Desert Edge HS 2024-25
Engaging ALL Scorpions in a Culture of Learning

A Message from Principal Hann
Scorpion Students and Parents,
Happy Summer! It is hard to believe it is the middle of July and just a few weeks away from the start of another incredible school year. I hope you all have had a restful summer and had an opportunity to have some fun! I found some time to travel with my family and spent a few days in both Las Vegas and Rocky Point, Mexico. It was my first time in Mexico and the beach was a perfect way to recharge from a busy school year. We had a busy summer at DEHS with renovations, teacher trainings, and working with our student leadership. We have been refining our practices and designing programs to ensure all our students are prepared and feel connected this year.
We would like to welcome all of our new students and families to our Scorpion family. We are here to help you as you navigate through the start of the year, so please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions. Monday, August 5 is Freshman ONLY Day. Starting on the first day, we will introduce the "Freshman Experience" for the incoming class of 2028. This year-long course is designed to help 9th grade students identify their career aspirations and post-high school goals. As part of this program, students will choose an academy at that best aligns with their ambitions, whether they are aiming for college, trade school, the workforce, or the military.
I am thrilled to share our plans and goals for the upcoming academic journey at Desert Edge. Our mission remains steadfast: Engaging ALL Scorpions in a Culture of Learning. We aim to foster growth, achievement, and community spirit. This year, we are focusing on enhancing collaboration among our students, promoting increased academic achievement, and reinforcing our commitment to the STING values that define our school—service, thoughtfulness, integrity, never giving up, and getting involved. These principles are not just words; they are the foundation of everything we do, whether in the classrooms, hallways, cafeteria, gyms, fields, or within our broader community.
This marks the start of my fourth school year, and I am honored to lead our Scorpions into this new school year. Thanks to the generous backing of our voters, we have made significant improvements to our school infrastructure. This includes renovated student restrooms, freshly painted classrooms, additional learning spaces, upgraded furniture in the library and some classrooms, an expanded cafeteria, and a brand-new track and football field. Furthermore, enhanced security fencing, cameras, and additional detectors around the school grounds ensures the safety of our students and staff.
With these improvements in place, we are ready to provide an even better environment for learning, growth, and collaboration. Together, as a community committed to excellence, we will continue to strive for academic success and nurture the values that make us proud to be Scorpions.
I look forward to partnering with each of you as we embark on another remarkable school year, no doubt with endless opportunities and outstanding student achievements. Through our collaboration, we will be able to reach new heights and create lasting memories for our students.
Enjoy the rest of your summer.
We will see you at Open House!
Gretchen Hann
Desert Edge High School
Desert Edge HS is a member of the Agua Fria High School District family of schools.
Open House- Come meet your teachers!
Welcome New Scorpions!🎉
Freshman Only Day- Monday, August 5, 2024🦂
Freshman Only Day will include students taking their school photos, their first high school assembly, a tour of the campus, and the opportunity to meet their teachers by following their class schedule. Schedules can be picked up at Open House on August 1. We will also distribute the schedule Monday morning.
All 9th graders should arrive to school no later than 8:05 am. Students will be released at 3:05 pm.
Breakfast and Lunch will be served but will NOT be free on this day.
Please be aware that your child will need to purchase breakfast/lunch or they can pack lunch. Parents can complete and submit a 24/25 SY Meal Benefit Application to be processed
before school starts. If students qualify for F&R meal benefits, their benefits will start the day their application is approved. If students do not have funds to purchase lunch on 8/5/24, they will be provided an Alternate Meal, consisting of a sandwich, fresh fruit and milk. Please send your child with money for lunch, set up the lunch account, or apply for meal benefits prior to the first day of school.
We know this can be a big step for parents and you want to support your child, however, no parents will be permitted to come into the school with their child beyond the front office. We ask that all parents say their goodbyes and take their first day photos at the gate. We will ensure your child is safe and finds their way on this day.
The Academies at Desert Edge High School
Freshman Academy
Academy of Media, Arts & Design
Academy of Medicine & Public Service
Academy of Business & Agriculture
The Academies provide pathways for students to explore high-wage, in-demand careers and understand the necessary education, training, and credentials to achieve their career goals. By integrating core subjects such as Algebra, English, Arts, and US History with workforce-focused experiences, students can apply classroom knowledge to real-world business contexts. Students will have the opportunity to:
- Earn industry-recognized credentials and college credits
- Complete a capstone project and participate in an internship to compile a portfolio that showcases their talents
- Learn essential skills, including communication, collaboration, integrity, responsibility, and critical thinking
DEHS Bell Schedule 2024-25
*Please note that Edge Extension will now occur after 2nd hour
Transportation Information
NEW Students: You must register for transportation using the Edulog Parent Portal. Information and a step-by-step video can be found here: https://www.aguafria.org/Page/6224
Returning Students: Any student who has previously registered or received transportation must re-register for the 2024-2025 school year (see graphic for more information).
