This Week @ PS 88Q
May 19, 2024
Wellness Fair: Tuesday May 21st 5:15pm-7:00pm
A Message From Mrs. O'Shaughnessy
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. What a week we had at PS 88Q! May and June is so busy, and all good things. Keep checking the calendar, instagram, email and the website, as it is time to celebrate all of the hard work our students are doing.
I wanted to share my thoughts about the amazing art show we had this week. All of this work was done by 600+ students, BUT ONE TEACHER, MS. FOGARTY. The biggest shout out to Ms. Fogarty, for making space, time and inspiration for our students.
Music, art, and theater are alive at PS 88Q and that is so important. Our students are given the opportunity to shine, to explore and to create. All students have strengths, and having our students discover their talents is critical in student development. Stay tuned for Disney's production of Finding Nemo, and for our many band performances this month and next. Additionally, our students were selected to perform at the Queens North Showcase on May 31st.
This week I cannot wait to see everyone at the Wellness Fair. Last year it was a huge hit! A beautiful night to meet other families, explore the building and take the tip to fill our emotional cup.
Also, Friday, come out and cheer our students on as they walk around the perimeter of our building (outside) as they share what they belive... May The Change Be With You, Friday May 24th.
Have a wonderful week!
Thank you Ms. Fogarty and ALL OF OUR ARTISTS!
What a huge success! Ms. Fogarty did an amazing job not only inspiring 600 plus students in creating art, but in assembling the work and presenting it. Thursday evening we welcomed our families into the gym for the massive exhibition. Friday, the students all visited our museum. The artwork will be displayed this week on our main floor, so that all can see. Art walks will be conducted Thursday to Friday from 9am-10am! Check out the video below
Musical IQ
We are so happy for our 2nd grade. They are taking part in a 6 week residency with Musical IQ. Check out 2-212!
Queens Borough Arts Festival
With hundreds of submitted performances around the borough, PS 88q was selected to perform at the 10th Annual Queens Borough Arts Festival! Mr. Handell's class, under the direction of Mr. Alboum will perform "The Ridgewood Bound M Train Rag". The performance is May 31st from 6pm to 8pm. We are so proud of the work the students are doing, in all aspects of the arts.
PS 88Q Wellness Fair: Tuesday May 21
Dear P.S.88Q Families,
P.S.88Q is connecting with many communities to bring you resources to support you in living a healthier,
more fulfilling life by promoting mental and physical health and wellness. In honor of May being Mental
Health Awareness Month, in order for us to share these resources in the most direct way possible, the
P.S.88Q S.M.I.L.E. and Social Justice Committees invite you to participate in the 2024 Wellness Fair on
Tuesday, May 21st from 5:15pm –7:00pm!
At this event, you will have access to several exciting stations which include:
- 2 Sessions of Yoga (Advance sign-up through google form which will be provided)
- A licensed Massage Therapist (Advance sign-up through google form which will be provided)
- Mental Health Resources provided by various local community organizations
- Fitness Station to learn the Why’s and How’s of staying fit
- “Up-cycling” T-shirts to re-purpose them into reusable bags to promote environmental wellness
(please bring your own T-shirt)
- Making calming “Sensory Bottles” for self-regulation
- Creating Affirmation Rocks for building self-esteem and staying positive
- Raffles and goodie bags
Come find ways to help you and your family stay well in every way imaginable!
We hope you can make it!
The P.S.88Q S.M.I.L.E. and Social Justice Committees
Reiki with Deanna
Massage with Francisco
Yoga with Anna
May The Change Be With You
Teaching Our Students To Make A Difference
May 24th: May The Change Be With You
“I’m convinced of this: Good done anywhere is good done everywhere. For a change, start by speaking to people rather than walking by them like they’re stones that don’t matter. As long as you’re breathing, it’s never too late to do some good.”- Dr. Maya Angelou
PS 88 Social Justice Committee is excited about their latest initiative:"May The Change Be With You." We're excited to share more details about this upcoming event and how you can get involved.
