No.31 May 5, 2024

I called out to the Lord, out of my distress, and he answered me... Jonah 2:1
This week Mr. Yearwood concentrated on the story of Jonah. There are so many lessons to be learned from this story for students and adults alike.
In the upper school several students have started stepping up to lead during morning devotion time. This is so exciting! We are incredibly proud of them and thankful for what God is stirring in their hearts!
Highlights from the Week
Safety Training for CCS Staff
On Monday our students had the day off while our faculty and staff spent some quality time reviewing best practices for safety. We are so thankful that Sheriff Gentry allowed Lieutenant Whaley to spend the morning with us going over important awareness and readiness details.
WSCC Scholarship Night
Congratulations to our CCS seniors who accepted scholarships tonight at Wallace State Community College!
WSCC scholarship recipients for the CCS Class of 2024 included: Ashley Barker, Skylar Driver, Aliyah Guthrie, Abbey Jones, Phoebe Jones, and Gracie Lee.
New Seating
Honor Society Inductions
2024 Inductees Were: Jericca Bell, Wyatt Benefield, Garrett Scheer, Emma Self, Zoe Powell, Gracie Stidham, Emma Grace Thompson, Jack Haynes, Evelyn Griffin, Aby Robertson, Abbey Jones, and Phoebe Jones.
Athletic Banquet
On Thursday night we celebrated the accomplishments of our student athletes. Athletes who participated in Cross Country, Volleyball, Cheerleading, Basketball, Tennis, and Track were recognized. The coaches from each sport proudly honored their players not only for top performance, but also for the things they do on and off the playing field for Christ. It was a great night of laughs, smiles, and thankfulness to God.
Pictures of each team can be found in the photo folder linked below.
McWane Field Trip
Fine & Performing Arts Celebration
View More Pictures from the Week
Feed the Need: Student Spotlight
Do you know Lydia Eason? She is a preschool student at CCS who worked hard to help our school raise money and pack meals for families in Bangladesh.
Here's a little more about Lydia:
- Favorite Color: Pink
- Favorite thing at CCS: Playing with Friends
- Favorite Thing to Do on Weekends: Swim
- When I Grow Up: I want to help animals! (vet)
Thank you, Lydia, for all your work for Feed the Need and for being such a good student at CCS!
We believe in the power of prayer!
Each Tuesday morning parents are invited to join together in prayer.As students dismiss to class for the day, parents may gather together in the area behind the gym to pray for our students, faculty, and staff.
Tuesday, May 7, 2024, 08:00 AM
Cullman Christian School, Beech Avenue Southeast, Cullman, AL, USA
May 6-9 - Book Fair (Lower School Only)
May 6-10 - Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week
May 8 - History Walking Tours (Upper School)
May 8 - Move to Depot Day
May 9 - First Day of Classes at Depot Park Campus
May 10/13 - Move Up Shadow Day for Current 6th Grade
May 14 - House of Music Lunch (Upper School)
May 17 - Field Day
May 20-21 - Upper School Final Exams
May 21 - PreK End-of-Year Program
May 21 - Kindergarten Graduation
May 22 - 1st-12th Grade Awards Day
May 23 - Class of 2024 Graduation at 7 PM at Christ Covenant Presbyterian Church
June 24 - Annual CCS Golf Classic Tournament at Terri Pines
***Check information from your child's classroom teacher for additional events/details.
Book Fair (Lower School Only)
The spring book fair is here!
This years theme is “Ocean Expedition”
See information from your child's classroom teacher(s) about daily activities.
Volleyball Tryouts
We are super excited about the number of girls interested in playing volleyball this fall! It is going to be a fantastic season!
Tryouts for the 2024 7th-12th grade Volleyball Teams will be May 6-8.
Physicals must be up to date for participation.
Staff Appreciation Week
Two of our PTF parents have volunteered to coordinate meals and goodies but they would like your help! If you would like to help, please contact:
Brittney Smith
Amy Hancock
Uniform Yard Sale
If you want to participate in setting up or organizing the yard sale please let Mrs. Candase know.
CCS Golf Tournament Registration NOW OPEN! Tell your friends!
2024 CCS Golf Classic
The Golf Classic event is scheduled for Monday, June 24th so it's time for us to begin lining up teams and sponsors. We need your help to spread the word!
Attached you will find two documents: one for team registration and the other for sponsorships. Please feel free to download, post, and distribute to the people you know. You can also direct them to our webpage at cullmanchristian.org/golf-tournament for information and online registration.
A Few More Recaps, Upcoming Events, and Important Items
Become a Sponsor
Sponsorship opportunities are available for the annual CCS Golf Classic. Learn more at https://www.cullmanchristian.org/golf-tournament
Move Up Day (Current 6th Grade)
Current 6th grade students will get the chance to shadow at the upper school. Because there are so many of them, the class will be divided across two different days. Parents and students will receive details from Mrs. Yearwood about their assigned shadow day.
Upper School Final Exams
FINAL EXAMS are coming up! Details have been posted for students in their grade level Google Classroom.
- Monday, May 20 - Math, History, Science Exams (See Schedule)
- Tuesday, May 21 - English, Bible, Latin (See Schedule)
- Thursday, May 23 - Individually Scheduled Make Ups Only
- Exams should be taken at the designated times.
Continued Hard Work and Learning
During the last few weeks of school, teachers and students will be working hard to get in those last lesson AND prepare students for what's ahead in the next grade. Attendance, concentration, and study are of continued importance as we finish the year.
Senior Testimonies
Each week students in the upper school are stepping up to share with peers. Mr. Yearwood has challenged seniors to take a turn leading devotion and share their testimony. This is a great exercise of faith! We are proud of them all for having the courage to tell others what Jesus has done for them!
New Opportunity
We want to build student leaders!
Students in grades 4-12 (current 3-11) will have the opportunity to grow their leadership skills by becoming a Class Ambassador. This program will not only help our school manage and host events, it will also provide students with opportunities to show God's love and serve others.
Students interested in applying should download the application below. Applications are due to Mrs. Yearwood by May 15th.
View and Download the 2024-2025 School Calendar
2024-2025 School Calendar
The academic calendar for 2024-2025 is now available.
The calendar is a great tool to use when planning for the the year. Download a copy using the button below.
The Latest Video Message from Mr. and Mrs. Yearwood
Cullman Christian School
AdvancED Accredited
Email: office@cullmanchristian.com
Website: https://www.cullmanchristian.org/
Location: 1803 Beech Avenue Southeast, Cullman, AL, USA
Phone: (256)734-0734
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ccsedu