WOTC 4-H December 2024
Monthly Newsletter

WOTC 4-H Holiday Sock Store
All profits will go towards further improvements in the WOTC 4-H Food Stand!
Socks cost $12.95/pair, are made in the USA (one-size fits most), and ship directly to your house!
⭐ ORDER TODAY by clicking HERE! The store closes this Friday, November 29! ⭐
Fall Livestock Day Camp Recap
Four WOTC 4-H'ers were able to experience Fall Livestock Day Camp at Northland Community & Technical College in Thief River Falls!
A day full of learning and broadening our horizons about what can be done in the agricultural career sphere was had!
Learning how to suture with different types of stitches
Campers got to take home their own suturing kit
Practicing different wrapping techniques
Bristol W. "delivering" piglets
Konnie P. administering injections
Kamden P. "delivering" a calf
Carter M. interacting with an Ayrshire cow
Tour of Hanson's Good-Vue Ayr Farms and their Lely robotic equipment
The end to a day full of learning!
Fergus Falls LEGO Club
The next Fergus Falls LEGO Club is this upcoming Monday, December 2!
LEGO Club meets from 3:30 - 4:45PM in the Roosevelt Education Center for grades 4-6!
Contact Jessica at mohag150@umn.edu with any questions you may have.
Horse PDC
The next meeting is on Monday, January 13, 2025!
Our PDCs' purpose is to provide a welcoming environment, hands-on learning, youth participation and leadership, and produce high quality projects. Here are the educational programs that Horse PDC has decided to pursue this 4-H year:
- Applying for State Fair Bonus Trip in 2025.
- Possibly host a retreat at the Fairgrounds to prepare for the 2025 WOTC Fair.
- Host a social and have an information board at the 2025 WOTC Fair to help answer questions.
- Seek and bring in clinicians.
You can view past minutes and agendas by clicking on the "Horse PDC Public Folder" below and clicking on the red folder titled "2024-2025 Meeting Minutes."
Horse PDC Meeting
Monday, Jan 13, 2025, 06:00 PM
Extension Office Meeting Room
4-H Horse Winter Round Up
The 2025 Winter Round Up will be held January 17-19 at Camp Friendship (True Friends) in Annandale, MN.
This conference is for 4-H'ers in grades 6+ and adult horse project leaders that includes speakers, educational workshops, and hands-on activities all focused on 4-H horse project learning!
Click HERE for more information!
⭐Continue to check the 4-H Horse Winter Round Up page for cost and open registration! ⭐
Refer to the event registration guide if you need assistance; contact Amy DeGroot at adegroot@umn.edu for questions about fees/deadlines and Renee Kostick at hinkx001@umn.edu for program information.
Livestock PDC
The next meeting is on Monday, January 27, 2025!
Our PDCs' purpose is to provide a welcoming environment, hands-on learning, youth participation and leadership, and produce high quality projects. Here are the educational programs that Livestock PDC has decided to pursue this 4-H year:
- Applying for State Fair Bonus Trip(s) in 2025.
- Distribute ribbons at 2025 WOTC Fair 4-H Livestock Shows.
- Present demonstrations for 4-H'ers and the general public at the 2025 WOTC Fair.
- Facilitate "Prepare for the Fair" event in June 2025.
- Possibly establish a Livestock Mentorship program.
- Seek and host professional clinics.
- Attend community club meetings to inform members what Livestock PDC has been up to! Want to request a Livestock PDC member to attend your club meeting? Talk to your club leader about what you would like to hear about more specifically; they have access to a request form!
You can view past minutes and agendas by clicking on the "Livestock PDC Public Folder" below by clicking on the red folder titled "2024-2025 Meeting Minutes."
Livestock PDC Meeting
Monday, Jan 27, 2025, 05:30 PM
Extension Office Meeting Room
Animal Science Youth Leadership Team
Want to provide youth voice in 4-H animal science programming?
Youth in grades 8+ have the opportunity to plan, implement, and evaluate a variety of animal science programs while exploring their passions and practicing leadership skills with peers, mentors, and industry professionals. Project areas of focus include: Beef, Dairy, Dairy Goat, Meat Goat, Poultry, Rabbit, Sheep, Swine, and Llama-Alpaca.
This program is a one-year commitment from January 2025 - December 2025.
⭐ Apply HERE by Sunday, December 15, 2024! ⭐
All applicants will be notified of a decision by Monday, January 6, 2025.
If you have any questions, please contact David Foley at djfoley@umn.edu and/or Katie Johnson at kwending@umn.edu.
Leader's Council 2024-2025
Thank you to those that nominated and voted on officers and district members to represent your voice during the 2024-2025 4-H year!
Thank you to our officers and district members, listed below, who are taking a leadership role on Leader's Council on behalf of your WOTC 4-H members and families!
President: Andrea P.
Vice President: Madison M.
Secretary: Bristol W.
Youth Treasurer: Kendall S.
Italicized names are newly elected officers.
All officer positions are one-year terms and voted on each year.
District 1: Ava T., Junior Leader - Erica Wolden, Adult Advisor
District 2: Madison M., Junior Leader - Katie Molter, Adult Advisor
District 3: Taylor P., Junior Leader - Jenny Pesek, Adult Advisor
District 4: Payton W., Junior Leader - Stephanie Wolden, Adult Advisor
District 5: Allison P., Junior Leader - Laura Simmer, Adult Advisor
Italicized names are newly elected or re-elected members.
Award Recipients 2023-2024
Congratulations to our award winners of the WOTC 4-H 2023-2024 program year!
- 4-H members who filled out records and worked hard in your leadership roles this past year!
- Club Leaders who filled out nomination forms to recognize work well-done by 4-H'ers!
- Individuals/Families who filled out nomination forms to recognize dedication and passion displayed by friends and families who are champions of 4-H!
