MHS Newsletter
Important Upcoming Dates:
21, 22, 23 - Semester 1 Final Exams
24 - Semester Break - NO SCHOOL
27 - Start of Semester 2 - 8 Period Day Schedule
29 - Course Information Night - 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
4 - Club & Activity Picture Day
13 - Districtwide 2-Hour Early Release
11 - ACT Day (Juniors only)
13 - Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences (4-8 p.m.)
24-28 - Spring Break (NO SCHOOL)
Prom: May 17
Last Day of School for Seniors: June 4
Last Day of School for 9th-11th Grade: June 11
Graduation: June 8
Semester 1 Exam Week News
Exam week is just around the corner and we wanted to make you aware of the bussing and lunch schedules on these three days. Please click here to view the Semester 1 exam schedule for reference as you are reading.
Exam Day 1: Tuesday, Jan. 21: Lunch is provided for students from 12 - 1:10 p.m. Lunch dues are the same as any normal day during the school year. Buses come at the end of the day, like normal, at 2:45 p.m. and depart from MHS at 2:52 p.m.
Exam Day 2: Wednesday, Jan. 22: Lunch is provided for students from 12 - 1:10 p.m. Lunch dues are the same as any normal day during the school year. Buses come at the end of the day, like normal, at 2:45 p.m. and depart from MHS at 2:52 p.m.
Exam Day 3: Thursday, Jan. 23: Lunch is provided for students from 10:40 a.m. - 11:10 a.m. Lunch dues are the same as any normal day during the school year. This is a districtwide 2-hour Early Release day. Buses come at the end of the scheduled 2-hour Early Release day at 12:45 p.m. and depart from MHS at 12:52 p.m. Please prepare for this if your child will be taking the bus home from school on Exam Day 3 - Thursday, Jan. 23. Students will be supervised in the commons after lunch until the buses come.
PLEASE NOTE: All three exam days are open campus, which means students do not have to be in attendance when they do not have finals. When students do not have a final, they are expected to be out of the building, with an assigned teacher, or in the commons.
Friday Jan 24: NO SCHOOL. Have a great 3-day weekend!
Junior Students and Families - Direct Admit Wisconsin
Junior students and families - Mukwonago High School is now partnering with Direct Admit Wisconsin.
What is Direct Admit?
- Direct Admission alternative to the typical college
admission process for most UW System Schools - Students are proactively offered a place in college
- Admission is based on unweighted high school
GPA and high school coursework completion.
Please be on the lookout for more information to be coming in the near future.
- MHS School Counseling Team
A, B, C, D Day Schedule Rotations
The decision to make the PreACT on 4/8 a 9th and 10th grade-only day bumped our rotational schedule by one day. You can see the updated year-at-a-glance calendar here.
ACT Corner
Q: What are the benefits of a strong ACT score if I am joining the military?
A strong score allows you to qualify for officer training programs such as ROTC.
Application to military academies can require an average composite of 30.
Certain military career fields require higher aptitude scores. Obtaining these jobs can lead to bonuses upwards of $50,000.
Many military scholarships consider ACT scores as part of the selection process.
If you pursue further education during or after your military service, it can improve your acceptance.
A high ACT score reflects strong problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
If enlisting, the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test has similar structures and skills as the ACT.
Aurora Summit Career Exploration Fair 2025
Greetings from Aurora Medical Center Summit!
Students and parents are invited to join us on Thursday, March 6th, 2025, from 4-7 pm for our second annual Career Exploration Fair! We had such a successful event last year, that we decided to offer this amazing event again this year! Please see the attached flyer here.
Students will find clinical and non-clinical departments represented with lots of interactive displays. They will be able to hear directly from experts from those departments to learn first-hand about careers in health care. There will be a few local universities on-site as well, and I will be present to speak to students about volunteer opportunities. This is a drop-in event, so no RSVP is required.
Community Ed 2025 Winter & Spring Programs
Click the photo below to be directed to the link!
Sports Corner
Looking for something to do this weekend? Come cheer on any of the following MHS Varsity games, meets & invitationals, or simply just wish them luck! Go Muk!!!! 👏
Friday, Jan. 17
Girls Varsity Basketball Game: ~ AWAY - @ Waukesha North - Starts @ 7:00 p.m.
Boys Varsity Basketball Game: ~ HOME - vs Waukesha North - Starts @ 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, Jan. 18
Boys Varsity Wrestling: Muskego Warrior Duals: AWAY ~ @ Muskego HS - Starts @ 9:15 a.m.
Girls Varsity Basketball Game: AWAY ~ @ Grafton - Starts @ 3:00 p.m.