Bobcat Blitz
The weekly newsletter from Whiteford MS/HS - 03/22/2024
Dear Whiteford Parents,
Please be advised that the third marking period ends on Friday, March 22nd; please check Schoology for the most up to date grades and reach out to teachers as needed. Parents of seniors: it is especially important for seniors to stay on track academically this close to the end of the school year.
Eighth grade students who fail a third marking period core class will be routed into our “content recovery” intervention for the fourth marking period, to take place during their 8th block.
Middle School students: Payment to attend to Mud Hens Positive Behavior incentive trip (May 8th) was due via the INFINITE CAMPUS PAYMENT PORTAL on MARCH 21st, 2024. If you have not yet paid, the payment portal is still open to pay online.
Scheduling change: The Great American Eclipse is set to occur on Monday, April 8, 2024. We are looking to get students safely home prior to this event. Therefore, April 8 th has been changed to a half day with middle school/high school dismissal at 11:05am.
As the weather warms, please do take a moment to review our school's Dress Code (page 43-44) of our MS/HS Handbook. Please check to make sure your child is in compliance with this code before they come to school, as we do not wish to disrupt your student's learning, but will do so if necessary to enforce this code.
Mr. Fielder
The Great American Eclipse is set to occur on Monday, April 8, 2024. We are looking to get students safely home prior to this event. Therefore, April 8th has been changed to a half day dismissal with elementary dismissing at 10:55 am and middle school/high school at 11:05 am.
PROM 2024
Prom will be here before you know it! Please see the info below on how to buy tickets to attend.
Permission slips for After Prom are available in the High School office. All students who attend must have a permission slip. You do not have to attend Prom in order to attend After Prom.
The After Prom planning committee needs your help! They are looking for prize and food donations. If you are interested in helping, please see the links below. The After Prom is solely funded by donations, so thank you in advance for helping make this a night that our students will never forget.
As we finish up the year in health class we will begin our Healthy and Responsible Relationships and HIV/AIDS unit for health. In accordance with state law you can opt you student out of this unit. All material is uploaded on schoology for you to review and make that decision. Below is a parent letter explaining the unit and the form is an OPT OUT form. If you wish to OPT OUT of the unit please fill this sheet out or contact me directly via schoology or email at rj.rios@whiteford.k12.mi.us
Thank you,
Mr. Richard Rios
The High School Concert Choir and Chorale each received a "DIVISION I" rating at the MSVMA District 12 Choral Festival on Wednesday, March 20th. The festival was hosted by Lincoln HS. Both HS choirs received high marks from the three performance judges, including one perfect score of 30 and each choir also received a "1" in Sight reading. Congrats on a GREAT DAY OF SINGING!
This excellent rating makes them eligible for the State Choir Festival which will be held the first week of May at Leslie HS.
The NHS Induction Ceremony was held on Monday, March 18th. Way to go, Bobcats!
The NHS is hosing a blood drive on Monday, April 22nd from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Please see the link below if you would like to donate!
The Whiteford Track & Field scrap metal fundraiser will run from March 1st until May 1st unless donations start to run slow. The location of the scrap hopper will be posted later. Please help spread the word to help make this a successful fundraiser for our program.
There are some rules to follow:
No lithium batteries
No other batteries
No lighter switch on a gas grill
No propane tanks
Any container that held gas or oil needs to be cut in half so we can see that there is no fluid or gas left
Any lawnmower needs to have ALL fluids drained.
No electronics, televisions, or computers.
Please do not over-fill the hopper or block the door from being able to close
Digital Payments = Infinite Campus Fees
School meals are free this year, but students who wish to purchase additional lunch items will still have to fill out envelopes with cash/check, as in years past.
Standing Updates/Reminders
If your student will be taking medication during the school day (including over the counter meds) there are forms that need to be completed and turned in to the office. All medications are stored in the MS/HS office. Students are not permitted to keep any medication, including over the counter, in their locker. Parents must drop medicine off at the MS/HS office, as students are not permitted to do so. The office will be open at Registration Day and Open House to receive any medication that is accompanied with the appropriate forms, which can be accessed by clicking HERE and scrolling to the bottom/right of the page.
Technology Reminders for Spring
Additionally, please take a moment to review the school's Cell Phone/Wireless Communication Device Rules, as we have had an increase in cell phone/chrome book violations and misuse. In regards to Chromebook damage, please review the language from the Chromebook insurance agreement:
"Whiteford Agricultural School District is providing an opportunity to purchase insurance for a district-issued Chromebook assigned to your child. This insurance policy will cover the cost towards damages incurred due to cracked screens, liquid spills, drops, and device failures. Multiple insurance claims may result in future chromebook restrictions and repair fees. The insurance fee does not cover replacement of or damages to the power charger, excessive wear and tear, excessive cosmetic damage, vandalism, negligence of care, fire, abuse, or theft. Replacement fees will be assessed due to excessive damage, vandalism, or failure to return the Chromebook or charger in good working condition at the end of the school year."
Updated Cell Phone Policy
Please be advised of the following policy changes regarding cell phones and other wireless communication devices:
Middle school students are prohibited from using cell phones and other personal devices during classes or passing times. Middle school students may use devices before school, after school, or during lunch only.
High school students may possess their device or store it in their locker during class, but the device must be powered off. If possessed in the classroom, the student is prohibited from using the device unless given express and direct consent from the teacher, dean, assistant principal, principal, or other school personnel. High school students may use devices during passing times, before school, after school, or during lunch.
Air Pods, headphones, or other wired/wireless listening devices are prohibited in hallways and classrooms unless given express and direct consent from the teacher, dean, assistant principal, principal, or other school personnel.
Students who need to communicate with parents in regards to matters of illness, safety, transportation, etc., should communicate through the school office so administration is aware of any visitors to the building, medications, or potential illnesses/safety concerns.
Cell Phone Discipline Protocol
First offense - Device is confiscated by school personnel. The administrator will return the phone or device in question at the end of the day. The parents will be informed. The phone or device may be prohibited from school for a period of at least two weeks, and may be prohibited for the remainder of the semester/school year, depending on the nature of offense. The infraction will be documented.
Second offense - The device is confiscated by school personnel and delivered to the office. The parents will be informed and the student will be assigned a detention, restorative action, or other disciplinary action will occur. The phone or device will be returned at the end of the school day; the phone or device will be prohibited from school for a period of one-to-two weeks and may be prohibited for the remainder of the semester/school year, depending on the nature of offense. The infraction will be documented.
Third and successive offenses - The device is confiscated by school personnel and delivered to the office. The parents will be informed and the student may be subject to a one-day in school or out-of-school suspension. The phone or device in question will not be returned until a parent comes in to pick it up. The phone or device will be prohibited from school for a period of at least two weeks, and may be prohibited for the remainder of the semester/school year, depending on the number and nature of previous offenses. The infraction will be documented.
Contact Us
MS/HS Principal
734 856-1443 ext. 102
Jeremy Simmons
Assistant Principal/Athletic Director
734 856-1443 ext. 103
Ken Groch
Dean of Students 6-12
734 856-1443 ext. 240
Jennifer Head
MS/HS Counselor
734 856-1443 ext. 216
Amanda Duval
MS/HS Administrative Assistant
734 856-1443 ext. 108
Malinda Luzier
MS/HS/Athletics Administrative Assistant
734 856-1443 ext. 109