Jackson eNews

The mission of Jackson Elementary School is to provide a safe and supportive learning environment in order to ensure high levels of learning for ALL students.
We are mission-driven, highly motivated, and maintain the highest expectations for ourselves, our students, and our colleagues. Our students are precious, and we will treat them kindly and with love every day. All of our students will succeed academically no matter what! Our tenacity and focus on what’s best for our children will guide our actions every day.
Hello Jackson Families!
Thank you again, Jackson supporters, for another successful BelieveKids fundraising week! Next Monday and Tuesday, November 11 and 12, will be our FINAL days to collect sales and see which of our Jackson students will earn the Top Seller prize, "Principal for a Day!" So far, we have sold just over $8,000 and every sale helps us get closer to our $20k goal! Each child that sells 25 items wins a trip to the Jungle Patrol Truck where they will get to create their own Jungle Patrol stuffy! Register and collect online sales at: https://www.shopfund.com/parentregister. If you have sold items using the paper forms, please turn your forms in, along with the money collected, to your child's teacher by Thursday, 11/14/2024.
Today, Plano ISD's Education Foundation Grant Patrol visited Jackson to award a grant to Ms. Steinbaugh, our wonderful ESL Coach and Interventionist! Her grant, Books for Keeps, will provide personal books three times a year to Jackson students to help increase reading time and skills at home. Congratulations, Ms. Steinbaugh!
On Monday, November 11, we will be celebrating Veterans' Day with a school-wide assembly. At 1:30 p.m., there will be a reception for our Veterans in the Staff Lounge and light refreshments will be served. The Veteran's Day program will start at 2:00 p.m. in the gym. We hope to acknowledge the Veterans of families in our Jackson community as well as celebrate all Veterans who have, so proudly, served our country.
Plano ISD's partnership with Communities in Schools (C.I.S.) is a valuable resource for providing daily intervention to high-need students and families. Jackson's wonderful CIS staff member, Teresa Ventura, is in need of volunteers to help with some ongoing and holiday assistance programs. One of the programs, a Winter Clothing Drive, started this week. Please see the section below for volunteer opportunities to see how you can help. When adults volunteer, our students benefit!
Thank you and have a great weekend!
Crystal Roach
Jackson Elementary
PISD Education Foundation Grant Winner, Ms. Liz Steinbaugh
Veteran's Day Assembly - Monday, November 11
Volunteer Opportunities at Jackson
Plano ISD's partnership with Communities in Schools (C.I.S.) is a valuable resource for providing daily intervention to high-need students and families. Jackson's own wonderful CIS staff member, Teresa Ventura, is in need of volunteers to help with some ongoing and holiday assistance programs.
If you are able to assist with any of these programs, please reach out to Teresa at Teresa.ventura@pisd.edu. Anyone interested in volunteering will also need to create a VOLY account and complete the volunteer approval process.
- Starting Monday, 11/4, C.I.S. and PTA will team up for a Winter Clothing Drive. Donations of new and gently used winter coats, shoes, sweatpants, jeans, leggings, undies and socks would be appreciated. Volunteers will be needed to help sort donations.
- Plans for a Holiday Assistance Program (similar to Angel Tree) are underway. We will need volunteers for this program as well.
- Jackson is part of the Food4Kids Program that provides students with a bag full of nutritious, nonperishable, kid-friendly food every Friday afternoon. We need volunteers to help during the week with sorting snacks and filling bags. We could also use help placing the bags in lockers on Fridays.
- The Mentor Program at Jackson is an opportunity for community members to volunteer to be a mentor for a selected student. Mentor duties include lunch once a week and working with the student 1:1. If you are interested in becoming a Mentor, you will be asked to fill out a mentoring questionnaire to assist Teresa in matching you with a student. Jackson is especially in need of bilingual mentors.
We greatly appreciate your willingness to invest your time and efforts into supporting Jackson students, families and staff.
Thank you!
