Mackay Newsletter
Malcolm S. Mackay Elementary School - February 2025

Principal's Message
Dear Mackay Families,
Can you believe it is already February? We are SO busy here at Mackay School! In February we celebrate our 100th Day of School, Valentine’s Day, President’s Day, Black History Month, and more! From the “souper bowl” and our visits to the Tenafly Senior Center, to the Talent Show Auditions and the Spelling Bee it is so nice to see our students shine. The Tenafly KPA’s Lunar New Year Festival was also a wonderful event and it was wonderful to see Mackay students perform! It is amazing to reflect on all that our students have accomplished as we look back on our first 100 days of school! They all certainly have a lot to be proud of.
We are thrilled to announce our International Week country for 2025… Greece! We are so excited to explore Greece and dive into its history, culture, food, language, music, art, literature, sights and more! Stay tuned for more information on our new cultural celebrations and how you can get involved and participate right along with us during the week of March 31st- April 4th.
April 4th is our HSA’s Tricky Tray! Please help support the HSA and all of the amazing things they do for Mackay School. I look forward to seeing you there, socializing with other families, and bidding on some fun, exciting prizes! Our HSA just spruced up our faculty room for the teachers with a new microwave, coffee machine and more. We also have a new book room in the works here at Mackay which is super exciting for our teachers to house shared reading materials for our students.
Hopefully the weather warms up soon and we can get back outside for recess. We miss the playground and the fresh air! I wonder if the groundhog will see his shadow this week- will it be an early spring or 6 more weeks of winter??? Don't forget to check the lost and found- There are lots of hats, gloves, jackets and more!
Whatever it brings, have a wonderful February with your amazing students,
Heidi Chizzik
Upcoming Events
Jersey Day
February 7th
Art Night with Ms. Bracero
February 13th - 5pm
February 14th - EARLY DISMISSAL
Schools ends at 12:45pm
It's SOUPER BOWL time!!
Coming in March
March 3rd - March7th
Talent Show
March 13th - 7pm
International Week - GREECE
March 31st - April 4th
Counselor's Corner
Happy February, Mackay Families!
This month, we are spreading kindness like confetti as we celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Week from February 9th–February 15th!
Students are encouraged to take part in our 25-Day Random Acts of Kindness Challenge, finding small but meaningful ways to brighten someone’s day—whether it’s sharing a smile, helping a friend, or writing a kind note.
To keep the kindness blooming, we’ll create a Random Acts of Kindness Bulletin Board! Students can write about a kind act they did on a Post-it note and add it to the board to inspire others. Together, we will see how small actions can create a big impact!
Our 5th Grade Peace Builders will also help keep the kindness flowing by leading students in grades K–5 through lessons on gratitude and refreshing our hearts and minds. Thank you to our amazing teachers for opening your classrooms for these powerful and meaningful lessons.
Let’s celebrate the power of kindness and gratitude all month long!
-Mrs. Angerson
Happy School Counselors Week to OUR Mrs. Angerson!
Mackay Schools appreciates all you do!
This month in the art room we are working on special projects focused around this year’s International Week. International week doesn’t happened until late March but we begin our studies and artwork now so that once the week comes all our beautiful work can be displayed that week in celebration!
This month I will also be hosting a Valentine’s Art Night (see below for the flyer) for our Mackay’s families to come together and work on a very special art project centered around the love for art! I look forward to this since our Art Nights are always a great way to come together to create. Hope to see you there!
Until next time,
Ms. Bracero
In The Gym
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I’m excited to share what’s coming up in Physical Education (PE) during February!
Grades 3-5: Scooter Unit
Students in grades 3 through 5 will be working on their scooter unit. This fun and engaging unit helps build coordination, balance, and teamwork through a variety of creative scooter activities.
Grades K-2: Stations Unit
Our younger students in grades K through 2 will participate in a stations unit. Each station will feature a different activity, giving students the opportunity to explore a variety of skills, movements, and challenges. This format keeps them moving, learning, and having fun!
As always, please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for PE with sneakers and comfortable clothing. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. Thank you for your continued support, and here’s to an active and exciting February!
Best regards,
Mr. Marciano & Mrs. Young
PE Teacher
Music Sound-Off
From jazz to hip hop and from Louis Armstrong to Beyoncé, Black musicians have made numerous note-worthy contributions to music in America. During Music throughout Black History Month, students will learn about some of history’s most influential and significant Black musicians and the music of their time.
This month, our upper grade students will be learning about the song “Lift Every Voice and Sing” and “Follow the Drinking Gourd” (a song sung by African Americans escaping slavery). We will also be learning about the roots of jazz and its influence on modern music. Lastly, at the end of February, our second grade students will start their unit about the recorder! All second grade students will receive a recorder from the school in March.
Mr. Fugaban, General/Vocal Music (Gr. 2-5)
Mrs. Tirri, General/Vocal Music (Gr. K-1)
Mrs. DeJoseph, Instrumental Music (Gr. 3-5)
From the Library
Author Matt Tavares is coming to Mackay in MARCH!!
See flyer below for details!
¿Qué Pasa?
K-3 students have been learning about the weather and seasons according to their grade level. Each grade will start different units: Kindergarten will learn Body parts. First graders will start reading and writing complete sentences using various verbs: Play, eat, drink, look at, etc. Third graders will start "Mi Rutina Diaria" (Daily Routine Unit)
4th graders are learning to express their likes and dislikes when discussing their favorite activities and the seasons. They will start The Birthday Unit.
5th graders are finishing the description unit where they learned to describe physical attributes and personality traits. They will start the "In the Classroom Unit"
-Señora Guerrero
Kindergarten Registration for 2025-2026
Kindergarten registration for 2025-26 began Monday, January 20th. This is an all-electronic process. Please visit www.tenaflyschools.org/registration for information and instructions.
Congratulations to Our Spelling Bee Champs!
Congratulations to Alexander de Castro, Winner and
to Runner-up, Jonathan Ryu, of the Scripps/Mackay School Spelling Bee!
We wish you the best of luck in the next rounds of the Scripp's Spelling Bee! We will be CHEERING you on!!
Let's Get Social!
Follow Mackay's social media platforms to keep up-to-date with upcoming events and happenings in our school and community.
Instagram - @principalmackay