WMS Friday Forecast
September 13, 2024

Note From Principal Loversky
Dear RedHawk Parents and Guardians,
As we continue to navigate the digital world, it’s crucial we discuss an urgent issue: social media safety. Many of our students are active on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat, and while these platforms allow them to connect, they also create real dangers. As parents, you are in control of your child's online experience, and without your oversight, your child can quickly become a victim.
Why Your Involvement Matters
It’s easy to assume that your child is safe while they’re online. However, unmonitored social media is a breeding ground for danger. Without supervision, your child is exposed to cyberbullying, harmful content, and predatory individuals. In these situations, your child can quickly become a victim—either of bullying, manipulation, or worse. It is essential that you recognize the power you have to protect them before they become another statistic.
Steps to Ensure Their Safety
Here are some ways you can take control and prevent your child from falling victim to the dangers of social media:
Know Their Accounts: Be fully aware of the social media platforms your child uses. Follow their accounts or request access. Don’t overlook the possibility of fake or secret profiles they may create to hide their activity.
Check Privacy Settings: Make sure their accounts are private and that they only interact with people they know personally. Predators often target children through weak privacy settings.
Limit Screen Time: Setting clear boundaries around social media use can reduce exposure to harmful interactions and help you stay in control of what they’re seeing and sharing.
Discuss Online Behavior: Have frequent conversations about the dangers of interacting with strangers and the consequences of oversharing online. Prevent your child from becoming a victim of exploitation by keeping this dialogue open.
Use Parental Controls: Take advantage of parental control features on platforms and devices to monitor and restrict your child’s activity. These tools are there to help you protect your child from becoming a victim of online threats.
Empower Yourself to Protect Your Child
Each week, I hear from parents who were blindsided by their child's inappropriate posts, contact with unknown adults (often predatory males), online bullying behavior, or discovering their child was the victim of cyberbullying or worse.
Let me be clear: You are not being overprotective by monitoring your child’s social media—you're being proactive. The digital world is vast, often anonymous, and incredibly dangerous if left unchecked. Your involvement today could be the difference between keeping your child safe and them becoming another victim. Take the time to understand what your child is engaging with and empower yourself to take control of their online presence.
Together, we can work to keep our students safe both online and offline.
Tim Loversky
Tuesday, September 24th - Don't miss this event!
Although pre-registration is closed, you are welcome to show up to register at 3:00 pm on the day of the event. The cost will be $35 per person. While we don't guarantee you will get a t-shirt that day, you will still get all the FUN!!!
The Color Palooza is held right after school from 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM. This will be the ONLY after school activity on this date.
- Get more information by CLICKING HERE!
- Check out our promo video!
The Color Palooza is a fun and unique event that's all about letting loose, having fun, and enjoying the experience with friends and family.
Notes From The Office
New Instagram Account Alert!
Wredling is excited to announce that you can now find us on Instagram! Follow us at @D303wredling for the latest news, behind-the-scenes moments, and a whole lot of school spirit! It's just like Bayside High, but cooler, because it's Wredling Middle School.
Attendance Topic: Early Pick-Up
Although we highly encourage scheduling appointments, etc., when school is not is session, we do recognize that there are some circumstance requiring you to pick up your student early from school. Please make every effort to avoid scheduling a pick-up time during the last 20 minutes of the school day as the road between East High School & Wredling will be closed, buses will have started arriving.
To help make your pickup run smoothly and minimize disruption of the school day, we follow this procedure:
🔍For Advance Notice of an appointment
Send them to the office with a note in the morning which includes:
Planned pickup time
Reason they are leaving,
Who is picking them up - They will need their Driver's License/State ID for us to scan
🔍For Last Minute Appointments
CALL 331-228-2893 (for early dismissal only) Speak slowly, clearly and include:
First & Last Name (Spell for clarity)
ID# if you have it
Planned pickup time
Reason they are leaving
Who is picking them up - They will need their Driver's License/State ID for us to scan
- Create eHallpass (digital) for 5 minutes prior to your planned pickup time
- Depending upon how much notice we have, we may also email the teacher & student notifying them of a last minute-pass
Some helpful links:
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As you may have seen, the Kane County Judges are coming to Wredling to present “Worries of the World Wide Web”. Feedback from previous years from parents indicated that it would be helpful for parents to hear this presentation prior to their students to facilitate conversations at home. The judges have graciously agreed to present to parents on Monday, September 30 at 5:30 in the Wredling Cafeteria. This will be the same presentation that your student will hear at the assembly on October 4. We hope you will join us to learn more!
