Roosevelt Reader
October 29 , 2024
Principal Corner
Dear Roosevelt Parents/Guardians,
We are looking forward to Halloween this week and picture retakes this Friday. Also, November is our annual Veterans Day Recognition. This is a very popular event for our students and families. If you know a veteran who would like to attend, please complete the Google form within this newsletter.
Please note the many other important activities within this newsletter as well.
Take care,
Dr. Dwyer, Principal
October 30: Planting Party (details below)
October 31: Halloween (details below)
November 1: Picture Retake Day
November 1: First Day of Diwali
November 5: No School- Election Day
November 8: Hide and Seek-Round: 2- 2nd & 3rd grade
November 11: Veteran's Day assembly
November 15: Hide and Seek- Round: 3- 4th & 5th grade
November 15: PTO Primary Dance (see below)
November 25-29: No School-Thanksgiving break
December 2: School resumes
Picture Retake Day: November 1
Picture Day took place on September 27. Picture packages/the option to buy pictures were sent home. If you would like your student(s) to participate in picture retake day, please complete this form. Picture retake day will take place on the morning of November 1st.
Chess: Session 2 --Open Now
Chess-Ed is excited to return to Roosevelt School to provide lunchtime chess instruction this Winter. The 10-week program runs from 11/21/24 to 02/13/25 and takes place on Thursdays from 11:35 am to 12:30 pm (during lunch).
To register, please go to https://2024-2025rooseveltchess.eventbee.com.
Register by November 18 to take advantage of lowest available fee.
Parent Survey-Response Needed
Meet the Teacher Survey (parent conference feedback form). Please take a moment to complete this 5 minute survey on our new conference sign up process. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
Halloween Details
We are delighted to continue the Roosevelt tradition for Halloween. Students are encouraged to wear a Halloween costume to school. In addition, we are planning a whole school parade outside (weather permitting) and a classroom party inside during the school day. Below are some key details about Halloween at Roosevelt School:
• Students will come to school in costume. (Students may wear a Halloween mask during the parade only).
• Room parents are asked to contact classroom teachers about plans for the holiday celebration.
•Students may bring an extra set of clothes to change into after the parade. We want everyone to be comfortable during the school day.
• Children should not bring any food/candy to share.
• At 9:00am, the parade will begin. Students will parade around the Roosevelt track.
• All children will parade slowly, so there will be plenty of opportunities for pictures and videos.
• Please remember to help your child make safe and respectful decisions about his/her costume. Students may wear a mask in the parade, but not during school. Please, no make-up, no weapons, fake blood, or inappropriate dress.
Overall, we all want to have a safe and happy Halloween, and we look forward to seeing you at the parade.
Happy Halloween!
Veteran's Day Celebration
Please scroll down to fill out the Google Doc for your Veteran.
Primary Dance
Winter Coat Drive
Portillo's Dine To Donate
Electronic Device Guidelines
Click the photo to the right for the direct link to the D64 Parent Handbook device policy (p. 24).
Parents can help ensure smartwatches are set to not allow notifications from other apps by placing the device in a mode that does more than silence it. You can find steps on how to set up Schooltime mode here. Android users can find parental controls by following these steps.
Text Alerts
How To Sign Up For D64 Text Alerts
Our text messaging system is used in various ways, including notifying staff and the community of a school closing due to weather. Anyone who’d like to receive these messages has to opt-in to get them. It’s important to note that the text messaging services will not replace any school emails or calls you receive but will be used supplementally to bring you important information quickly.
If you’ve already signed up for the text alerts in the past, you do not have to do it again.
How to receive text messages:
You must opt-in to receive text messages. To do so, you will need to text “Y” or “Yes” to 67587.
If you’d like to no longer receive District 64 text messages, you have to send “Stop” to 67587.
Once you text “yes,” you will receive a confirmation text from SchoolMessenger that is similar to the following:
“You’re registered 4 SchoolMessenger notifications. Reply stop to cancel, HELP for help. Msg&data rates may apply. Msg freq varies. schoolmessenger.com/txt”
There is still time to register your child/children for our 2nd session of the Rainbows for all Children peer groups. The first session for this school year begins Tuesday, Sept. 10th at 5:30 pm. This free program will meet weekly, for 1 hour, at the Park Ridge Community Church and provides a safe space for students in 1st - 8th grade to share their experiences associated with loss of a loved one and/or a changing family dynamic due to divorce, deployment, etc. Trained facilitators help encourage communication while identifying, navigating and discussing feelings amongst the group.
Please use the Google form link below to sign up your child and/or to be added to our email communications list. Any questions or interest in volunteering to become a facilitator, please contact rainbows64@att.net . For more info about Rainbows, please visit: https://rainbows.org/
Rainbows Student Peer Group Sign up
Please fill out this Google form to sign up and/or to be added to our communication list."
Label! Label! Label!
Please take some time to label all of your student's items that come to and from school. Items that are labeled are returned to students at a much higher rate. Twice a year the lost & found items are donated to The Kid's Pantry. Each donation has over 6 large garbage bags of items that are unclaimed and not labeled, help us by labeling your student's items.
Staff Parking Lot
Please refrain from entering the staff parking lot during school hours. This lot is for staff only. The only exception to this is the use of the handicap spaces. Please help students and staff be safe by abiding by all signs around campus.
Be a Safe Driver!
· Park legally – don’t block crosswalks or double park
· Respect school neighbors –please do not park in or block their driveways.
· Parents and children should not use the Staff parking lot
· Do not make U-turns or turn around in driveways.
· “Attended” parkers must stay in their vehicles at all times.
· Obey “kiss ’n go” zones on Prospect Avenue
Healthy Snack
- Students may have healthy snacks during the day in the classroom. Snacks must be peanut-free and nut-free
Dogs on campus
Please keep dogs on a leash and on the sidewalk during drop off and dismissal times.
End of day routine
If your student/students need to change their regular daily routine please take the following steps:
1. Email the homeroom teacher with the details
2. Email the office Mrs Flint sflint@d64.org or Mrs Ellsworth kellsworth@d64.org
no need to send separate emails
School Hours
If students report to school tardy, they must check in at school door # 5 (office) with an adult. If procedures are not followed, students will be marked unexcused.
To report an absence, please call the school office anytime, day or night, to access the
voicemail system. Roosevelt's office phone number is 847-318-4235.
For your reference, please see the school hours below:
Please see the following school hours with special attention to Wednesdays.
8:45 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Wednesday - 8:45 a.m. - 2:40 p.m.
Kindergarten half day students: 8:45 a.m. - 11:35 a.m.
Wednesday: A.M. - 8:45 a.m. - 11:05 a.m.