East High News

March 9, 2025
WY-TOPP Matters!
Starting April 15, all 9th and 10th graders will begin WY-TOPP testing. These tests allow students to showcase what they have learned and to represent themselves and East High School in a positive way. Test scores are also used to determine learning interventions. In the coming weeks, teachers will work with students to set growth goals and to offer strategies. Students that meet their growth goal will attend a celebration in May.
WY-TOPP Matters! Do Your Best on the Test!
ACT Test - March 25
On Tuesday, March 25th, the ACT will be offered to all high school juniors. All students who are juniors will report to the school buildings by 7:20 am to take the ACT state assessment. Buses will run at regular times before and after the ACT session.
Also on Tuesday, March 25th, East, Central, and South High Schools will have a Remote Learning Day for freshmen, sophomores, and seniors. Only juniors will report to school that day, and none of the other students will report to the building. Further instructions for virtual day expectations for 9th, 10th, and 12th grade students will be sent by the high schools.
Calculators: You need a scientific calculator or a graphing calculator for the ACT. You can NOT use the Desmos calculator. If you do not have a calculator, we will be checking out calculators the morning of the ACT. Make sure to arrive early because we will be checking out calculators on a first come, first served basis. We do not have enough calculators for everyone so please bring a calculator if you have one. If you have any questions about calculators, please ask your math teacher.
Rock of Ages the Musical
East High School presents... Rock of Ages the musical teen edition.
March 19th, 21st at 7pm and March 22nd at 1pm
$10; $8 for students, seniors & military
Nurses Corner
In the midst of flu, norovirus and covid season, which has felt like almost the entire year, we are also combatting tired kiddos that are feeling the pull of second semester. We have had an increase of students that have come in complaining of nausea vomiting. Some even will indicate that they just threw up. The kids are tired and think that if they have this symptom that they get to go home. We are sending this notice for parents to know that if student exhibits flu symptoms, vomiting/fever/chills or any respiratory issues, that we will first call parents to determine if the student needs to come home. Often times when we get a kiddo that comes explaining that they vomited in the bathroom, we will offer a remedy of peppermints, tums, water, snack or often times to rest. If the remedy does not work, we will call parents and ask them to make a choice on either coming to get the student or returning to class. If students are truly sick we will always send them home or offer a place for the student to rest until parents can come and get them. Parents are encouraged to contact the nurse if they feel their student is displaying signs of illness or discomfort.
Stay healthy T-birds!
Month of the Military Child
In 1986, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger proclaimed April as the Month of the Military Child. Military bases, cities, and school districts around the globe will celebrate these young American heroes with special events dedicated to them. As part of this month-long tribute, local communities are encouraged to join in the Purple Up! initiative. Each state designates a specific day for this observance, where individuals can wear or display purple to honor our military children. Here are some ideas for how your school can participate in the Month of the Military Child.
Use this link for 50 Way to Celebrate DAF SLP 50 Ways to Celebrate Our Youngest Heroes (1).docx
Use this link for Purple Up Day purple up day.docx
Use this link for Military Essay Contest military Essay Contest.docx
Use this link for the Essay Letter 2025 Essay letter (1).docx
Important Dates
March 9
Daylight Savings
March 14
No Students - Staff Development
March 18
Graduation Announcement Delivery at School 10:30 am - 1:00pm
March 25
ACT Test - All 11th Graders
March 28
Early Release - All Schools - Planning - End of Quarter
March 31 to April 4
Spring Break
Upcoming C Days
- 03-21-2025 5B - 8B Normal B day NO FLEX
For C Days with a Flex Period, all students are required to attend the Flex Period. Students with an off-hour first or second period are still required to attend.
High School Summer Institute
ATTENTION SOPHOMORES: Per some teachers’ requests, we have extended our High School Summer Institute application to March 14th. Please work with your interested students to complete their entire application (personal application, transcript, and a letter of recommendation) via our submission portal (https://www.uwyo.edu/hsi/how-to-apply.html) before the Spring Break. Please feel free to let us know if you have questions.
Pre-recorded info session: 2025 HSI Info Presentation
Jackalope Jump Special Olympics Wyoming
The Jackalope Jump is your chance to be FREEZIN' FOR A REEZIN" by jumping into an unforgettable experience that directly impacts the lives of Special Olympics Wyoming athletes.
JUMP DATE: Saturday, March 15
LOCATION: Lion's Park - Kiwanis Building
JUMP TIME: 11:00am
Dual Enrollment Classes
Laramie County Community College Success Coaches will be here on March 18th and 19th to visit with students that are interested in taking Dual Enrollment classes this summer and next fall. Please use the link below if you would like Mrs. Steil to write a pass for you to visit with LCCC on the above dates.
Intro to the workforce hosted by The Office of Youth Alternatives 1320 Talbot Ct, Cheyenne, WY 82001. This provides youth with the skills needed to obtain employment.
Wednesdays March 19th-April 30th 6:00pm-7:30pm (April 2, 2025, 1pm-4pm) Contact Youth Alternatives at 307-637-6480 to register. For Ages 14+ COED
Weekly Schedule:
March 19th- Exploring Strengths and Weaknesses, and References
March 26th- Career Fair
April 2nd- SWAT/CPD/Fire Department DEMO
April 9th- Resume Building and How to Write a Check
April 16th- Financial Literacy Presentation by Blue FCU
April 23rd- Career Fair
April 30th- Mock Interviews with various Cheyenne Business Professionals Intro
University of Northern Colorado
On March 26, 2025, at 9:30 am an admissions representative from the University of Northern Colorado will be here to meet with students. Please use the link below to sign up. If you have any questions, please contact Aimee Steil at aimee.steil@laramie1.org.
Senior Information
Senior & Families - Graduation Announcement Delivery
Any student who placed an order for graduation announcements will be able to pick up their order with Herff Jones March 18th, 2025, from 10:30-1:00 in the front lobby area. We will have all graduation announcement orders ready to deliver during this time. If a student or family member is not able to pick up their order during this time, Herff Jones will leave them in the Spirit office for pick up.
“**IMPORTANT REMINDER FROM HERFF JONES** If you have not yet ordered your cap & gown, time is running out! The Deadline to order you cap & gown is April 1st, 2025. You can place an order on their website at www.urherffjones.com. Remember, caps & gowns are delivered at school during senior checkout in May. Graduation Announcement orders are delivered at school on March 18th from 10:30am - 1:00pm. If you have any questions, please contact Herff Jones at 866-238-5336 or glmiller@herffjones.com. "
Wyoming U.S. Service Academies, ROTC and Congressional Information Event April 5th
Tremendous opportunity for high school Scholar-Athlete-Leaders to gather information about the application process for all Service Academies and the many ROTC programs across the country to include an Army and Air Force ROTC program at the University of Wyoming. The event will be held in Casper, WY at Natrona County High School and parents are encouraged to attend. As you will see highlighted on the link below, this will be the only combined event in Wyoming this Spring.
To provide some insight, a student from Cody, WY who attended this event last year applied for a National ROTC scholarship and a Naval Academy scholarship. Last week he was awarded a 4-Year National Scholarship to UW and acceptance into the Naval Academy. This young man has selected to attend the Naval Academy. This is just one of many examples of how lucrative these opportunities can be.
Wyoming Boys' State
Wyoming Boys' State, a program of The American Legion, for high school juniors. Hosted at the University of Wyoming from June 8-14, 2025, Wyoming Boys' State teaches students the principles of democracy and civic engagement in a hands-on environment. More information can be found at Boys' State. The application is simple and takes just a few minutes: www.wyoboysstate.org/apply/delegate.