District Newsletter

We commit to high achievement for all students
Chardon Schools hosts Do It For James Foundation
The Chardon Local School District recently hosted Tim and Tamia Woods, founders of the Do It For James Foundation, for a powerful and important presentation on the dangers of online sextortion.
James Timothy Woods was a vibrant 17-year-old with a passion for running and a contagious personality. He was kind, funny, and loved by all.
“Nobody could ever find a reason not to like him,” Tim Woods, James’ father, said. “He was always happy, smiling, and joking around. He had a magnetic personality.”
“He came to us for anything,” Tamia Woods, James’ mother, said. “He knew that we had his back on anything. We proved that to him.”
James’ life was tragically cut short on Nov. 19, 2022, by the actions of money-hungry criminals.
James was harassed and blackmailed by cybercriminals who tormented him for hours as part of an online sextortion scheme. Over the course of about 19 hours, he received 200 threatening messages from four different people. Ultimately, sleep-deprived and under unimaginable duress, James took his own life.
Determined to prevent other families from experiencing their loss, James' parents, Tamia and Tim, founded The Do It For James Foundation. This non-profit organization aims to:
- Raise awareness: Educate the public about the dangers of cyberbullying and sextortion.
- Support mental health: Provide resources and assistance for those struggling with mental health issues.
- Empower youth: Encourage and support young people through scholarships and programs.
“I just want you all to understand that sextortion is real,” Tamia said. “I don’t want you to learn the way that Tim and I had to learn.”
The Chardon Local School District thanks Tim and Tamia Woods for sharing this powerful presentation with our high school students, parents and guardians.
If you missed the presentation but would like to watch a replay, please click the button below.
Fox 8 Visits Munson Elementary
On Wednesday, Jan. 29, Fox 8 News broadcasted a special eight day weather forecast, live from Munson Elementary.
Our Hilltopper students assisted Fox 8 Meteorologist Alexis Walters in presenting the forecast to station viewers.
Walters also conducted science experiments with students, helping them learn more about static electricity and lightning.
Thank you, Fox 8, for bringing this exciting, educational experience to Chardon Schools!
If you missed the broadcast, you can find replay clips by clicking the button below.
Park Students Celebrate Reading Milestone
Students in Mrs. Tammy Carver’s class at Park Elementary School recently celebrated an impressive educational milestone, showcasing their dedication to reading.
After realizing that her students had already read over 187,000 words as part of their
Accelerated Reading Program, Mrs. Carver challenged her students to increase their
total to 300,000 words read.
The students crushed their goal, reading nearly 400,000 words by the end of their
challenge. To celebrate, Mrs. Carver as well as Park Elementary Principal Jill Makee,
were doused in Silly String by the students.
This milestone is a testament to the students’ hard work and enthusiasm for learning.
Congratulations to Mrs. Carver’s class on their success!
CELC Students Investigate Communications Technology
Students in Mrs. Amy Ridgeway’s kindergarten class at Chardon Early Learning Center recently had an up-close look at the evolution of communication technology.
The class explored a collection of telephones, ranging from a rotary phone to a smartphone, to see how communication technology has advanced over time. They were challenged to think like inventors and identify which improvements have made telephones easier to use. The students noted that dialing numbers on older rotary phones took a long time and that buttons have made the process much faster and more convenient.
Additionally, after holding an old camera, the students were amazed that modern smartphones can incorporate that technology as well.
Chardon Middle School Science and Arts Fair 2025
Congratulations to all of the students and staff members who put a lot of hard work into this special event.
Mark Your Calendars: Balancing Technology with Student Success and Wellness
Mark your calendars for these important upcoming presentations regarding how to balance the use of technology with student success and wellness.
Board of Education
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Our Mission ~ We Commit to High Achievement for All Students
Our Vision ~ Chardon Local Schools will be a Model School District by 2028