignments to your syllabus.
Employer Relations & Job/Internship Postings
If employers reach out to you regarding recruiting FACS students, please consider directing them to Handshake - the official UGA resource for employers to advertise open positions, connect with students, register for career fairs, and schedule on-campus interviews. I have attached information you can share with employers on how to utilize this resource.
You can also refer students who are seeking a job or internship. Handshake typically has 3,500-4,500 active postings. Students may set up their profile by visiting:
2 New Career Resources: Portfolium and Big Interview!
Portfolium - A collaborative network of people showcasing their projects, skills, and experiences to peers, mentors, and employers. The Portfolium network is designed for students to visually tell their academic and professional story through sharing the work they've completed both inside and outside of the classroom. http://uga.portfolium.com
Big Interview - Online practice interviews and interview skill building via use of pre-recorded industry-specific interview questions and students' webcams, giving them the ability to watch themselves back and easily share their recorded responses with others. http://uga.biginterview.com
If you are interested in utilizing either of these tools with your students, I would be happy to work with you on this!
Happy New Year, and please let me know if I can support you in any way during the Spring semester! I hope to speak with you soon.
Brittany Smith, FACS Career Consultant