Winter Clothing Drive
Jackson PTA Fall Fundraiser
Our Jackson PTA BelieveKids Fundraiser started with a visit from "Mr. Money" on October 29 to explain the fundraiser, and we are pumped-up! We participated in this fundraiser last year and it was a BIG success! PTA's goal is to raise $20,000 for classroom supplies, teacher needs, student incentives, field trips and much more.
How it Works:
- Register
- Share your fundraiser with family and friends nationwide to get supporters.
- Earn - every step you take to complete your profile, every email/mobile added and every order/supporter you get earns you coins. More coins = more chances to win!
- Win - Every 10 coins earned = 1 entry for chances to win from over 1,000 prizes worth over $100,000 and a Disney World Family Trip for 4.
Register at: https://www.shopfund.com/parentregister.
Each child who gets 500 coins at registration will receive a prize!
Top Selling Grade Level wins a Glow Party!
Top Seller in each Grade Level wins lunch with the Principals!
Top Seller in the School wins "Principal for the Day!"
Thank you for your support! Orders due by 11/12/2024.
Important Dates
Monday, November 11
- Veterans' Reception, 1:30 p.m., Staff Lounge
- Veterans' Day Assembly, 2:00 p.m., gym
- 5th Grade Parent Meeting, Wilson Middle School, 5:30 p.m., cafeteria
- Fundraiser orders are due
- 5th Grade Parent Meeting, Renner Middle School, 6:00 p.m.
- 1st Grade Turkey Show, 6:00 p.m., gym
- Kindergarten Field trip to the Dallas Arboretum
November 25-29
- Student/Teacher Holiday, Thanksgiving Break
Friday, December 6
- English Spelling Bee for 4th and 5th Grade (monolingual and dual language) classroom winners, 8:00 - 9:00 a.m.
- 3rd Grade Spanish Spelling Bee, 10:50 a.m.
- 4th and 5th Grade Spanish Spelling Bee, 1:10 p.m.
Wednesday, December 18
- K-2 Awards Assembly (end of 2nd 9 weeks), 8:05 a.m., gym
- 3rd-5th Awards Assembly (end of 2nd 9 weeks), 8:05 a.m., gym
Friday, December 20
- End of 2nd 9 weeks, report cards and portfolios go home
- Early Release, 12:00 noon
December 23rd - January 4th
- Winter Break for Students and Teachers
Monday, January 6
- Professional Learning Day for Staff/Student Holiday
Tuesday, January 7
- Students Return from Break
The district calendars for the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 academic years have been published. Please use these dates to plan family vacations when school is not in session. It is important that students do not miss school for vacations that can be planned during times of school closure. The Texas State Attendance law requires students to be in school for at least 90% of the school days in order to not face the possibility of being retained in that grade level and parents facing required court appearance and possible fines. If your child is absent from school, you must email the secretary to let her know why they are out (sick, doctor appointment, etc.). Thank you!
Click HERE for 2024-25 PISD Calendar
Click HERE for 2025-26 PISD Calendar
Wilson Middle School 5th Grade Parent Meeting
Renner 5th Grade Parent Night - Thursday, November 14
Classroom Lessons
Welcome to the Counselors’ Corner! We will use this section of the eNews to inform you all of topics we will be covering in our Counselor lessons and any other important or useful information! Students come with their class to the counselor bi-weekly to receive lessons. We absolutely love this time with them!
For our next lesson, the weeks of 11/04 & 11/11, we will be teaching Healthy Choices by focusing on Drug Prevention. This will tie into Red Ribbon Week that occurred October 25th through November 1st. We loved seeing so many students participate in our Red Ribbon Week dress-up days and learn the importance of making healthy choices through our MAVS Man Assembly! During our lessons, students will identify trusted adults, learn the safety rules regarding medicines and things that can be harmful, and the dangers of illegal drugs. Students will also learn how to make safe choices for their bodies and learn strategies to say no to unsafe choices. Our goal is for students to develop personal safety skills, self-advocacy skills, and gain critical-thinking skills to make informed decisions. We hope students feel empowered and resilient after this lesson!
