FBMS Weekly Newsletter
October 21, 2024 #inspiringhope
October & November
10/23: Early Release
10/25: Grade 6 Halloween Dance 2:45-4:15PM
10/31: Students may wear costumes (see guidelines below)
11/5: Tuesday, No School for Students
11/8: Quarter 1 Ends
11/11: No School; Veterans Day
11/15: Report Cards
11/18: Conferences
11/26: Conferences
11/27: Early Dismissal: 11:15AM, Thanksgiving Break begins
11/29-11/29: No School; Thanksgiving Break
This week our 7th-grade students attended a "CyberSense" assembly hosted by the Plymouth County District Attorney's Office. Assistant District Attorney Elizabeth Mello Marvel lead the presentation, focusing on critical aspects of internet safety. The presentation aimed to equip students with the knowledge they need to stay safe and make informed choices in today’s digital world. We are appreciative that every year the DA's Community Program Coordinator, Jen Cantwell, partners with us to bring the program to Furnace Brook. Thank you!
This past Wednesday, we celebrated Unity Day, a special event dedicated to promoting kindness, respect, and inclusion. Throughout the year, we engage in activities that emphasize these important values, and Unity Day is a powerful reminder of the role we all play in building a positive and supportive school community. To show our unity, orange, the signature color, was seen all around the building. Well done, students and staff. Also, fantastic job to the entire grade 6 students who made posters to acknowledge and inform on the event.
PTO Meeting
There is a PTO meeting on Monday, 10/28, at 6PM in the FBMS Library. Parents are welcome to come and listen as the group discusses fundraising and other events for FBMS! Check out their webpage here. Once there you can find a calendar, meeting dates, teacher wish lists, and more!
FBMS Theater Goes to Boston!
This past Friday, our amazing Theater Club took the MBTA to Boston to see "SpongeBob The Musical" at Wheelock Theater. This outing was especially meaningful for our Theater Club as they’ll be producing the youth edition of the musical in February here at Furnace Brook. This trip was a great chance for our actors and tech crew to see the full version, gain inspiration, and bond as a team.
Before the show, students participated in a choreography workshop led by one of the show’s actors, learning a dance from the performance. They also had the opportunity to hear about her experiences as an understudy and ask questions.
From Theater Director Mrs. Stacey Shanahan who organized the event: "Our FBMS students made us proud with their outstanding behavior, and we had an amazing time! The performance was fantastic, and our students thoroughly enjoyed themselves!"
Thank you to Mrs. Shanahan and Ms. White, who both run FBMS Theater, for bringing this incredible experience to our students!
We are excited to announce our cafeteria is having all of its tables replaced! Our custodian team has been working hard getting them ready!
Picture Re-takes----DONE!
School pictures re-take day was last week. Online ordering takes place at www.lifetouch.com for all students, and the code for our school is EVTRGHKB7.
Dungeons and Dragons Club
The Dungeons and Dragons Club started their first week of "adventuring" at the club's meeting last week. A total of 19 young warriors and wizards set off to battle evil zombies, dragons, and orcs. The club will be posting its fall campaign schedule shortly and will have nearly 30 players set off on adventures to the wild's of the Sword Coast. The club wants to thank the Marshfield Education Foundation for its support and also Paul Muller from MHS ('28) for his assistance with Dungeon Mastering this season. Thank you both, and thank you to Mr. Baldwin and Mr. Dodge, club advisors, for getting this club off the ground and running!
The Boys remain undefeated at 7-0 with a 21-38 win over Pembroke and 15-50 over Silver Lake. Congratulations to Conor R. for breaking his own course record by 5 seconds! The Girls are now 4-3 with a 17-42 win over Silver Lake and a tough one point 27-28 loss vs. Pembroke---but still going strong!
Congratulations to the following students for placing in the top 10: Girls: Mary L., Diya P., Nova J., and Annie L. Boys: Conor R., Graham D., Zack E., Jackson R., Archie M., Garrett C., and Max R.
Well done, Cross Country! Thank you, Coaches!
Spirit Week!
Join us for the fun next week! Student Council's Spirit Week!
The PTO is sponsoring a 6th Grade Halloween Party Friday, October 25th, from 2:45-4:15PM. This event will take place in our cafeteria, and is for our 6th graders only.
Costumes are not required but almost all attendees will be wearing a costume (so start thinking about your costume!). We have the following guidelines on costumes: no face paint or face coverings/masks; no weapons; no blood; and finally, no inflatables.
Please sign up to help volunteer and/or provide refreshments for the event. Tickets can be purchased from the link below and will be sold during lunch closer to event date.
This is a very popular event in grade 6. We hope all of our grade 6 students will attend!
Sign up to volunteer here.
Ticket Sales here.
