Jag E-News
Sartartia MS -- Exemplary Education Every Day -- 12.6.19
Jags are on the Move!
Hello Jag Families,
Hopefully your Thanksgiving was filled with kindness and love. We have returned with a fervor for educating our students.
We are on the downswing of the Fall semester and have a very busy few weeks. Yearbooks are in the final days of being sold. Make sure to purchase your 2019-2020 yearbook!
MUST READ: Middle School Final Exams Information is below. Please read as changes have been made for the district.
Please join us for these amazing upcoming events:
- Monday, December 9-Winter Band Concert #1 @ 6:30pm
- Tuesday, December 10-Kickstart Belt Ceremony @ 6:30pm
- Wednesday, December 11-Girls Basketball @ FSMS @ 5:15pm
- Wednesday, December 11-PTO Meeting @ 1pm; Winter Band Concert #2 @ 6:30pm
- Wednesday, December 11-Students Wear College Gear for a Raffle during Lunches
- Thursday, December 12-B Basketball @SMS 5:15pm
- Friday, December 13-No Place for Hate @ 8am; Choir Concert @ 6:00 in Commons
- Friday, December 13-School Spirit Day-SMS Gear
Cholly Oglesby
Sartartia Middle School
End of Semester Schedule
Middle School Final Exam Information:
Semester Exams Middle School Courses Semester Exams will not be given at the end of the semester in middle school courses. Instead, an additional major grade for a total of (4) major grades will be added in the last grading period of the course.
- In semester courses, the second grading period will include the additional major grade = Term 2 (in December).
- In full year courses, the fourth grading period will include the additional major grade = Term 4 (in May). The additional major grade shall align to TEKS and include a rubric or checklist where a project or performance assessment is selected. Example of types of assessment that may be used are:
• Authentic, project-based, collaborative learning experience,
• Performance based assessment, and/or
• Comprehensive examination of the course
Semester Exams High School Credit Courses taken in Middle School will have exams.
All high school credit courses taken in middle school will assess students using a cumulative semester exam at the end of the first and second semester. Semester exams shall align to the curriculum, and may include the use of multiple modalities to measure student proficiency. Semester exams shall be kept on file by the Department Head in each content area for a period of (1) year.
Student Spotlight
Ashvik Pious is a 6th grader at SMS that loves being a middle schooler and is a proud Jaguar. He stands out as a student for the kindness and compassion that he exhibits to everyone on campus. Ashvik shows up to school with a smile on his face and is always willing to start conversations with teachers and students at school. Ashvik is more than willing to help others by lending a helping hand, and exhibits many traits of a Profile of a Graduate.
Staff Spotlight
Glenary Williams is our campus attendance clerk and has been at Sartartia for three years. She is one of our hardest working staff members and always has a smile on her face. She has been married to the love of her life, Brian Williams, for 20 years. They have two boys, BJ and Aamar, and a dog that thinks she is a human. She also loves all genres of music and will listen to everything from classical to hip hop. Mrs. Williams is a Seattle Sea Hawks fan and roots for the band and dance teams the Southern University in Louisiana. Family and faith are the two most important parts of her life and Mrs. Williams the love the work that she does every day.
Need more information contact:
Samantha Luxenburg
Art Teacher and Yearbook Adviser
Sartartia Middle School
It is a BOGO book fair so every book that they buy, they get one free!
The book fair will be open next week:
Monday 12:30-4:30, 5-7:30
Tuesday 8-4:40
Wednesday 8-4:40
Thursday 8-4:40
Friday 8-4
Thank you,
Jessica Fitzpatrick, MLS
Sartartia Middle School
Cricket Club Video
AHS HS ProGrad Fundraiser
Travis High School Hayrides Fundraiser
Our Travis Prograd c/o 2020 would like to invite you to sign up for our Hayrides through Pecan Grove this holiday season. It is a fun ride through the neighborhood to look at the famous lights. All proceeds benefit the Prograd Lock in on graduation night. Click here to sign up for a Hayride!
Hey Jag Parents!
