The Petty Post
September 18, 2022
W.C. Petty Elementary
Location: 850 Highview Drive, Antioch, IL, USA
Phone: 847-838-8101
Twitter: @WCPetty34
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Monday, 9/19
- Ukulele Club, 3:30-4:00pm
Thursday, 9/22
- Cadet Orchestra Rehearsal (AUGS) 7:30-8:25 am
- ACHS Homecoming Parade @ 6:45 pm
Friday, 9/23
- Intermediate Orchestra Rehearsal (AUGS) 7:30-8:25 am
Monday, 10/3
- Safety Night for Families @ AUGS
Friday, 10/7
- No School: Teacher Inservice Day
Monday, 10/10
- No School: Indigenous Peoples' Day
Saturday, 10/15
- Boosters Boo Bash
5th Grade Math
Marching Band
Yearbook Ordering
It’s time to order the 2022-2023 WC Petty yearbook.
Cost: $20 (price increases on January 8, 2023)
Click on the website or scan the QR code:
Updates from the Teaching & Learning Department
2022-2023 Curriculum Nights Complete - Thank You!
AUGS Curriculum Night took place last week and elementary Curriculum Nights took place this week. The Teaching and Learning Department would like to thank the families that were able to come out and visit. If you were unable to attend, look for communication from teacher(s) through SeeSaw and Google Classroom. Grade Level Curriculum Guides can also be found on the Teaching and Learning Department webpage.
Updates from Human Resources
We are hiring paraprofessionals at Antioch Upper Grade School. Please apply online at the Antioch CCSD 34 website or contact Amy Mahr directly
Updates from the Technology Department
iPad Information Student iPads have a district-approved case installed that cannot be removed due to the warranty on the iPads. Each student will also be given a new Apple cord and Apple charging brick. These items need to be kept for the entire year and returned with the iPad at the end of each school year or there will be a replacement fee assessed for these items. Stickers and/or labels should not be placed on the iPad or bricks. If there is an issue and an item is not working, please contact your building administrator to get a different one as soon as possible. Please help with the expectation of having the iPad charged once the student comes to school. It is very important that the student has a charged iPad so that class and instruction time isn’t lost accomplishing this task. iOS Update The Technology Department will be pushing out an iOS update to all devices on Monday morning. If you notice a student’s iPad is asking to be updated, please push the button to allow it. It may ask to be updated at night, which is fine as long as the student is connected to the internet. This update should help with certain program issues that we are seeing in the district. The district will send the command to force the update, but students/staff may interrupt the download. If this happens, the students/staff should manually install the update. To install update go to: Settings → General → Software Update
Updates from Student Services
Family Safety Night
On the evening of Monday, October 3rd, Antioch CCSD 34 will be hosting a Safety Night for families. Please hold the date. Additional information regarding time, location, and topics to be presented will be coming soon.
Updates from Business Office
A Friendly Reminder Regarding Student Transportation
Students should arrive at their designated bus stop 5 minutes prior to their scheduled pickup time. If your child requires a parent/guardian to meet the student at the bus stop and no one is there to meet the student, the driver will continue their route and bring the student back to their school building once all students on the route are delivered. Please contact the Transportation Department directly at 847-838-8388 regarding any busing questions.