Lamar Middle School
Friday, September 18th, 2020 - Issue # 222
Dear Lamar Community,
I hope that this letter finds you safe and well. This week has brought a lot of communication and updates particularly in regards to the next phase of the 2020 school year. You should have received a message from me on Wednesday providing details regarding the next phase. Please know our top priority is the safety and health of students and staff. As such, the on campus learning structure will be as follows:
We will begin welcoming students back to campus beginning October 5th at 25% of building capacity.
Students and staff will be screened using an infrared thermometer and answering questions related to COVID-19 symptoms.
Students and staff will wear masks that cover their nose to their chins while on campus and involved in school activities.
Students will report directly to their classroom where they will continue to utilize BLEND for their learning. Students will remain in this classroom for all of their classes and meals.
Breaks will be built into the day to support social and emotional learning and outdoor experiences when possible.
If conditions permit at some point, there may be limited transitions and opportunities for Fine Arts, Career and Technology Education, and Physical Education.
Parents received a survey asking you to indicate your intention for your student to participate in learning on campus or to remain at home. Your response to this survey is crucial in our planning for October 5th. Surveys can be completed by following this link
Parents who opt to send their students on - campus may change their minds at any time. Families who choose to stay home initially but then decide to send their students are asked to provide us with 5 days notice. This advance notice will allow us to make the necessary adjustments on campus.
Teachers will take attendance during each Zoom class each day. However, if a student is absent, attendance can still be recovered as long as the teacher is able to document engagement no later than 11:59 pm that same day. There are many ways that a student can engage with their teacher in a virtual environment such as attending office hours, submitting work in BLEND, sending their teacher an email asking questions about their work, etc. Please contact your child’s teacher or Ms. Mark in the main office with any questions regarding attendance.
We look forward to seeing everyone at our virtual Back to School Night on Tuesday, September 22nd!
Megan Tesano
Lamar Middle School and Fine Arts Academy
Back To School Night
Tuesday, Sep 22, 2020, 05:45 PM
It's important for our families to understand the many safety practices we've implemented as we prepare to resume some face-to-face instruction beginning October 5. We've created the below example video to walk you through many of these procedures that will be on all of our campuses from day one. As we navigate this unprecedented time, know that your student's safety is at the forefront of our planning every day.
So that we may plan accordingly, we would like for you to take a short survey that asks if you plan to continue with remote learning or would prefer to transition to on-campus learning starting October 5. Answering this survey will help provide valuable information to campus principals as they plan for a safe reopening of campuses.
Survey link:
This survey will be available for participation until 11:59 p.m. Monday, September 21
Become a Secret Pal to a Teacher/Staff Member
The PTA is still has Lamar Teachers/Staff (36 unclaimed at this time) that haven't been paired up with a Secret Pal. You don't have to spend a lot of money to make a teacher's day. It is so fun for them and will make you feel like a super hero. Don't miss out on this chance to be a super hero, to a super hero!!!
Read more about here,
The Gifted and Talented nomination window is now open
Nomination forms must be emailed to the GT Coordinator,, by October 13th.
Join Lamar's FCCLA Club
How to Help Middle School Students Develop Crucial Skills This Year
For tweens and young teens, navigating distance learning this school year will require an array of skills they might not yet have developed, writes middle school director and author Jody Passanisi for MiddleWeb. Without the rules and routines of a physical classroom—the external “regulatory systems” that allow kids this age to learn from watching peers and teachers—middle school students will need extra help to build up the self-regulatory skills needed to “set themselves up for success physically, materially, and emotionally.”
Even adults struggle to focus, avoid distractions, and keep track of schedules and time when working from home. Yet, Passanisi notes, “we’re asking adolescents to perform in similar ways without the life skills—the self-knowledge that comes with time and age—and without a fully developed frontal lobe which helps us adults do these things on our own.”
Based on observations and feedback gleaned by educators at her school during the months of distance learning last spring, Passanisi addresses skills middle school students might struggle with during distance learning and offers suggestions for how teachers can help.
To read more, please go to10 Great Free Websites for Middle School
Thank You PTA!
Lamar Athletics
Lamar PTA
Lamar PTA's no-hassle fundraiser Love Lamar is off to a great start! Love Lamar funds provide much needed support to fine arts strands, core classes, teacher development and many of the other programs that make Lamar special.
This year the first 250 donors will get our new Lamar yard sign. Show your Scottie Spirit and donate today!
2020 Scottie Spirit Gear
Lamar Community
Lamar Is Using Mathematics and Reading program called i-Ready
AISD Health & Safety
Austin ISD continues to focus on the health and safety of our school community. We have designed health and safety protocols to minimize the exposure and spread of COVID-19 to students and staff.
Following CDC recommendations and the TEA guidance for social distancing, Austin ISD will implement social distancing measures at all schools and district facilities, when feasible. The CDC considerations for schools states, “Space seating/desks at least 6 feet apart when feasible.”
We understand that this paints a different picture of school than we are accustomed to, however we know that social distancing measures will help to keep our students and staff safe while at school and work.
Nutrition & Food Services
At AISD, our mission is to support the achievement of all students by expanding food access, serving healthy, tasty meals, and providing learning opportunities about nutrition, cultural foodways and the food system.
AISD is committed to reinventing the urban school meal experience and is recognized as a national leader in innovative food services programs. We have made great strides in creating desired dining destinations by implementing innovative approaches to modernize school dining and expand access to healthy meals: Breakfast in the Classroom, after school meals, salad bars, food trucks, family style, dispersed dining, zero-waste, plant-forward and scratch cooking with an emphasis on global flavors.
Procedure for Absences
School Business
Important Contacts
Front Office: Lupita Gutierrez Cisneros- 512-414-3217 0r
Attendance: Sandy Mark- sandy.mark@austinisd.orgRegistrar: Jackie Cannon-
Technology Questions: Dennis Willenberg-
504 Coordinator: Alex Gonzalez Paxton-
6th Grade: Judith Berrean-
7th Grade: Natalie Preston-
8th Grade: Laura Rotondo-
SEL Counselor: Starlet
Principal: Megan
6th Grade AP: Marisela Bowen-
7th Grade AP: Natalie Adams -
8th Grade AP: Jeremy Raymond-Watson-
About Lamar
Location: 6201 Wynona Avenue, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: (512) 414-3217