Monroe Memo
February, 2025

A Message From Mrs. Parduhn
We’ve observed a significant drop in student attendance across our school during January, largely due to widespread illnesses. We understand how challenging it can be to care for children when they’re unwell, and we truly appreciate your efforts in doing so. However, we’ve also noticed some absences unrelated to illness or appointments. When students miss school, they lose valuable opportunities for learning and growth. Each day of instruction builds upon the previous one, and our teachers work hard to fill every moment of the school day with meaningful learning experiences. That’s why it’s so important for students to be present for the entire school day, as learning continues right up until 3:40 PM. Thank you for always supporting Monroe!
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Conferences will be held on Thursday, February 13th from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm. Your child's conference time will be scheduled at the same time as their fall conference. For grades 1-5, a note from your child's teacher was sent home with specific information regarding their conference time and type of conference. Please return the form as soon as possible to ensure your time slot. If you were unable to make the fall conference date, there is still time to make arrangements for February 13th by contacting your child's teacher. Please call the school office if you have not received the form mentioned above or if you have any questions. 920.663.9550
Kindergarten families please sign up for a conference time with your child's teacher via their Google calendar sent out via ClassDojo.
Safety Drill of the Month- "HOLD"
Students and staff would clear the hallways and remain in their classroom or area until the “All Clear” is announced. They would do their business as usual within the room until the "All Clear" is given.
A Message From Mrs. Bruckner, School Counselor
Lifeskills Line-up for February
Kinder and 1st are learning about Perseverance
2nd and 3rd are finishing up Internet Safety
4th and 5th are working ways to become more Responsible
At the end of the month we will be transitioning to Protective Behaviors in K-3. A parent letter will come home to share this content. 4th and 5th grade will start to explore different Career Pathways in our Xello program.
If you are concerned about your student please feel free to contact me to discuss.
Solution Teams Stand Outs!
Attendance Team: - Our attendance numbers are AMAZING. We continue to see high numbers of attendance from all our students. For the year we are at 96.75% attendance which is higher than state average. Students earned a donut and bookmarks on our "gotcha days". These days are a surprise gift when they are here those days.
Cooperative Culture Team: This quarter our students focused on Active Listening Skills. When this skill was demonstrated homerooms earned a Popcorn Party and Cooking Making party. We love celebrating our great listeners.
Read and Respond: We are continuing to work on growing these numbers! We ask all families to read with their students at home each week and complete the read and respond worksheet so that their SFA groups can earn points. In quarter one we had a 49% return rate and in Quarter 2 we are at about 38% return rate. Teachers are implementing different incentives in their classes to help encourage our students to READ AT HOME! With this team effort we will continue to increase our number of students reading at grade level!
Mrs. Lallensack
What is your position here at school and how long have you worked at Monroe? 3rd grade Teacher
What is your favorite thing to do with your friends? I love to go camping, go for a coffee, workout.
Who is your favorite Disney character? Nemo
In your opinion who is the greatest athlete of all time? Simone Biles
If you could have a superpower what would it be? Fly of course!
What is your favorite snack food? Larabars
What are you afraid of? bugs
What is your favorite children's book? My favorite book when I was a kid was "The Monster at the End of this Book" and it is still one of my many favorites.
Mrs. Phelps
What is your position here at school and how long have you worked at Monroe? Speech Therapist for 7 years at Monroe
What is your favorite thing to do with your friends? Go tubing on the Wolf River, Go to a Brewer game, or Go out for dinner
Who is your favorite Disney character? Gaston from Beauty and the Beast
In your opinion who is the greatest athlete of all time? Michael Jordan
What is your favorite snack food? Chips
What was your favorite toy as a child? My Fisher Price easle - my stuffed animals were my students
What are you afraid of? Snakes, heights, and being late.
What is your favorite children's book? Ugh by Arthur Yorinks
Mrs. Jacobson
What is your position here at school and how long have you worked at Monroe? 4th grade teacher; 4th year here
What is your favorite thing to do with your friends? hangout, talk, play board or card games
Who is your favorite Disney character? Minnie
If you could have a superpower what would it be? I would love to be able to time travel.
What is your favorite snack food? Anything sweet
Is there a skill you would like to learn? crocheting
What was your favorite toy as a child? stuffed, pink elephant
If you could trade lives for one day with anyone, who would that be? Rick Steves because he gets to travel around the world.
What is your favorite children's book? Green Eggs and Ham
As of Dec. 18th, 2024, there were 323 incidents of school shootings in the United States. There is no denying that this is a scary statistic. Many times we feel helpless and have no idea how we can make a positive difference. In this case, it is important to become educated about the warning signs of school violence. The sooner we can identify a potential threat, we can start to intervene and provide support to avoid an escalated situation. Join us on Wednesday, Feb. 12th in the Wilson Middle School Auditorium for an informational session to learn more about how you can play a part in preventing school violence.
Monroe Elementary School
2502 South 14th Street, Manitowoc WI
Phone - 920-663-9550
920-663-9666 attendance line
Fax - 920-663-9551