Bulldog Blast
Principal's Message
Welcome back, Bulldogs!
I hope everyone had a wonderful winter break, taking time to recharge and spending time with those you love.
We have one more week before the semester is over so now is the time to ensure your student's grades are where they should be and talk with them about any celebrations and/or concerns.
As I have transitioned back to being a ZHS Bulldog, a huge safety concern has come to my attention. Parents and students may NOT use the front bus loop from 6:35am - 7:15am and again from 1:15pm - 1:50pm. The bus loop is for buses and staff parking only during these times. Buses have not been able to safely drop students off in the morning due to vehicle traffic, staff members are waiting in backed up lines to park, and this puts our students and staff at risk. The gym parking lot is open in the morning until 7:15am so please drop your student off there. We are diligently working on a better solution, but we need your help in the meantime.
Starting now, you will hear a lot about "Bulldogs Bark" as we are moving toward branding our school and bringing us all together as a school family. Bulldogs are:
B - Brave (brave enough to always do what is right, not necessarily easy)
A - Academically Engaged (focused on learning and making progress)
R - Responsible (taking accountability and making good choices)
K - Kind (just be nice!)
We will be utilizing positive behavior incentives aligned with these attributes. Students will earn points that they can spend in the school store.
Your Proud Principal,
Amanda McCoy, Ed.S.
Bulldog Business 1/6/25
Monday, 1/6/25
o SIT Team Meeting, room 1-315 – 10:00am
o Admin Meeting - 12:45pm
o Biology, US History, Geometry EOC retakes
o Cheer Practice, Commons - 2:45 – 5:00
Tuesday, 1/7/25
o FAST ELA 10 PM2 testing (2nd period)
o Algebra 1 EOC retakes
o ZHS Leadership Meeting, Media - 1:45pm
o Cheer Practice, Commons – 2:45 - 5:00
o FFA Judging Practice, Room 800 – 1:45 – 2:30
o Boys Basketball JV/V vs LOL - 6:30pm (Mckinney Cover)
o Girls Soccer V only vs AATL - 6:30pm (Hardy Cover)
Wednesday, 1/8/25
o FAST ELA 10 PM2 testing (3rd period)
o Algebra 1 EOC retakes
o Cheer Practice, Commons - 2:45 – 5:00
o Girls Weightlifting Conference away at CCHS - 1:00pm
o Girls Basketball V only vs CCHS - 6:30pm (McCoy Cover)
o Boys Soccer V only vs Hernando - 6:30pm (McCoy Cover)
Thursday, 1/9/25
o FAST ELA 10 PM2 testing (4th period)
o Algebra 1 EOC retakes
o Cheer Practice, Commons - 2:45 – 5:00
o Boys Basketball JV/V vs Wildwood - 6:00pm (Yonkof Cover)
o Girls Basketball JV/V away at AAI - 6:00pm
Friday, 1/10/25
o FAST ELA 10 PM2 testing (5th period)
o Algebra 1 EOC retakes
o Calendar Meeting 8:15am
o Boys Soccer JV/V vs PHS - 6:00pm (Wasilewski Cover)
o Girls Soccer JV/V away at PHS - 6:00pm
o Boys Basketball JV/V away at South Sumter - 6:00pm
Saturday, 1/11/25
o JROTC-Robotics Meet at Steinbrenner High School
o FFA - Petting Zoo at Pioneer Museum
Monday, 1/13/25
No School
Great Things are Happening at ZHS!
Your ZHS JROTC took 2nd place at the District Rifle Championship on 12/21/24!
Your ZHS FFA collected donations and delivered presents to children in the hospital on 12/23/24!