***PLEASE REGISTER BY 08/01/2024***
If you run into any complications in the registration process or do not have access to the internet or if you do not have a smartphone, please feel free to contact the District Route Coordinator, Lucinda Haney, in the Transportation Department by Phone: 623-932-7023 or Email: lhaney@aguafria.org.
Push notifications to all registered riders will be sent out once routes are complete with route information. This can take a minimum of 24-48 hours to complete
Student Drop Off/Pick Up
Where do I drop off and pick up my student? Please see the maps below for the Desert Edge access and traffic flow information. As with any school, traffic flow around our campus can be a challenge in the morning and afternoon. It is imperative that you use the designated areas as intended. This helps everyone get on and off our campus safely. We thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Safety & Security
Morning Security
Bookstore/Student Parking Info
How does my student get a parking pass?
Beginning Monday, July 22nd, student parking passes can be purchased in the bookstore for $50. Please bring the completed Student Parking Application form (found below) along with the student's driver's license and proof of insurance for the vehicle(s) that will be driven on campus.
Student's must park in the designated student parking lot only and must display their parking hangtag on their rearview mirror at all times. Students will not be assigned to a specific parking space number. Student parking passes are purchased on a first come, first served basis.
All students parking on campus must have purchased a parking pass by August 18th.
Students SHOULD NOT be parking in the Goodyear Recreation Center parking lot during the school day.
😊Student IDs and Yearbook Photos📷
9th grade- August 5
10th- 12th grades- August 6
Students must be dressed within dress code for their ID and Yearbook photo.
Senior Photos🎓🎓
Senior Yearbook Photos
Senior yearbook photos are taken at Grads Photography studio. Please see https://gradsphotography.com/ to schedule your appointment.
**deadline for Yearbook photo is January 21st for the 2025 seniors
** Please note that all ID Photos are taken at DEHS.
Athletic Parent Meetings for Fall Sports
Fall Sports Meeting
Football Meeting
Class Schedules
When does my child receive their class schedule?
All student schedules will be able to be viewed in ParentVue/ StudentVue on Thursday, August 1.
Paper copies of the schedule will be distributed to Freshman in Advisory on the first day of school. 10th, 11th and 12th grade students NEW to DEHS will pick up their paper copy in the school lobby at the start of the day on Tuesday, August 6.
PLEASE NOTE,: Advisory teachers HAVE CHANGED. Your student's 2nd hour teacher will be his/her Advisory teacher for the 24-25 school year.
Please check ParentVue/ StudentVue to confirm your class teachers.
What if my student’s schedule shows a class that was not on the course selection sheet? Unfortunately, not every course offered at registration becomes available. There are a variety of reasons why a class might not be offered (teacher availability, student interest, etc.) resulting in another course being selected for your student. Every effort is made to schedule students in the classes they selected whenever possible.
How can I request a schedule change?
As stated in the AFHSD Course Description Book, a student’s class schedule may change ONLY under the following circumstances:
- Completion of a class by online or summer school
- Failure of a prerequisite course
- Changes necessary because of health reasons
- Changes necessary to satisfy graduation requirements
- Administrative changes such as course conflicts, unbalanced class enrollments or student misplacement.
Class selections were finalized in March after we sent home course selections for parental approval. If classes were unavailable, we used alternate selections made by your student.
If you meet the above circumstances regarding a schedule change, please contact your counselor:
ALL Freshman: Alexa Parker aparker1@aguafria.org
Grades 10-12 as follows
Student Last Names A-C: Cinthia Bebawi-Oller cbebawi@aguafria.org
Student Last Name D-H: Elena Ashbrook eashbrook@aguafria.org
Student Last Name I-N: Nicholas Covert ncovert@aguafria.org
Student Last Name: O-R: Irma Padilla ipadilla@aguafria.org
Student Last Name: S-Z: Ashley Hurley ahurley@aguafria.org
Counselors will be available beginning July 24, 2023.
Course Fees💲
What fees do I need to pay?
Your student may also be enrolled in a course that has a required fee. To determine what those fees might be for your student, you can find the fee schedule attached below.
Course fees will be charged to student accounts on August 19, 2024, after all schedules have been finalized. All purchases and student debts can be paid through Desert Edge’s Online Webstore.
Please note: ParentVue must be activated to use this service. You are also welcome to visit the Bookstore in person.
Attendance Matters. EVERY DAY COUNTS!!
The parent or guardian is charged by law with responsibility for the student's consistent school attendance. The Superintendent will enforce the laws regarding attendance, with consideration for the variables that affect children and families.
In order to receive credit for the semester, 90% attendance is required in each assigned class
(A.R.S. 15-803B). Classes missed due to school approved activities, e.g., field trips, performing groups, student government, etc.,are excluded. Administrators are authorized to excuse additional absences for extended illness, injury or extenuating circumstances upon satisfactory verification. In such cases, to receive credit, students are expected to make up missed work in a timely manner. Should a student accumulate 10 total absences (verified and/or unverified) in a semester class credit can be withheld.