"May The Change Be With You" is scheduled for Friday, May 24th, 2024, and it's set to be a transformative day for our students. This initiative is designed to empower our students to explore and take action on important social justice issues. Each class will be conducting research tailored to their age group and interests, focusing on topics such as Social Emotional Learning (SEL), anti-bullying strategies, animal welfare, poverty, support for Students with Disabilities (SWD), and mental health awareness—particularly addressing anxiety, which is crucial for our fifth graders transitioning to middle school in the fall.
Here are the topics:
Grade K
Community clean-up: Organizing litter clean-ups in parks and neighborhoods to promote a clean and healthy environment
Grade 1
Animal welfare: Promoting kindness towards animals through responsible pet ownership, supporting local animal shelters, and raising awareness about animal rights.
Grade 2
Environmental conservation: Encouraging kids to participate in activities like recycling, conserving water, and planting trees.
Grade 3
Bullying prevention: Educating peers about the effects of bullying and promoting kindness, empathy, and inclusion in schools.
Grade 4.
Supporting children with disabilities: Educating others about inclusion, organizing fundraisers or events to benefit local disability organizations, and advocating for equal opportunities for children with disabilities
Grade 5
Mental health support: Promoting activities that reduce stress and anxiety, organizing events to raise awareness about mental health, and advocating for improved access to mental health resources in schools.
May being Mental Health Awareness Month adds significance to our efforts, highlighting the importance of promoting well-being and resilience among our students. Through engaging activities and discussions, we aim to equip our students with the knowledge, skills, and empathy to effect positive change in our school and community.
The culminating event will be an outdoor presentation—a Community Learning Walk—where students will showcase their learning and share their insights with peers, families, and community members. We invite you to participate in guiding students' research, facilitating discussions, and providing mentorship to ensure the success of "May The Change Be With You."
We're encouraging our families to "cheer" our students on as they showcase their learning, and walk around the perimeter of the school on May 24, 2024.
Thank you for your dedication to our students and our school community. Together, we can inspire change, foster social justice, and empower our students to make a positive impact in the world.
We Are Fair...A District 24 Celebration
Last year, District 24 hosted a wonderful day at the bandshell in Forest Park. All school participated, performed and created a fun day for all. This year, it is being held on June 8th and it will be even better! Our band and our GRYC dancers will be performing again. Stay tuned for more details!
From Our Chancellor
Curbside Composting in Every K-12 School
Dear New Yorkers,
The subject line says it all: we now have curbside composting in every New York City Public School! As of this spring, the New York City Department of Sanitation (DSNY) is conducting compost pickup five days a week from every K-12 building across our city. And, for the first time ever, composting will continue throughout Summer Rising as well.
Composting is a simple yet important strategy for reducing waste and fighting climate change. Last school year alone, our schools used composting to divert over 13,000 tons of material—from pizza crusts to orange peels to eggshells—that would have otherwise gone to a landfill.
Here’s how composting works: Students and staff place food scraps, napkins and compostable trays and utensils into DSNY brown bins. Food needs to be sorted correctly, and many schools have created Green Teams, led by students, who monitor waste disposal in our cafeterias and teach their peers about composting. Our Office of Energy & Sustainability also provides composting training and ongoing support to our educators, custodian engineers, and school food staff.
Then, after DSNY collects these food scraps, they are turned into fertilizer, which our schools can request to use in their school gardens, or biogas, a renewable alternative to fossil fuels that can help power our city.
I want to thank our partners at DSNY for making this large-scale effort possible; I’m proud to say that we have the largest school composting program in the nation. And I’m hopeful that as students practice composting at school, they will bring that knowledge home—families can learn about composting in their neighborhood here.
Green, sustainable schools contribute to a green, sustainable city. At New York City Public Schools, we are doing our part to fight climate change and create a healthier environment for us all.
Soaring high,
David C. Banks