We are so excited about how our 2019-2020 school year is going so far!! We have BIG plans for this year including exciting new programs and learning opportunities for you and your child to help you navigate through their middle school years. We hope to see you at parent nights and other programs that we are offering this year.
Parent Information Night
Course selection parent information night – January 28th in the commons/library
**This meeting will be the only time we have set up to give you details about what courses are being offered next year at SMS and help with any course selection questions you may have.
We do not have one on one meetings, so please do your best to attend J
School Counselor Tip: Nurturing the Tween Parent Relationship
Weekly, we will send out an article to help with your child and their middle school experience.
Please check out this week’s article: Nurturing the Tween Parent relationship:
No Place for Hate
Mrs. McCune is looking for students/parents to serve on this years No Place for Hate committee. The committee will meet once a month to help plan 3 school wide activities to support acceptance by combating bias, bullying and hatred, and creating and maintaining a positive climate here at SMS. If you or your child is interested in being on the committee, please have them sign up in the student center or tell their grade level counselor at lunch.
Our NEXT MEETING IS NOVEMBER 22nd DECEMBER 13th at 8:20 am in Room #316
This year’s Heritage Day is scheduled for Friday, February 21st. Please be on the lookout for more information from Mrs. McCune directly regarding parent volunteer sign ups.
For 8th grade Parents Only:
Academies and P-Tech:
The online applications are due January 10, 2020.
You can find all Academy information here: https://www.fortbendisd.com/Domain/70
4 year planning:
If you missed the 4 year planning sessions – NO WORRIES Please visit our counseling webpage below for 8th grade/transition information
As always, for updates visit our website at: https://www.fortbendisd.com/domain/2953.
**We would like to send a personal shout out to Ms. Friedel for meeting with EVERY single 8th grade student this year(she has about 60 left) in order to make sure that they are ready for HS by doing individual planning meetings to go over their 4 year plans. Way to go!!**
Thank you for your continued support of us and our program. We are looking forward to a fantastic year!!
-The SMS Counseling Team
Support the PTO by donating to our Annual Cash Drive. Our Goal this year is $25,000. This is the only cash drive for the entire year. With the funds raised, we have plans to build a shade for the bleachers, bring in new technology for our students, fulfill our Teacher Wish Lists, support the fine Arts department and many more. If every Household donates just $10 we will exceed our goal. Now you can donate online by simply clicking the following link or simply visit our website www.sms-pto.org and click on the Donate button on the main page.
Please donate:
Support Sartartia Middle School PTO while you shop this holiday season! Shop through Amazon Smile and pick Sartartia Middle School as your preferred charity and we will receive 0.5% of most purchases.
For the month of November and December, the grade with the most Box Tops will win 30 minutes of Electronic Time during their Lunch period. Check out the attached flyer for more details.
A Great Way to shop Gifts for the Holidays and support your school all at the same time. We’ve made it super easy (and fun) to support us. Simply shop for your Holiday gifts or home Decor through our Shutterfly Storefront to create photo books, keepsakes, gifts, home décor and more—and Shutterfly will donate 8% to our school.
Please help us spread the word by sharing this post with your Family & Friends. Happy shopping! SartartiaMS.ShutterflyStorefront.com.
JOIN SMS PTO 2019-2020
It's never too late to join the PTO. There are no joining fees or forms to fill. We are still looking for enthusiastic parents for several positions. Please reach out to Lakshmi K @ koppolu.pto@gmail.com for more details.
Important Allergy Information
Please click this link to read more about our procedures for students with food allergies.
Assistant Principals & Counselors
Courtney Border-Assistant Principal
Brandi Goodly-Counselor
7th grade
Dr. Sunday Johnson-Associate Principal
Rachel McCune-Lead Counselor
8th grade
Paul Wells-Assistant Principal
Kat Friedel-Counselor
Sartartia Middle School
Help us grow our fan base! Follow us on:
Twitter @sms_jaguars
Email: cholly.oglesby@fortbendisd.com
Website: www.fortbendisd.com/sms
Location: 8125 Homeward Way, Sugar Land, TX, USA
Phone: 281-634-6316
Twitter: @sms_jaguars