Lenox Hybrid Information
Special Edition Family Newsletter-UPDATED March 31, 2021
This newsletter was sent out originally on March 13th and I have updated it to reflect next week's 3rd-6th gr. Hybrid return. This is for families who have students returning to in-person learning in our Hybrid Model, but all are welcome to view and learn the information. Below is specific information about our hybrid return.
Return dates for our students are:
- K-2nd grades: Monday, March 29th
- 3rd-6th grades: Monday, April 5th (see the schedule below for what days your student will be coming to school and which days they will be in CDL)
Start and end times for in-person:
- Arrival time: 7:30-7:45am--DO NOT drop your student off before 7:30am
- Start time: 7:45am
- Dismissal: 12:00pm
Weekly Hybrid Schedule:
- K-2: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday are in-person for all. Wednesday will remain an asynchronous Comprehensive Distance Learning (CDL) day, as it is now.
- 3rd-6th grades: Monday/Thursday in-person for last names A-L. Tuesday/Friday in-person for last names M-Z. On the days your student is not in-person they will be learning through CDL synchronously and asynchronously. Wednesday will remain an asynchronous Comprehensive Distance Learning (CDL) day, as it is now.
Warmest Regards,
Mrs. Gina McLain
Lenox Hybrid Procedures Videos
- Lenox Hybrid Parent/Guardian Introduction
- Lenox Mask & Greetings Information
- Lenox Arrival Procedures--FOR ALL
- NEW--3rd-6th Specific Arrival Info
- Lenox School Day Procedures*
- Lenox Dismissal & Security Updates
The presentation is linked below the videos to read through as well.
*in the video I made an error when speaking to school days for 3rd-6th. Please note that students with last names A-L will be in-person on M/Th and students with last names M-Z will be in-person T/F.
Getting Ready for Hybrid School Bingo!
Lenox Elementary School
Website: https://www.hsd.k12.or.us/lenox
Location: 21200 Northwest Rock Creek Boulevard, Portland, OR, United States
Phone: (503) 844-1360