Cloverbud Project Records
- James C., Amor
- Jack M., Amor
- Charlee K., Amor
- Emma K., Norwegian Grove
- Hallie H., Dane Prairie
- Patrick H., Dane Prairie
- Makenna M., Dane Prairie
- Beckett W., Dane Prairie
- Lawson B., Dane Prairie
- Ruby S., Dane Prairie
- Barrett S., Dane Prairie
Great work! Your certificate will be mailed to you!
Basic & Experienced Project Records
- Nora M., Amor - Natural Resources
- Leia S., Amor - Swine
- Henry C., Amor - Industrial Technology
- Jude H., Amor - Poultry
- Mae H., Amor - Wildlife Biology & Management
- Quinn H., Amor - Fine Arts
- Austin K., Amor - Beef
- Jaden S., Amor - Swine
- Emily C., Amor - Sheep
- Randy C., Amor - Swine
- Tyson N., Norwegian Grove - Rabbit, Goat, and Poultry
- Jorden N., Norwegian Grove - Goat, Poultry, and Clothing & Textiles
- Kloie N., Norwegian Grove - Clothing & Textiles, Rabbit, Poultry, and Goat
- Ryan K., Norwegian - Home Environment, Fine Arts, and Public Presentations
- Brooks W., Dane Prairie - Swine
- Lydia M., Dane Prairie - Swine
- Graham M., Dane Prairie - Beef
- Marina B., Dane Prairie - Dog
- Annabelle B., Dane Prairie - Sheep
- Hudson S., Dane Prairie - Beef
- Theo J., Dane Prairie - Engineering
- Ellie J., Dane Prairie - Clothing & Textiles
- Bristol W., Dane Prairie - Swine
- Blake W., Dane Prairie - Swine
- Noah F., Dane Prairie - Rabbit
- Keira T-O., Dane Prairie - Swine
- Allison P., Oscar Trondhjem - Sheep
- Andrea P., Oscar Trondhjem - Sheep
- William P., Oscar Trondhjem - Photography and Sheep
Great work! Your certificate will be mailed to you!
Graduation from 4-H
- Eva R., Norwegian Grove
Congratulations and best wishes in your future!
Your certificate will be mailed to you!
Outstanding Secretary - Bristol W., Dane Prairie
Congratulations! You will be notified when your award will be available in the Extension Office to pick-up!
Outstanding Treasurer - Jack H., Dane Prairie
Outstanding Reporter/Historian - Konnie P., Eagle Lake
Outstanding Junior Leader - Madison P., Buse Orwell
4-H Club of the Year - Dane Prairie
Friend of 4-H - John Sethre
Congratulations! You will be notified when your award will be available in the Extension Office to pick-up!
Family of 4-H - Brian & Tia Peters
Newest future 4-H'er arriving January 2025!
Rachel will be on parental leave from January 6 - April 21 (approximately).
Jessica and Brianna will be the primary contact for members, families, and volunteers while Rachel is unavailable during parental leave. We are very hopeful that there will be an interim in place during Rachel's parental leave that will continue carrying out her responsibilities and supporting Jessica and Brianna!
Building Leadership & Understanding (BLU)
BLU is an exciting and fun leadership adventure hosted by the MN 4-H State Ambassadors!
This year's theme - "THE ART OF LEADERSHIP" - will dive into hands-on activities that break down stereotypes, open minds to fresh perspectives, and spark creativity. Youth will discover how art and mental wellness connect, make an impact through creative stations for local causes, and explore what true leadership means in today's world.
There are four different locations BLU is hosted at throughout the month of February; the closest camp to WOTC will be held at Deep Portage near Hackensack, MN from February 22-23. The other location and date options are listed below!
⭐ To learn more about BLU and register by Friday, January 10, visit z.umn.edu/4-HBLU! ⭐
NW Region 4-H Summer 2025 Camps
SAVE THE DATES! Especially June 12-13 for Junior Camp at Faith Haven!
⭐ Registration through 4-H Online will open late winter/early spring! ⭐
More information to be released later.
Interested in being a Summer Camp Counselor?
⭐ Registration through 4-H Online will open on December 16 and close January 10. ⭐
Youth Exploring Leadership & Learning Opportunities (YELLO)
SAVE THE DATE: June 10-13 (Tuesday-Friday)
YELLO includes educational workshops, group networking experiences, inspiring messages from speakers, field trips, and opportunities to contribute to the local community through service projects. Location to be announced shortly!
⭐ Registration through 4-H Online will open on Tuesday, April 1! ⭐
More information to be released later.
Let's Talk About Disability
How does 4-H ensure the development and offerings of inclusive programs for all young people?
This is a five-session series designed to provide a safe place for youth in grades 6-12 to have important conversations about disability. This series demonstrates to youth with disabilities that they are valued and welcomed by 4-H! It also serves to identify strengths and weaknesses, and opportunities and ideas related to disability inclusion and access in 4-H.
- Online sessions will be held via Zoom from 6:30-8:00PM on Thursday evenings: January 9, 16, 23, 30, and February 6.
Click HERE for more information!
There is no cost!
⭐ Register in 4-H Online starting December 1! ⭐
You only need to register once to attend all/however many sessions you are available to attend!
Refer to the event registration guide if you need assistance; contact Jennifer Cable at cable063@umn.edu if you have further questions.
Contact Jessica & Rachel at 218-998-8760!
Jessica Mohagen - Extension Educator:
- mohag150@umn.edu
- 218-731-8837
Rachel Wahlstrom - Extension Educator:
- joh12246@umn.edu
- 218-770-9648
Brianna Bischof - Administrative Specialist:
- bbischof@ottertailcounty.gov
- 218-998-8760
View past newsletters HERE!
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