May 24

CMITN523 / May 24, 2024
Administration of Medication in School
Good day CMIT family,
We are almost there ! As the 23-24 school year comes to an end, CMIT staff expresses our appreciation, and thank you for your cooperation in helping us to keep your children healthy, in school, and ready to learn. This is a friendly reminder to please pick up all medication (s) that your child has in the Health Room by the last day of school. Unfortunately, the school cannot keep your medication over the summer.
Please keep in mind that if your child requires medication(s) during the school day, including all OTC medications such as tylenol, eye drops, nasal spray, a medication authorization form needs to be completed and signed by both the physician and the parent/guardian. All medications must be brought to the school in its original container, and all prescription medication must be labeled with the student's name, and a pharmacy label attached. Medicines can be accepted without a doctor’s order and the parent /guardian permission.
If your child needs particular medical attention (e,g, asthma,diabetes,etc.) or allergies to specific foods, or exceptional health risks (e.g.bees sting), and may require medical interventions please notify the school or the school nurse. Certain chronic health conditions may require some students to self-administer medication. Students who require self-administration of prescription drugs (e.g. inhalers, epi-pens, etc.) must have a "Self-Medication Authorization Form" on file at the school that includes the physician's and parents/legal guardian signatures. The forms can be obtained from the PGCPS website, in the health office or school office.
We appreciate your commitment to keeping our students safe. If you have any questions, please reach out to the school nurse. I wish you a safe and wonderful summer vacation.
We look forward to seeing you all next school year.
School Nurse (240-767-4080).
CMIT North Academy will hold a field day for all students on June 7!
CMIT North Academy will hold a field day for all students on June 7! Students will have the opportunity to enjoy games, food, and friends during the school day. Students ARE permitted to dress down. NO HOODIES ALLOWED. Our school cafeteria will still provide the regular lunch menu during this day.
We will have 2 food trucks available for students. Food MUST be purchased in advance. There will be NO tickets or money exchanged on June 7. You MUST prepay for your food. The vendors are listed below and also attached for flavors:
Houey's Shaved Ice=$4 per serving
Shake & Serve Lemonade= $8 per serving
I have attached a flyer for each vendor. Houey's has various flavors that you may select from the day of. Shake and Serve Lemonade offers a 32oz cup (as shown in the flyer) and you can mix and match as many flavors as you would like.
You do not need to pick flavors until the actual day! You DO need to pay for your order in advance. To pay and receive a ticket for the vendor of your choice OR both vendors, please stop by Mrs. Upshaw's class room 221. Do NOT lose your ticket as you cannot receive an additional ticket unless you pay.
Payment is CASH ONLY.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out at any time.
Jasmine Upshaw M.Ed
Ms. Coholic's BioGeoChem Classes
Students have completed the Cell Division sequence and quiz. We'll now move on to a short course on viruses and epidemiology, which should take us through the end of the school year!
Students should be monitoring their SchoolMax on a weekly basis if not more frequently.
Artwork from the students at CMIT is hanging up in the WSSC gallery at this very moment.
Artwork from the students at CMIT is hanging up in the WSSC gallery at this very moment. Please go and view the work on display from the students listed below. Congratulate them when you see them as well.
Balkissa Kassambara
Ifeoma Akabude
Briana Martinez
Nia Lawson
Arielle Young
Bria Davis
Mackiesha McFarland
Jamilla Ginyard - James
Also congratulations to Jaelynn Walker for winning the Prince George’s County Lynching Memorial Project Racial Justice Essay and Creative Arts Contest Committee, her submission “Bars of Freedom” was selected as the Second Place winner in the Visual Arts category. Congratulations on this achievement! As the winner she was awarded a scholarship prize of $500.00.