Jaguar of the Month Program
Jaguar of the Month is a student reward program (Grades K-5) that incorporates character traits from the program, CharacterStrong. A new character trait is introduced every month and students will engage in classroom discussions and activities to reinforce the trait. At the end of the month, each teacher will identify a student who consistently demonstrated the targeted trait. These students will be recognized on JagTube, receive a certificate, wristband, and a Jackson Jaguar pencil. Grade level group photos will be displayed on the bulletin board near the front office AND Jaguars of the Month will attend a popsicle party with Dr. Roach, our principal!
Our Jaguar of the Month Trait for November is GRATITUDE! Our definition of Gratitude is choosing to appreciate the people and things in our lives. Check out the CharacterStrong Family Letter (English) / CharacterStrong Family Letter (Spanish) for more information about PurposeFull People and some fun ways you can join us in teaching and reinforcing Responsibility! Monthly Family Newsletters will be sent home that outline the CharacterStrong skills students are learning in class and provide fun ideas to grow as a family at home.
We hope you find this Counselors’ Corner helpful! Please never hesitate to reach out for anything! We are always here to support you and your students!
Thank you!
Michelle Hardy (Grades PK, 1, 3, 5)
(469) 752-2115
Nicole Sollie (Grades K, 2, 4)
(469) 752-2116
November Activity Calendar
Our awesome P.E. coaches are sharing a monthly calendar with fitness challenges and other activities that promote the development of motor skills, physical fitness, and social skills. These activities can be done at home with family or friends. Have fun with fitness!
Electronic Report Cards
Friday was the end of the first nine-week grading period. Rather than receiving a mailed report card, Plano ISD is excited to now use Skyward Family Access to provide electronic report cards to families!
What can you expect?
When attendance letters, progress reports, and report cards are posted to Family Access, parents/guardians will receive a notification through the message center. Report cards will be available within the Portfolio tile of Family Access for parent signature and review. To access the document:- Go to the Student Module
- Select Portfolio
- Provide an electronic signature prior to accessing the document.
- Once the electronic signature is provided, a download icon appears. This will download the PDF and allow parent/guardian to view the document.
What if I still need a paper report card?
Paper report cards are still available. Please contact your campus to obtain a paper copy.Where can I find a grading period calendar?
Please access the Plano ISD website calendar to see grading period information.If you have not yet completed the annual registration forms for your student, this would be a great time to complete these required forms as well. This will provide our staff the most accurate information to fully support all of your student's needs.
For help guides on completing annual registration forms or accessing report cards in Family Access, please visit www.pisd.edu/FamilyAccessHelp.
Plano ISD Communication Protocol
Parents, as we work together to ensure your child's success, I would like to take this opportunity to outline our communications protocol for addressing concerns or issues that may arise during the school year. We hope that adhering to this protocol will help to ensure that all communication remains clear, courteous, respectful and productive. Thank you so much for your support!
Communication Protocol Letter - English
Carta de protocolo de comunicacion - Spanish
Crystal Roach
Jackson Elementary
"Attend Today to Succeed Tomorrow"
Regular attendance to school is so important to your student's success because when your child is at school every day, they are learning and growing! We need your help to ensure your student comes to school every day. You can help by making sure that your student goes to bed at a reasonable hour. If you are bringing your student to school, you will need to drop off your student between 7:00 - 7:30 so that they are prepared to start the day, otherwise, your student will be counted as tardy.
Unless they are sick, your student needs to come to school every day. If they are sick, then a note will need to be submitted on Skyward Family Access or turned into the office.
Please remember that Texas has attendance laws and there are consequences to not attending school regularly. See below for the state attendance laws:
Unexcused Absences (Full/Day or Parts of Days)- Education Code 25.093 and
Family Code 51.03
A violation of compulsory attendance occurs when a child has unexcused voluntary absences on 10 or more days or parts of days within a 6 month period.
