AoP Tech Parent April 2018
Tech News, Support, and Information for AoP Parents!
You, Your Kids, and YouTube
YouTube, and Snapchat, and Musical.ly...oh my! Social Media platforms have become a constant in tweens and teens’ lives, and with thousands of apps and sites available on demand, it can be overwhelming for parents trying to keep up with what’s safe and appropriate for specific age groups. What’s more, teens and tweens today are consuming information and entertainment vastly different than previous generations. They are bypassing traditional avenues, such as print media and cable t.v., in favor of online sites. In fact, one site, in particular, has become the site of choice for this particular age group--YouTube.
According to 2017 statistics from Omnicore Digital Marketing Agency, YouTube has become one of the internet's most powerful search engines, placing it second only behind Google. This video sharing site boasts over 30 million daily active users. These viewers watch and share over 5 billion videos per day. If we dive deeper into YouTube’s user statistics and break apart the demographics, we will find that their viewership spans not just across the 18+ age group. In fact, teens and tweens are the largest growing audience group, and their usage profile is astounding! In 2017, an article published in Adweek Magazine showed that:
95% of teens between the ages of 13-20 use YouTube.
50% of this same age category said they “Couldn’t live without YouTube”
66% of this age group use YouTube for “how-to” information
51% of this age group use YouTube for a “good laugh”
There are also numerous YouTube channels dedicated to helping kids with homework. With internet access more readily accessible to children, from even the earliest ages, how can parents stay “in the know” of their children’s video viewing habits?
Start by asking 4 simple questions, as suggested in Common Sense Media’s video:
4 Questions to Ask That Will Clue You into Your Kid’s YouTube Life
What’s Trending Today?
Kids will check out YouTube’s homepage to find out the latest videos that are funny or have gone viral.
What Channels Do You subscribe to?
With such a vast audience, it should come to no surprise that the video content creators, aptly called “YouTubers” have risen to incredible prominence in the wake of the site’s exponential growth. Check out the content of the channels to make sure it is age appropriate.
What’s in Your Library?
Their library contains videos they liked or plan on watching later.
What Was the Last Video you Shared?
Whether it’s with their friends, or through social media, knowing what kids are sharing will give you great insight into the content that captures their attention.
Simple conversation starters such as these can foster open and ongoing lines of communication with your children. Be sure to check out Common Sense Media’s YouTube information page for additional tips and video clips to help you stay on top of your child’s YouTube life, including ways to make YouTube safer for even the youngest kids.
“4 Questions to Ask That Will Clue You in to Your Kid's YouTube Life.” YouTube, 28 Aug. 2017, youtu.be/E_TlCDUgRNc.
Bazilian, Emma. “Infographic: 50% of Gen Z 'Can't Live Without YouTube' and Other Stats That Will Make You Feel Old.” – Adweek, Adweek, 22 May 2017, www.adweek.com/digital/infographic-50-of-gen-z-cant-live-without-youtube-and-other-stats-that-will-make-you-feel-old/.
“YouTube.” Common Sense Media: Ratings, Reviews, and Advice, www.commonsensemedia.org/youtube.
“YouTube by the Numbers: Stats, Demographics & Fun Facts.” • YouTube by the Numbers (2018): Stats, Demographics & Fun Facts, 5 Feb. 2018, www.omnicoreagency.com/youtube-statistics/.
Check out these YouTube Channels!
As always, it is best to preview any channel content to ensure that the video and topics are best suited for you and your family members.
PBS Kids - all ages
National Geographic Kids - all ages
TheSpanglerEffect - tweens & teens:
Numberphile - tweens & teens
Coma Niddy - tweens & teens
Family Fun & Laughter:
Kid President on SoulPancake (Check out the video above for a sample!)
EvanTubeHD -tweens & teens
All4TubeKidz - tweens & teens
Check out the YouTube Kids app (iOS devices only at this time), for a simpler and safer online video experience for your PreK-K kids.
Teacher Feature
Family Tech Tip of the Month: Privacy Settings
App of the Month: Charity Miles
AoP Tech Team
Alissa DeVito, Associate Director of Educational Technology
Aaron Heintz, Technology Integration Coach
Annabel Dotzman, Technology Integration Coach
Email: techcoaches@archphila-oce.org
Website: www.aoptech.org
Facebook: facebook.com/aoptech
Twitter: @aoptech