Students who have 10 consecutive days of absences in all classes will be
dropped from school for non attendance.
Students who have permission to leave campus during the school day must
sign out through the attendance office.
Mastery Learning and Assessment
We are so excited for another year of great learning.
Our district is committed to a well-rounded approach to education through Mastery Learning.
If you are new to Mastery Learning, click here for a summary.
Student Rights and Responsibilities
At DE, we aim to 'Engage ALL Scorpions in a Culture of Learning."
Every student has the right to learn
Every Teacher has the right to teach
Everyone at DE has the right to be in a friendly environment
Cell Phones- "AWAY FOR THE DAY"
- Instructional time is for engaging in learning, therefore, cell phone use during instructional time is not permitted.
- Students may use their cell phones during lunch or during passing periods.
- In the event a student uses their cell phone during instructional time without teacher permission may result in a discipline consequence.
- If you need to contact your student during school hours, please contact our attendance line in the event of an emergency.
Dress Code:
Students should wear attire or accessories that do not detract from the learning environment. Students should dress in a manner that takes into consideration the educational environment, safety, health and welfare of oneself and others. Any piece of clothing, jewelry, or accessory must not present a safety hazard to self or others, at the administration discretion.
Please see pages 27-28 in the Student Handbook for specific dress code information.
All things Technology!🤖
Technology Usage Agreement
Purchase your Device Protection Plan today!
Chromebook Troubleshooting
Follow Us @DesertEdgeHS
Be sure to link to our social media account.
Stay Up to Date on School events and important messages by following our school accounts- @DesertEdgeHS
What if I do not want my child’s image on the School's website or School Social Media?
If you do not want your student’s picture to be used for any school related internet post, please use the following link to opt-out
Food Service Updates
Returning students who qualified for F&R meal benefits last school year, will carry over their eligibility until 9/15/24.
These students MUST submit a new application for the 24/25 SY, to continue their eligibility past 9/15/24.
How does my student buy lunch?
Students provide their Student ID card to the cafeteria. After ID cards are distributed on the first day of school, students will be required to use their Student ID to purchase meals.
How do I apply for Meal Benefits (Free/Reduced Lunch)?
We encourage all families to apply for the Agua Fria High School District Free and Reduced Lunch program. In addition to receiving free and reduced price lunch, it has many other cost benefits when it comes to athletic and academic programs. The Meal Benefit Application is available on the website by visiting: www.aguafria.org/meals. You may also complete the packet attached below and submit to Ms. Koblinski, Parent Involvement and Community Relations Specialist.
From the Health Center
Each year, students must turn in an updated Health/ Medical Card for the School Nurse.
Please take a moment to update your child's medical records by completing this form and returning to their Advisory teacher on the first day of classes.
**** Action Required ****
A Message from your Parent Specialist
I am Colleen Koblinski and I am the Parent Involvement and Community Relations Specialist at Desert Edge High School. I am very excited and looking forward to the opportunity to work with you and your family.
As the Parent Involvement and Community Relations Specialist, my attention will be spent helping more parents and families become involved in the educational experiences of their child(ren). Research has shown that the more a family is involved in their children's education and school, the student will be more likely to stay in school, finish school, and excel in school. The administration and staff have done an outstanding job getting Desert Edge High School on the map as a successful and excelling school and I hope to support the school to further shine.
It is my goal to keep you informed and supported throughout your time as a DEHS parent. I will host monthly parent workshops to provide tips and ideas on how to get involved and assist your students with their studies. Should you need anything from assistance to activating your ParentVUE account to getting in touch with a specific teacher or just have a general question, I am here to help!
I am looking forward to getting to meet and know you. If you ever have any questions regarding this program or any other important information, please do not hesitate to contact me at ckoblinski@aguafria.org.
Colleen B. Koblinski
Parent Involvement and Community Relations Specialist
Title 1/Parent and School Compact
Helpful Links
About DEHS
Located near the Estrella Mountains, Desert Edge High School is the third high school in Agua Fria Union High School District, opening in the Fall of 2002. Desert Edge was the first "Green" Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) silver certificate high school in Arizona, and the fourth in the nation.
Desert Edge is an A+ School of Excellence! (2016 and 2020). The A+ School of Excellenceâ„¢ Program is a comprehensive school assessment program that celebrates outstanding schools and brings to light the positive stories and successes happening in public schools every day.
Desert Edge is located on Estrella Parkway and Yuma Road near the Goodyear Ballpark, Spring Training home of the Cincinnati Reds and Cleveland Indians.
Website: www.aguafria.org/dehs
Location: 15778 West Yuma Road, Goodyear, AZ, USA
Phone: 623-932-7500