Truancy Referral may be forwarded to the Truancy Office after all student and parent interventions have been done and student has ten (10) or more unexcused absences, and if a Warning Notice has been given to the parent/guardian/student.
If you have any questions or concerns, you can always contact the front office at (469) 752-2100.
Together, we can make it a great school year!"
Report Absences in Skyward Family Access
Drama Kids at Jackson - Fall Registration Open Now!
We do drama different. We set the stage for success! Enjoy an exciting mix of theatre games, improvisation, scripted work and more in a safe and inclusive environment. Boost self-expression, social skills, and creativity with us!
Ages: K-5th
Location: Jackson Elementary
Day/Time: Thursdays, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Enroll today: www.dramakids.com/tx3
Dear Jackson Parents,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! My name is Jacquie Wooten, and I am honored to be your PTA President for this upcoming school year. I have lived in Plano for 14 years and 11 years in this neighborhood. My youngest is a 3rd grader at Jackson this year and I also have a 13- and 11-year-old who are Jackson graduates and now attend Wilson Middle School.
I am a registered nurse and work full time as a nurse manager at a local hospital. I know what it's like being a working mom and juggling a job and family! I want to share with everyone the importance of PTA and the support it provides to our students and teachers. I would love to get more Jackson families involved in whatever capacity they are able. I hope to have the opportunity to meet each of you and work together to make a lasting and positive educational experience for our students!
Thank you!
Jacquie Wooten
Jackson PTA President
More Ways to Support Jackson PTA
Kroger Community Rewards
World Wear Project
You can also support our PTA by bringing any household donations (clothes, shoes, etc.) to the donation bin in the back parking lot. You will be helping our PTA and the environment by recycling!
Girl Scout Troop 1437, Jackson Elementary
Helpful Links
District Updates for Plano ISD Families
Annual Registration for Existing and Newly Enrolled PISD Students
New Student Online Enrollment and Annual Registration
District Safety and Security Procedures
2024-2025 Transportation Updates
Transportation Services - Bus Route Finder
PISD School and Classroom Library Information
Meal Benefits Eligibility Expiration
Students who qualified for free or reduced-price meals at the end of last school year are eligible to participate at their current eligibility status for the first 30 operating days of the 2024-25 school year or until a new eligibility determination is made, whichever comes first.
In order for meal benefits to continue, a federal meal application for the 2024-25 school year must be completed. Students with no application on file after 30 calendar days will return to full-paid eligibility status effective September 25, 2024.
Households that have submitted a federal meal application for free or reduced-priced meals for the 2024-25 school year do not need to reapply.
Households who wish to apply for free or reduced-priced meals will need to complete an online federal meal application for the current school year via the website at www.pisd.edu/mealprogram.
Applications will be processed within 10 business days. Eligibility notification letters will be sent via email. If families have not received the letter in their inbox, please check junk and spam folders.
For any questions regarding federal meal applications, please contact mealprograms@pisd.edu.
Parent Information Night Grade Level Presentations
Programa de Lenguaje Dual en PISD
PreK Parent Information Night Presentation - English and Spanish
Kindergarten Parent Information Night Presentation - English
Kindergarten Parent Information Night Presentation - Spanish
1st Grade Parent Information Night Presentation - English
1st Grade Parent Information Night Presentation - Spanish
2nd Grade Parent Information Night Presentation - English
2nd Grade Parent Information Night Presentation - Spanish
3rd Grade Parent Information Night Presentation - English
3rd Grade Parent Information Night Presentation - Spanish
4th Grade Parent Information Night Presentation - English
4th Grade Parent Information Night Presentation - Spanish
5th Grade Parent Information Night Presentation - English
Stay Connected!
Make Sure Your Communication Preferences Are Up To Date!
Visit www.pisd.edu/schoolmessenger to choose how you prefer to receive communications from Jackson and Plano ISD.
Jackson Elementary
Website: http://pisd.edu/jackson
Location: 1101 Jackson Drive, Plano, TX, United States
Phone: 469-752-2100
Twitter: @JacksonPlano