Early Childhood Special Education
March 2024
The mission of the Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Department is to build independence in all preschool students to enable them to reach their full potential in preparation for kindergarten.
Director's Corner
Happy March-
We are rounding out the end, hopefully, of the winter months. Spring will soon be here. Spring Breaks are at the end of the month. As you're planning for time off from schools, gather books so that you and your child can spend some time every day reading. It is an invaluable opportunity for you to spend time together, model reading, and provide language exposure. So much learning and growth from an experience that you can repeat daily.
Stacy M. Sturdivant
Director of Early Childhood Special Education
2024 SSD Board of Education Election
Three candidates have filed for two open positions on the Special School District Board of Education in the spring election. The open positions are for three-year terms and represent the following subdistricts:
Subdistrict 5 – Brentwood, Kirkwood, Lindbergh, Valley Park, and Webster Groves school districts
Subdistrict 6 – Ladue, Normandy, Ritenour, and University City school districts
In March, the Board candidates will be interviewed by the SSD Governing Council, which selects new members of the Board of Education. The Governing Council is comprised of one Board of Education member from each of the 22 school districts in St. Louis County. Learn more about SSD's current Board of Education members, policies, and meetings on the District website.
St. Louis County Library
Did you know that the St. Louis County Library offers more than just books? They offer a whole host of events at each of their locations throughout the County. Visit their events webpage today and discover what interests you!
Recreation Council
Discover the what, why and how behind the incredible work we get to do every day for individuals with disabilities. Download our latest newsletters and area guides to learn more about the Recreation Council of Greater St. Louis and ways you can get involved with programs or events.
IT’S ARRIVED. 2024 Summer Guide can now be viewed and printed. Plus, check out these resources:
Explore St. Louis
Spring break is just around the corner. Thankfully St. Louis offers many opportunities for families to get out and about together. Explore St. Louis has a robust directory of local museums and galleries. Get out and see what St. Louis has to offer.
Follow SSD on Instragram
SSD launched a new Instagram account in October and would love for you to follow. The District will be sharing photos and updates from all across the District, including our students and staff in partner districts. Follow us to stay connected and see what we are up to: www.instagram.com/ssdstlco/
SSD Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)
Letter from the PAC President: Greetings PAC Family! It can be overwhelming figuring out school, insurance, future planning, not to mention what to make for dinner, all while parenting our beautiful kids who require extra attention. We're here to help you navigate the confusing waters of the disability world with our PAC meeting presentations. We want to help you now so your child’s future is bright.
Check out our upcoming meeting topics below. Note: Our PAC meetings are always held on the second Wednesday of the month, 7-9 PM, August through May (except March):
May 8, 2024: Mark your calendars for our in-person celebration at SSD Central office! We are working to make it a one-stop shopping experience that will hook you up with integral resources for your child all in one place.
Come join your PAC family and get that help you haven’t had time to ask for.
Peaceful holidays to all,
Rebecca Flieg
President, SSD Parents Advisory Council
Don't forget Dolly Parton's wonderful opportunity for free books!
Family Resource Hub Food Pantry is stocked with food and supplies and open for families who are in need. Contact FACE or your school social worker to find out more.
Family Cafe
Join FACE on March 14th at North Technical High School, 1700 Derhake Rd, Florissant, MO 63033 from 6-8 pm for Family Cafe. Family Cafes are hosted by families for families. They provide parents and caregivers a safe and welcoming space to connect and learn from each other. They are centered on the Strengthening Families Five Protective Factors: Resilience, Relationships, Knowledge, Support, and Communication. Register today!
Family Leadership Institute (FLI)
FUTURE LEADERS WANTED! Would you like to become more involved in the special education process? Family Leadership Institute offers participants a comprehensive set of opportunities to enhance their skills and knowledge in various areas related to education, family engagement, and collaboration. Sign up today for the Family Leadership Institute (FLI). FLI will be held April 17th, 24th and May 1st from 5:30-8pm. Click here to find out more and to register.
Arbeiter: Gift-of-Sound
The need for financial assistance is growing at an alarming rate for those with audiology needs. Since hearing aids, hearing molds, audiological equipment, and/or repairs are not always covered by insurance or tax dollars, we need your help more than ever before!
Funds will be used to purchase hearing aids, earmolds, repairs, and all things audiological. On behalf of the students and parents we serve, know that your generosity and support are greatly appreciated. Thank you for helping SEF provide more children with the gift of sound. Donations accepted through April 5, 2024 https://sef-stl.org/fundraising/arbeiter-donation.html
- Special School District Website; Here is the Special School District Website. Please explore to learn further.
- Family and Community Engagement: The mission of the FACE department is to partner with students, families, and staff to support students' specialized academic, social, and emotional needs to promote self-determination, equitable opportunities, and authentic inclusion.
- Parent Advisory Council of Special School District ; Please visit this site to learn details about the Parent Advisory Council (PAC)
The ECSE Administrative Team
Director of Early Childhood Special Education
(314) 989-8411
Special Education Coordinator
Ladue & Ritenour
(314) 989-8374
Special Education Coordinator
Affton, Bayless, Hancock, South County Head Start, &Webster
Special Education Coordinator
Brentwood, Lindbergh & Valley Park
Special Education Coordinator
ECSE Deaf/Hard of Hearing
Special Education Coordinator
Evaluation Teams & Parkway Step Program
(314) 989-7831 or (314) 415-4980
Special Education Coordinator
Parkway ECC, Parkway North Preschool, & Satellite Sites
(314) 415-4983
Special Education Coordinator
Maplewood-Richmond Heights, Jennings, Normandy, & Riverview Gardens
(314) 989-8213