Oak Leaf Weekly Update
River Oak Charter School
The Winter Garden
Deep mid-winter is drawing near
There is darkness in our garden here—
One small flame yet bravely burns
To show the path which ever turns.
Earth, please bear us as we go,
Seeking Light to send a-glow
Branches green and moss and fern,
Mark our path to trace each turn.
All the animals, teach us too
To serve with patience, as you do.
We walk with candle toward the Light
While Earth awaits with hope so bright:
In the light which finds new birth
Love may spread o’er all the Earth.
Deep mid-winter drawing near—
May Light arise in our garden here.
By Nancy Foster
Welcome to Our Last Week of 2021
We have so many celebrations in our classrooms, along with the various fundraisers such as cookie tins and holiday grams...for more information please call our office!
As we close out 2021 as a school community, our team will be taking the time to reflect on our strengths and challenges these past 4 months. In addition, I will be sending out surveys to learn about our community's perspective on the year to date, so we can plan for improvement and growth going forward into 2022.
Friday, December 17th, we will be gathering as a school for a gratitude circle before saying goodbye for the year, we are looking forward to our last week together of 2021!
ROCS Sports Recap- New Schedule Attached Below
The River Oak girls lost to Baechtel Grove on Wednesday 22-14. It was a hard- fought game by the Firebirds. Willits played intense defense and had a full- court
press from the jump to the final whistle that really flustered the Firebirds. River Oak had a tough
shooting night, they only shot 15% from the field. The Cougars also had a very deep bench
making it easy to have fresh bodies on the court. When asked about Baechtel Grove’s quality of play, Kaylee Maynard said “They moved the ball and played good defense.” Rebekah Martinez
said “I think not having my 7th graders; Scout Adams and Daphne Phillips really affected the
outcome of the game. My 6th graders played their hearts out, but size for size they were just no match.” Varsity Gaches said, “They were pressing the whole time so they got a few easy steals and shots.”
The A boys also played against Baechtel Grove on Wednesday. They played a very hectic and
contentious game, but they were able to win easily 45-18. The Cougars fans were a little intense, one Cougar fan got thrown out of the game by the referee.
River Oak came out in an early press and that really flustered the Cougars. Shooting Guard
Cheyo Minz- Kammer caught fire early, scoring 12 of his 16 points in the first quarter.
As a team, Baechtel Grove received 3 technical fouls. Towards the end of the game, center Zach Martinez had a break away, he jumped up to go for a slam dunk (that he missed by a few inches)! When asked if we can expect a dunk from Martinez later in the season, he said, “Yes I am working on it every day and I am hoping for a dunk later in the season.” When asked what River Oak did successfully that led to the win, Geo Gibbs, who had 14 points said, “Intensity and pressing.” Minz- Kammer added, “Defense for sure. Without the press it would have been much closer.” Coach Martinez concluded, “Well, everyone was just flowing together. The continuity was amazing and I hope we can keep that up and sustain it through the season.”
- Kaleo Olson
ROCS Sports Recap
River Oak suffered another loss on Monday, losing to Potter Valley 25-15.
Both Teams struggled shooting in the game, the Bearcats shot 16% and The Firebirds shot 18%.
Potter Valley came out in a press and the Firebirds really had trouble with it. The Bearcats
jumped out to a 9-0 lead. Varsity Gaches then scored a fast break lay-up and the Firebirds
showed they were not done yet.
Potter Valley then went on a 9-3 run, but River Oak did not give up; they scored the next 6 points
and forced Potter Valley to call a time-out and re-group. The Bearcats were able to quiet the
Firebirds and they closed out the game with what seemed like an even more intense press than
earlier in the game. Kaylee Maynard, who had 7 rebounds and Gaches, who had 15 points, 12
rebounds and 5 blocks were both asked about their offensive surge when it looked like they
could come back. Maynard answered, “They were still pressing us so it was hard to break the
press.” Gaches said “ I think when they called the time- out it sort of messed up our run.”
River Oak Charter School
Email: kmccullough@riveroakcharterschool.org
Website: www.riveroakcharterschool.org
Location: 555 Leslie Street, Ukiah, CA, USA
Phone: (707) 467-1855
Facebook: facebook.com/www.riveroakcharterschool.org