News From Room 106
October 31, 2024
It was great to see all of you at conferences last week! Thank you for all of the donations for our Halloween Party.
Emails: After meeting with all of our families, it seems that sometimes the bi-weekly newsletter and weekly update emails arrive in the Spam/Trash folder of emails. To prevent this, I will now be sending emails from my email instead of through Skyward. Please be on the look out for emails coming from Woodview. These will still be sent from Skyward and may end up in Spam. After talking with our Technology Department, one way to fix this is to make sure to click 'not Spam' when you get sent an email from the office. This will then help your server recognize the Woodview office email.
Class Dojo: I have decided to begin a Class Dojo page. The students should have all taken home a login sheet to help families get logged into our classroom. This page will mainly be used for relaying important reminders and photos to be displayed. Please feel free to use the messaging feature but please refer to email or calling my classroom number for important manner on topics that need a more immediate response.
We hope you have a safe, fun night Trick or Treating!
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Arends
Email: arendsk@bas-k12.org
Classroom Phone: 794-4756
Google Voice/Text: 616-236-3820
Upcoming Important Dates:
11/1 No School
11/20 Mobile Dentist
11/27-11/29 No School
12/12 Woodview Family Night
12/12 Woodview Christmas Concerts (3rd 4:45, 4th 5:45, 5th 6:45)
12/20 Half Day (11:30)
12/23-1/3 No School- Winter Break
Spotlight Student
This week's Spotlight Student was Levi. Levi continues to be very responsible and is a great role model for his peers. Levi is always willing to help when a classmate or staff member needs it. Great job, Levi!
Next week's Spotlight Student is Kaylee. Kaylee has such a big heart! She is always ready to help anyone in need! Kaylee has great responsibility and uses awesome manners each day. She also wears a big smile and is ready to learn each day! We are lucky to have you in our classroom, Kaylee!
Inside the Classroom:
We have completed our place value unit. Students did a great job with rounding to the nearest ten and hundred. Our classroom has also done a great job mastering three digit addition. A large majority of our students are still working on mastering three digit subtraction; especially when regrouping is needed. We will continue to practice this skill in our red folder review.
This week, we started our third module. Our third module will focus on multiplication and division with units of 6, 7, 8, and 9.
Language Arts
Science/Social Studies
Red Folder
Parent Resources:
News From Around the School:
Woodview's Character Trait of the Month- Gratitude
Throughout the month, we will focus on Gratitude. Students will partake in a lesson that reminds us ways to be kind, thoughtful, appreciative, and caring. This is a perfect trait to work on leading up to the holidays!