CFT Weekly Wildcat
Week of April 3 , 2023

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Message from the Principal
Wildcat Families,
Some important information as we enjoy our weekends and then move into the last school week of 2024:
A huge thanks and a "hooray" for our 3rd graders and Ms. Clendenen, who happily displayed their music talents last night in Ms. Clendenen’s first ever CFT performance. It was so fun and great to see our students on stage enjoying themselves and to see parents capturing the moment! A huge thanks to Ms. Clendenen, our 3rd grade teachers and other contributing staff who made this possible.
Recently, we’ve had a couple of reported cases of head lice with students at our school. While head lice is a relatively normal occurrence in schools like ours, we want to provide some information for you in case you’d like to know more about it. The Oregon Department of Education provides guidance for how we manage cases of head lice here at school. Below is a summary of the actions we’re taking:
Educating students on the avoidance of head-to-head contact and sharing of personal items
Allowing students to remain in class and participate in school-sponsored activities when live lice or nits (the eggs of head lice) are found on their heads
Notifying parents/caregivers at the end of the school day when findings indicate the presence of head lice
Educating parents/caregivers about prevention methods, regular head-checks at home, evidence-based treatment options.
We’re actively working with students to discourage physical contact and to avoid sharing personal items to prevent any possible spread. If you’d like additional information regarding head lice, please see the links below:
In today’s Friday folders, students brought home an important letter and information regarding our Comprehensive Sexuality Education lessons that teachers may start teaching beginning in February 2025. The letter contains information about how to preview these lessons and how to opt out of particular lessons if you choose to do so.
Have a great weekend!
Tim, Principal
Mensaje del Director
Familias Wildcat,
Mientras trabajamos en las últimas semanas hacia las vacaciones de invierno, quiero recordarles lo importante que es la asistencia diaria y puntual, especialmente mientras trabajamos para consolidar el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. La participación de los estudiantes durante las próximas 2 semanas es crucial para ayudarlos a desarrollar y retener habilidades durante nuestras vacaciones de invierno de 2 semanas. El aprendizaje es mucho más difícil cuando los estudiantes no acceden a la instrucción, la práctica y la interacción diaria con sus compañeros. Sabemos que muchas familias planifican viajes familiares y vacaciones durante los días festivos y durante el nuevo año y espero interrumpir esa planificación si es posible para que tengamos a los estudiantes aquí en la escuela todos los días, excepto en caso de enfermedades inevitables y emergencias familiares. Aquí hay algunas estadísticas sobre asistencia que realmente me sorprenden mientras escribo esto:
- Llegar tarde a la escuela sólo 10 minutos al día equivale a perder casi medio año de escuela en 13 años de clases.
- Estar ausente sólo 1 día cada 2 semanas equivale a perder 1.5 años de escuela en 13 años de enseñanza.
Estar en la escuela todos los días y a tiempo no solo impacta el aprendizaje académico sino que también desarrolla hábitos para toda la vida que son cruciales ahora que comienzan a formarse.
Estamos aquí para colaborar con usted en todo lo que podamos para apoyar la asistencia de su hijo a la escuela. Si existen barreras para la asistencia o factores que le gustaría que conozcamos, no dude en comunicarse con el maestro de su hijo lo antes posible. Es posible que tenga noticias nuestras de todos modos mientras trabajamos para asociarnos con usted para apoyar el éxito de los estudiantes.
Agradezco su atención a esto a medida que llegamos a esta época del año ocupada y estresante.
Tim, Director
School Schedule for the 2023-2024 School Year
7:45AM - Doors Open
8:00AM - School Starts
2:20PM - School Dismissal
Attendance Line: 503-431-4405*
*Even if you have told your teacher, please call the Attendance Line before 8:30AM the day of an absence. If the attendance line is not called by 8:30AM the day of the absence, the office might not be able to put the excused absence in the system before the automated phone calls go out to unexcused absent students.
* Thursday December 19th - Last Day to pick up Lost & Found
* Monday December 23rd - Friday January 3rd: Holiday Break, No School!
Spirit Week
Next week is Spirit Week! This is a great opportunity for students, teachers, and staff to express their creativity and enthusiasm. Participation in Spirit Week is Optional, but we encourage everyone to join in the fun and enjoy the community that Spirit Week brings to our school.Monday - Pajama/Comfy Clothes Day
Feel free to wear your favorite pajamas. Whether they're flannel, cotton, or fleece, comfort is key. If pajamas aren't your style, opt for sweatpants, leggings, or any other comfortable clothing that allows you to feel relaxed and at ease.Tuesday - Twin Day
Dress up in matching outfits with a friend or group. Whether it's identical clothing, themed, or coordinated accessories, Twin Day celebrates friendship and unity in a playful way.Wednesday - Wacky Wednesday
Let your creativity run wild and show off your most imaginative outfits. Embrace the fun with crazy socks, quirky hats, mismatched clothing, outrageous hairstyles, and playful accessories— the wackier, the better!Thursday - Throwback Thursday
Dress in attire from a past decade! Whether you're rocking the groovy styles of the '70s, the bold and colorful trends of the '80s, or the grunge vibes of the '90s, it's a chance to visit the past and showcase your creativity.Friday - School Spirit Day
Wear school colors (green, black, or gray) or spirit wear to show your CFT pride.We can't wait to see your spirited outfits and creative ideas!
Connect with Us
As a parent/guardian at CFT, you are a member of the PSO. For more information about the PSO, visit cftpso.org. To stay updated on what is happening at CFT, consider adding our calendar or connecting with us on Facebook and Instagram. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at hello@cftpso.org
TTSD students, their families, and staff now have access to mental health care coordination services at no cost through Care Solace.
As a central hub of care, Care Solace streamlines communication and coordination to connect individuals with the right resources and appropriate levels of care.
With a team of more than 500 dedicated Care Companions, Care Solace connects Tigard-Tualatin School District to over 560,000 licensed mental health and substance use treatment providers.
To learn more about Care Solace and its services, visit caresolace.org.
Message from Tigard Tualatin School District
TTSD prohibits discrimination and harassment on any basis protected by law, including but not limited to, an individual’s perceived or actual race,color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status, or veterans’ status, or because of the perceived or actual race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status or veterans’ status of any other persons with whom the individual associates. 504, and Title IIA Coordinator: Carol Kinch; ckinch@ttsd.k12.or.us, 503-431-4137 Title IX Director: Len Reed; lreed@ttsd.k12.or.us, 503-431-4012. Mailing Address: 6960 SW Sandburg Street, Tigard, OR 97223
Charles F. Tigard Elementary School
Website: https://www.ttsdschools.org/cft
Location: 12855 SW Grant Avenue
Phone: 503-431-4400