Queridos padres y tutores de familia,
Como ustedes pudieron leer en la última gaceta escolar los Jueces del Condado de Kane van a estar en la escuela Wredling dando una presentación llamada ““Worries of the World Wide Web” (Preocupaciones de la red de Internet). La retroalimentación de los padres de familia que recibimos en años anteriores indican que ellos mostraron interés en estar informados sobre esta presentación antes de que los alumnos asistan a ella, con la finalidad de tener una platica en casa más productiva. Los jueces han acordado amablemente realizar esta presentación a los padres de familia el Lunes 30 de Septiembre a las 5:30 de la tarde en la cafeteria de Wredling. Esta es la misma presentación a la que los alumnos participarán el 4 de Octubre. ¡Esperamos nos puedan acompañar!
Saints Helping Hawks!
Saints Helping Hawks (SHH) is an afterschool tutoring program in partnership with St. Charles East students. SHH runs on MOST Tuesdays/Thursdays from 2:50-3:50 pm. When there are cancellations, it will be communicated by daily announcements (and the Friday Forecast if it is a planned cancellation).
SHH is an afterschool tutoring program and an extension of our school day. ALL students must follow WMS Guidelines for Success. Along with the Guidelines for Success, student are expected to:
- stay the entire time unless parent communication is provided
- must be seated with a tutor (even if they just need a quiet space to work)
- working quietly and not disturbing others
- stay off ALL technology during the session unless it is teacher approved
- to bring all necessary materials to the LRC so that they can use the work time appropriately.
There are no exceptions to these rules. If you are not following the above, you will be asked not to return to SHH. We want to ensure this is a productive & positive environment for students and thus we will not tolerate disruptive behaviors at SHH.
SCHOOL PHYSICALS FOR THE 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR Students entering 6th must submit evidence of a State of Illinois Certificate of Child Health Examination form . 6th graders are required to have one dose of the Tdap vaccine and one dose of the meningococcal vaccine (MCV4) on or after their 11th birthday. Also, students entering the 6th must submit evidence of a dental examination completed within 18 months prior to May 15th of that school year. If your student is entering an Illinois school for the first time, evidence of a physical examination and a complete record of immunizations must be submitted within 30 days of their first day of school. We need evidence of the physical and immunizations, or proof of an appointment by October 1, 2024. Our email is Wms-Nurses@d303.org. Our fax number is 331-228-3707. If this number does not work, fax your paperwork to the main office at 331-228-3701.
Please consider sending in an item from the Health Office Wish List. On occasion, students visiting the WMS Health Office need more than an ice-pack or a bandage. We keep a limited supply of additional items on hand for emergencies, but need to replenish our stash. Any donations can be sent to the Wredling Main Office labeled for the Health Office.
- small water bottles
- plain white socks (various sizes)
- crackers / goldfish crackers
- fruit/granola bars (No Nuts)
Thank you and Welcome Back
The Wredling Nurse Team Carrie Abbs, Andrea Hillard, Cynthia Dykhuis
AVID Class Career Presenters Needed
For each of our 6th grade college and career courses as well as 7th and 8th grade AVID classes, college and careers plays an integral role in the classroom experience. On Fridays, we are looking for volunteers to share their career and experiences in person or via zoom during either 3rd, 6th, 7th or 8th period each week. Times range from 9:30 a.m. to 2:50 p.m. Please fill out THIS FORM if you are interested in sharing your career with our students. We will be sending a confirmation email to you once we have solidified your date and time.
D303 Cares
In D303, we value the opportunity to provide a community of care and support to our families, especially those faced with financial hardship. If your family is currently experiencing a significant financial need, our community partnerships have several supports available for families, including school clothes/shoes, winter coats/accessories, school supplies, toiletries, holiday meals, and/or holiday gifts. If you would like to be considered for any of these supports, please complete the Family Resource Form by September 13, 2024.
En D303, valoramos la oportunidad de proveer una comunidad de cuidado y apoyo a nuestras familias, especialmente a aquellas que enfrentan dificultades financieras. Si su familia está experimentando actualmente una necesidad financiera significativa, nuestras asociaciones comunitarias tienen varios apoyos disponibles para las familias, incluyendo: ropa/calzado para la escuela, abrigos/accesorios de invierno, materiales escolares, artículos de aseo personal, comidas para los días festivos, y/o regalos para navidad. Si desea que se le tenga en cuenta para cualquiera de estas ayudas, por favor, rellene este formulario. Para ser considerado, es fundamental que complete esta encuesta a más tardar el viernes 13 de septiembre.
Check out what is happening around our community. There are lots of opportunities to explore!
Wredling Middle School - Home of the RedHawks
Website: wredling.d303.org
Location: 1200 Dunham Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-3700
Fax: 331-228-3701
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WredlingMiddleSchoolD303