Thunderbird Times
October 2024/ 3.12
What's Up at Marshall?!
Back To School!
PTSO Meeting!
Don't miss out on our first Parent Teacher Site Organization meeting of the year! We will meet in the Library at 6:00 on Tuesday, October 15 (during Conferences). We hope to see you there!
Student Safety and Belonging Survey
Parents, please take a few minutes to complete the survey below. Our school and our district appreciate your feedback!
Staff Spotlight
Ms. Regier- PE Teacher
- As a first-year teacher, what inspired you to become a teacher?
- I was inspired to become a teacher because I love helping people in any way that I can. I initially started as elementary ed during college, but later on I changed my major to P.E. I'm passionate about teaching students about how to live healthy lives and find fitness in activities they can enjoy throughout life!
- What have you enjoyed about Marshall so far?
- As a first-year teacher, and a new teacher to Marshall, one thing I have loved is how welcoming staff and students have been. There are still a lot of things I don't know and staff is always helpful if I have a question. Students who have been here as 6th and 7th graders have also taken me in and getting to know them everyday is what I look forward to.
- Do you have any advice you would give your middle school self?
- If I could give my middle school self advice, I would tell me that nobody is watching me as much as I think, and everyone messes up. It's okay when we make mistakes!
- What do you want people to know about you that we might not yet know?
- Something about me that I would want people to know that they might not already know... I love working out, but I have the biggest sweet tooth ever!
Assessment Information
We want to keep you and your child informed about the upcoming tests and assessments. It's very important for students to attend on these dates, as the assessments help us understand their abilities and can influence class placements. Talking with your child about the importance of these assessments and making sure they are present on these key days will help them perform their best. Please see the upcoming schedule below:
- Kansas Assessment Program Predictive Interim:
- English Language Arts – October 15th and 16th
- Math – October 29th and 30th
- Details: The Kansas Assessment Predictive Interim Program helps us understand how students are progressing in their learning and help predict their performance on future state assessments. This information allows us to better support each student's educational journey.
- FastBridge Assessments:
- English Language Arts – November 20th and 21st
- Math – November 18th and 19th
- Details: The FastBridge reading and math assessments help us understand your child's progress and identify areas where they might need extra support. These assessments ensure we can provide the best possible learning experience tailored to their needs.
Please feel free to reach out to myself, your child’s classroom teachers, or the school administration if you have any questions or concerns. We wish all students the best of luck in their upcoming tests.
Mrs. Patricia Brown
Marshall Assessment Coordinator &
Instructional Technology Specialist
After School Clubs
Students can stay after school for clubs. Clubs meet from 3:25- 4:25. Transportation is not provided- students will need to have a way to get home after clubs. A super snack is available for every student who stays for after school activities. See the table above to know what clubs we have, as well as what day the clubs meet.
Tutoring Information
After School Tutoring is available with Ms. Favre (Room 124). No need to sign up - students can just show up at Mrs. Favre's room on days they want to attend tutoring after school.
Students also have the opportunity to attend tutoring during recess. 6th grade is in Ms. Favre's room (124), 7th/8th grade meet in the Art Room (120) for recess tutoring with Ms. Guldner.
Marshall Website and Social Media
Marshall Webpage: https://www.usd259.org/marshall
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MarshallFamilies/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/marshallusd259?scrlybrkr=bb4d4182
Marshall Announcements: https://bit.ly/MarshallVideos
Marshall PTSO
If you are interested in being a PTSO member and have not signed up yet, please email Angie Erway at aerway@usd259.net with the following information:
- Your name
- Your student(s) name(s)
- Your phone number
- The best email address to reach you at
PTSO members are active at events, have the option of attending at least 2 PTSO meetings per year (typically during Parent Teacher Conferences), meet other Marshall parents, and more!