Junior Newsletter Class of 2025
February 2024: Crosby Scholars Jr/Sr Program
What should a junior be doing in February to prepare for college and future?
Prepare for upcoming ACT at your school.
Check with your school counselor about date of ACT. We are offering ACT test prep on 2/24. Make the most of this opportunity.
Create your college list & start visiting and researching.
Join the 2/24 In-Person Academy to attend an academy about creating your college list. See article in this newsletter and information about college fairs.
Check our 11th Grade Checklist for other tips
Junor year can be overwhelming. We are here to help. Use this checklist to review other things you can do to prepare For College & For Life.
Prepare for Testing
Both the ACT and SAT will allow you to select several colleges to send your scores at no cost prior to the test. If you are not sure how you will perform on these tests, please DO NOT SEND YOUR SCORES without knowing them.
Crosby Scholars TEST PREP workshop - Feb 24 9 am - 12pm - Facilitated by The Learning Curve. Must register to attend.
ACT Resources for Students and Parents
ACT Testing Advisor from ACT.org
ACT Testing Guide - Preparing for the ACT Test 2023–2024
Remember there are lots of FREE resources to help you prepare. Below is a PDF of a Practice Test you can start with. Also, sign up for our FREE 3-hour ACT Test Prep Session on Feb 24th.
College List and College Fair Information
Time to Create your College List!
- YOU - This journey is personal, and you need to understand what YOU need or want in a college.
- SCHOOL - Make a list of 10 schools that you are interested in learning about. Research what the school has to offer and what they are looking for in a student.
- BUDGET - It is VITAL that you understand the cost of college and apply to schools that you can either afford or will offer you merit/need-based scholarships. There is definitely help available to pay for college, but you have to start looking early and position yourself appropriately. The higher your grades and test scores, the less selective the school the more merit money might be available. The more selective the school, they are probably not offering merit aid, but they might offer need-based scholarships. Organizations like Questbridge.org match high achieving students with low household income with elite colleges for access to possible full ride scholarships. You can start NOW.
Crosby Scholars is offering additional academies this spring to help you get started. Any additional academies you participate in will count towards your senior year requirement. Topics I suggest:
- Creating your College List
- Understanding Financial Aid
- College 101 - Understanding the Application Process
Check out the virtual and in-person college fairs below that are available. Participating in these programs or sessions sponsored by admissions on college campuses can help you with this research.
QuestBridge has a program that helps students match to a full 4-year scholarship with 50 elite colleges. You can check out their website. They are currently accepting applications for their JR Scholar program. One of our students participated last year and shared her experience in this video. Learn more about QuestBridge by visiting their website and watching this video.
**************This is NOT a Crosby Scholars Program ******* There is an income cap *******visit www.questbridge.org for any information and questions.
College Fairs & College Visits
Black College Expo - March 6, 2024 - Johnson C. Smith University
NACAC Virtual College Fairs
In Person NACAC College Fair - Charlotte, NC March 23, 2024
Advisor Assignment
You can see your advisor information on the Student Portal. All advisors should be assigned by Feb 10. If you have chosen to self-select an advisor, we can't assign the advisor to you until they complete an advisor application and training. I have emailed everyone that was selected. Contact me with questions. You will meet with your advisor at least 4 times. Spring Junior Year, Summer Between Jr & Sr Year, Fall Sr Year & Spring Sr Year. Please contact Jenniffer Jamison with any questions. jjamison@crosbyscholarsiredell.org
You can see your advisor's contact information on the Crosby Scholars Student Portal. Please respond when they reach out to you and please feel free to reach out to them.
Complete 2 Hours of Community Service by 1/31/24
Once you complete your service, complete the google form to get credit. We don't know you have done this unless you tell us. If you complete 4 + hours during junior year, we will count the extra toward senior year.
Attend ONE Jr/Sr Academy by 1/31/24
We have offered over 30 different options to complete this requirement. In-Person, on-line, self-paced, at your school. Contact us to complete ASAP. Any additional academies complete will count for senior year requirement. Next In-Person Academy is 2/24/24
Participate in Jr/Sr Orientation
If you have not completed this requirement this is the link to the video. Watch the video and email jjamison@crosbyscholarsiredell.org. If you have already completed this requirement, you DO NOT need to do it again.
Jr/Sr Academy Options
Every junior is required to attend one academy by January 31, 2023. Many of you have already met that requirement. If you are interested in any of the topics you can attend and use for senior year requirement. Remember you can attend as many workshops as you find helpful.
See the Crosby Scholars Student Portal for the most up to date offerings:
In-Person Academy Options
- ACT Test Prep (Special 3-hour workshop) (2 academy credits) - Feb 24 - 9 am - 1pm - Mitchell Community College Statesville, Vocational Building Room 211
- In-Person - The Balancing Act - Juggling Priorities for Success & Creating a College List - Feb 24, 2024 - Mitchell Community College - 10 am - 12 noon. (2 academy credits)
Interested in any of these topics, please register in your portal now for the academies that best match your needs and schedule.
T-Shirts Have been Delivered
Helpful Documents
College Board College Essential Guide
Free ACT Practice Test
New Crosby Scholars Jr/Sr Handbook Available NOW!
Stay Connected!
The Iredell County Crosby Scholars Community Partnership
Email: jjamison@crosbyscholarsiredell.org
Website: www.crosbyscholarsiredell.org
Location: 124 4th Crescent Place, Statesville, NC, United States
Phone: 704-873-5005
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/crosbyscholarsiredell/
Twitter: @iredellcrosby