Thank you, PTO!!!
NEXT THURSDAY! Halloween, 10/31
Halloween is about a week away, and we welcome students to dress up in costume if they like. Participation is voluntary. Some staff will typically dresses also (see photo of "Grease" theme). Let's make the day fun! This year, Halloween falls on a Thursday, and the same costume guidelines apply as do to the Grade 6 dance---no face paint, masks/head coverings, blood, inflatables, or weapons. That being said, there are still a million and one other options available! Again, participation is voluntary.
The Power of One Person....
Three times a year Furnace Brook runs a program called "The Power of One." The Power of One allows students to nominate other students and faculty for recognition through a Google Doc shared with them in CANVAS. Read more about this great program below!
Later than normal transportation, or "late buses," will begin this coming Monday. FBMS provides two late buses: a North Marshfield bus and a South Marshfield bus. If your child is staying after school for a club or activity, your child can take a late bus home at approximately 4:05PM. Events that run later than 4PM will require a ride home.
Students can determine what bus to ride (North or South) by checking the list of bus stops located in the front lobby. Additionally, students must have a bus pass to ride the bus. Buses pick up and leave an hour and a half (4PM) after dismissal so it gives students time to participate in after school activities or obtain extra help. We will be on hand to help students navigate this optional transportation.
7th Grade vision, hearing, BMI, and scoliosis screenings took place this week.
We are requesting that all medications needed by students during the school day (epi-pens, diabetes supplies, inhalers, etc.) be brought to the FBMS Health Clinic as soon as is possible. We ran two drop off days in August but are still missing some medications.
Guidelines prior to bringing in the MEDICATIONS: Physician order(s) and written parent permission must accompany the medication. All medications must be hand delivered by the parent and be given directly to the Nurse. Medications are not permitted to be sent in with students- this is unsafe as medication could get lost or contaminated. The permission form can be found here.
ANNUAL PHYSICALS: Provide up to date information and indicate that students are receiving adequate care at and home and by their pediatrician, and clearance for participation in gym class. Please report any changes in health status e.g. health conditions, new medication, illnesses, and injuries. Students in Grade 7 are required to submit an updated physical with proof of immunizations for their health record at the beginning of the school year. Our Fax number is 781-319-1780.
ABSENT NOTES/INJURY NOTES: Provide written documentation for any important issues such as attendance, absences due to illness, injury, medical appointments, and travel plans that result in missing school. MD notes are required for out of PE and for return to PE. MD notes are required for concussion protocol.
ABSENCES: Safe-to-School Program is implemented so that all children are known to be safe and accounted for. When your child is marked absent from school, you will receive a notification from the school stating that your child has been marked absent. Upon your child's return to school, he or she should provide a written note as to the date(s) and reason for the absence. For a student's absence to be medically excused, there must be a note from the child's physician/clinician.
INJURIES: Please notify the school of an injury, major or minor, and provide written documentation from a doctor if gym needs to be restricted. If the injury is MAJOR (stitches/fractures/concussion) and your child has been seen by a MD, please provide the medical note to school upon returning to class. An additional note of medical clearance must be presented for students to return to gym following injury.
ANNUAL SCREENINGS: the following mandated health screenings are done annually in the health office:
Vision/ Hearing 7th grade Fall/Winter
BMI 7th grade Fall/Winter
Postural 6th, 7th & 8th grades Fall/Winter
We look forward to assisting families and students in achieving optimal health and wellness during the academic school year. Please feel free to contact us at any time with concerns or questions.
Maura Carroll, RN, BSN mcarroll@mpsd.org
Karen Mellen, RN, BSN kmellen@mpsd.org
Megan Owren RN, BSN mowren@mpsd.org
Click here if you are interested in making a donation to the Marshfield Education Foundation. We are grateful that every year they fund grants written by FBMS teachers. Thank you for your continued support!
Additional community events can be found on the district's home page. Click HERE.
Contact Us!
If you have any needs or questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We are here to help you!
Patricia Casey: pcasey@mpsd.org
Assistant Principals
Lisa Lynch: llynch@mpsd.org
Scott Madden: smadden@mpsd.org
Jeannine Smith: jsmith@mpsd.org
Guidance Counselors
Lou Johnson 6th: ljohnson@mpsd.org
Julie Swan 7th: jswan@mpsd.org
Lori Damphousse 8th: ldamphousse@mpsd.org
Special Education:
Melissa Morrison: mmorrison@mpsd.org
School Adjustment Counselors:
Greg Sorensen: gsorensen@mpsd.org
Taylor Reagan: treagan@mpsd.org
Front Office Administrative Assistants:
Susan Martina: smartina@mpsd.org
Melanie Drew: mdrew@mpsd.org
For other school and district contacts, please click on the district's web page here.