Porter Press
Horace Porter School - November 15, 2024
Kara Levenduski - Principal
Amy Stino - Assistant Principal
Tammy Nye - Administrative Assistant
Joanne Solecki - Administrative Assistant
Email: Klevenduski@hwporter.org
Website: hwporter.org
Location: 3 Schoolhouse Road Columbia, CT 06237
Phone: (860)228-9493
Mark Your Calendars for these Important Dates
11/15 - Kid Market (PTO Event)
11/18 - MCM Butter Braid Pick-Up
11/20 - 11/27 - HWP Scholastic Book Fair
11/23 - Hockey Night Out (8th Grade HUB)
11/25 - 1/2 Day - Conferences
11/26 - 1/2 Day - Conferences
11/27 - 1/2 Day of School (Games of Gratitude)
11/28 - 12/1 - Holiday Recess
12/07 - 8th Grade Pancake Breakfast
12/13 - PJ Day
Porter Staff had fun this week with an "Underground Dress Down Week". Staff played a trick on the students by dressing up each day with a theme.
Tuesday - Flannel Day
Wednesday - Black Out Day
Thursday - Royalty Day
Friday - Dress Like A Kid
Games of Gratitude
When: Wednesday, November 27, 2024
Where: The Gym
Time: 8:00am-10:30am
We are asking for your help! Listed in this post are donated items we will need for Games of Gratitude. On November 27, 2024, students will rotate through the gym and play games with the donated items. Middle school students will play the games in their rooms. At the end of the morning, all items will be packaged and dropped off to our local food bank and go to families in need!
If you are able to help assist with games thrghout the morning, or help bring items to our local pantry, please sign up to help!
We ask that all donated items be sent in with your child or dropped off to the school no later than November 15th. This is a fun way to give back to our community! Thank you for your support!
Please click this link to sign up for donations or to volunteer!
ParentSquare is our new platform for communication. We are encouraging all families to join ParentSquare. This is the platform we will be switching over to instead of using School Messenger. We are hoping to fully transition by November this year. If you are having difficulty, please click the link below for more information so you do not miss out on notices, alerts, or messages from your child's teachers.
The students heard a great storyteller. They learned that they can be a storyteller as well.
This week we recognized our fall sports. Thank you to our amazing coaches for leading our soccer teams and cross country! It was evident that our Porter students were dedicated and determined throughout the season! Thank you to all of our parents who attended and helped us recognize these amazing athletes!
Horace W. Porter Book Fair
Held in the Library, Wednesday, November 20th - 27th. Classes will visit during scheduled library times. Family shopping will be during conferences on the 25th and 26th.
The MCM Butter Braid Fundraiser pick-up will be on Monday, 11/18, from 3:45-5 PM, outside of the gym entrance. Items are frozen and should be placed into a freezer as soon as possible. Thank you for supporting the 8th grade end-of-year activities.
Columbia Lions Club International Peace Poster Contest
Students in grades 6-8 currently in Mrs. MacDonald's art class were given opportunity to create posters. Several students took initiative to pick up supplies to create one at home.
This year’s theme is "Peace Without Limits". Each year, the students must express the theme visually and cannot use words. It is a very challenging project.
Alexa Hauschild, grade 7, is the winner of this year’s Columbia Lions Peace Poster Project! Her poster will be judged along with posters from other schools in the Lions district. If she places first, she will be in the State of Connecticut competition.
Ultimately, the winner of the international contest will win $5,000 and present their poster and theme at the United Nations.
Columbia's second place winner is Payton Groves, grade 7. Yay Payton!!
Congratulations to both students, who will each be receiving awards from the Columbia Lions soon! All posters will be hung in the cafetorium around Thanksgiving.
PBIS Assembly
The Porter students had a blast last week! They earned over 1,000 tickets school wide for kindness. The school reward was being able to pie a teacher in the face! We had 6 lovely staff volunteers. The students also enjoyed watching teachers play minute to win it games. Then, they were able to compete against each other! There were a lot of laughs, especially when Mr. Huntington got very competitive and ended up on the floor! We are VERY proud of our Porter students AND teachers!
Student of the Week
Congratulations to all of our Student of the Week Recipients! These students have demonstrated gratitude and have been recognized by their teachers!
Student Council Happenings
Student Council Flour Girl Fundraiser Thursday, November 21, 2024, to Sunday, December 1, 2024.
Order pick-up will take place on Thursday, December 5, 2024 at the Flour Girl Bakery in Hebron, CT
Fundraiser information and website to COMING SOON!
Student Council and Mentors Toys for Tots Fundraiser:
Collections will occur from November 18- December 5, 2024
Student representatives will join classrooms to read the story "One Snowy Night", by Nick Butterwork. Follow up discussion with each classroom about the act of giving and sharing to promote the Toys for Tots program.
Friendly Reminders:
- Drop off is 7:50am. Some mornings students get dropped off early because they are in clubs; however, if your child is not in a club they can not get dropped off before 7:50am.
- Please bring an ID for entering the building and parent pick up. We understand it is not convenient, but it is for your child's safety. We appreciate your help with this!
- If you plan to pick up your child from school or need to make any changes to their transportation please complete the Transportation & Notes Form.
- All cellphones must remain in student's lockers.
Registration for After School Clubs is open. You can register your child through Family ID. Please read the After School Clubs Flyer to view the clubs offered for this session. Please feel free to contact Jessica Doubleday at jdoubleday@hwporter.org if you have any questions. Session 2 is open to sign up.
Don't forget to check out our PTO page for many fundraisers and events that are happening this month!
- We have many things happening in our community! Be sure to click the "Events Around The Community" down below to check them all out!
Substitute Paras and Teachers needed. Please contact Klevenduski@hwporter.org
Everyone can help take action to prevent suicide. Click on the link for more information. https://www.preventsuicidect.org/
Connecticut Public Act 22-47 - legislation regarding suicide. Connecticut Public Act 22-47, Section 28, requires that the 988 National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline number be included on identification (ID) badges of students in Grades 6 through 12. Due to the timing of the implementation of 988, the requirement becomes effective for the 2024-25 school year. The United Way of Connecticut has provided the 988 QR code for access to the Connecticut Suicide Advisory Board website that may be posted to the back of student IDs with a brief statement such as “Call or text 988 for crisis support,” or an equivalent. The 988 Contact Center services include rapid 24/7 access to trained staff who can help students (and adults) experiencing suicidal, substance use, and other mental health crises, provide referrals to resources, and perform warm transfers to Mobile Crisis or emergency services as needed/desired.
AHM is OPEN to the public and excited to offer our services to Porter students and Columbia residents!
AHM Youth and Family Services offers mental health clinical services to youth and their families! These
services are designed to support families in transition, crisis, or normal developmental processes.
Individual and/or family therapy is available for children, adolescents, and young adults up to age 26 to
address social, emotional and/or behavioral issues. Family and parent sessions are often utilized in
conjunction with individual sessions to support a child’s progress in therapy.
In addition, many fun programs are offered throughout the year for all ages, including theater, health &
wellness, and craft programs. For more information and registration links, please visit ahmyouth.org or
call the office at (860) 228-9488.