SMS Weekend Update
May 10th, 2024
Important Dates:
Monday, May 27th No School- Memorial Day
Thursday, June 6th Spring Dance @ 5:00pm
Thursday, June 13th Eighth Grade Ceremony @ 1:30pm (See details below)
Thursday, June 13th Last day for Seventh Graders (See details below)
Congratulations to SMS Teacher Pam Didier-Delwisch for being named the Oregon Dance and Drill Coach of the Year!
Pam has been coaching for 26 years and has worn several hats. She is a successful coach and advocates for dance in the community. She is a former judge for Dance/Drill in Oregon, served on the DDCA Board of Directors for four years, and currently volunteers for the NDCA (National Dance Coaches Association). For the last five years she has been involved as a staff writer and editor. With the help of her dance friends and coaching staff, she spearheaded the creation of a non-profit organization and coordinated a youth dance program for grades 1st through 8th. Twelve years later, that program now has over 100 kids participating each year in dance between the youth and high school teams. The achievements of her dance students do not end with high school. Nearly every assistant, coach, or choreographer for the high school or youth dance has been an alumna/alumnus of their program. Several graduates have gone on to major in dance at prestigious arts colleges; some have joined professional dance companies, theater companies, college dance teams, or danced for the Trailblazers. Scappoose School District is blessed to have her as a teacher, coach, and advocate for dance.
8th Grade Ceremony: We are excited to be able to invite families of all 8th-grade students to attend our moving-up ceremony on Thursday, June 13th, 2024. The Annex Gym doors will open to families at 1:00 PM. The ceremony will begin at 1:30 PM. Students will still come to school on this day and go through a full schedule of abbreviated classes. The ceremony will run until 2:30 PM. Following the ceremony, all students will be dismissed to go home with their families. Buses will still run at their regular times, so if your student needs to ride the bus, they may stay at school until 3:20.
7th Grade Final Day of School: Thursday, June 13th is the last day of school for our 7th-grade students. We have an amazing group of 7th graders at SMS and we look forward to having them back for 8th grade in the fall. As a reminder, our 7th graders started a day earlier than the 8th graders in September to help them become acquainted with their new building, teachers, schedules, and expectations. For the 7th graders, the school day will end at 1:15 PM on this day (6/13) and they will be dismissed to go home at that time. The buses will still run on their regular schedule (leaving SMS between 3:25 and 3:45), so if your student needs to ride the bus, arrangements will be made at school to supervise them until this time. Again, the last day of school for our 7th-grade students is Thursday, June 13th.
State Testing: May is state testing month at SMS. Students will be taking their state tests in Science, Language Arts, and Math. The specific dates that the students will be testing are listed below. Please help emphasize the importance of giving their best effort on these tests. Math: Tuesday, 5/21-Wednesday, 5/22
Yearbook Pictures: If you have pictures you’d like to have considered for our 2023-2024 yearbook, please submit them here: https://plicbooks.com/go/V5FF5H
We’re looking for pictures from any of our school-sponsored events - dances, sporting events, etc. We’d also love some pictures of your student in the snow during our January snow days!
Order Your Yearbook here: https://www.bellimaging.com/yearbook-ecommerce/p/scappoose-middle-school-yearbook
Parent Volunteers: We welcome volunteers at SMS. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Angie Oehlert at aroehlert@gmail.com. The SSD volunteer background check can be accessed at Volunteer Background Check. Volunteers are needed before school, after school, and during lunch. Volunteers are also needed to help students safely cross Highway 30 at Maple Street. Additionally, we need volunteers on Friday afternoons to help organize rewards for our Legacy program.
Supplies: We are still doing school work every day at Scappoose Middle School, please check with your students and see if they are in need of any supplies to get them through the remainder of the school year. Pencils, notebook paper, and glue sticks seem to be in very short supply! If your student needs supplies but your family isn’t financially able to provide them, please contact our front office for assistance. If you have extra supplies you would like to donate to the school, send them with your student!
Saturday, May 11th
Track-District Meet @ St. Helens High School 11:00am
Dance Team:
Congratulations to Chloe Tetz, Sylvia McCoy, Abbey Rosenlund, and Aurora O’Neill for making it onto the Scappoose High School “Vision” Dance Team! The HS team is a Varsity level sport that has brought home several state trophies and individual honors/scholarships. Please join us in welcoming these terrific athletes!
Wrestling Camp: