Otsego Elementary Extra
Principal's Weekly Update - June 7, 2024
I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer so far!
Class lists for the 2024-2025 School Year will be posted on the front doors of the school and at the Weston and Grand Rapids Libraries on Friday, August 2nd at 3:00pm. They will ALSO be shared in the newsletter sent out that day.
District Calendar
School Supply Lists
Click on the button below to get a list of School Supply Lists for the 24-25 School Year.
Talent Show Recording
Our 5th Grade students did an AMAZING job showcasing their talents yesterday. Check out the recording if you would like to see them!
School Supply Kits for the 24-25 School Year
The School Supply Kits for next school year are now on sale. If you want the supplies delivered straight to the school, you need to order by 6/3/24. If you want the supplies shipped to your house, you need to order by 7/15.
Otsego Boys Basketball Youth Summer Camp
Youth Wrestling Camp
Little Knights Girls Basketball Camp
Dana and Cali
Dana and Cali will both be returning for the 2024-2025 school year. IF your student has allergies and/or fears related to dogs (and you did not already make us aware last year), PLEASE fill out the form below!
Dana's Grooming is Sponsored by:
212 Farnsworth Road
Waterville, Ohio
School Counseling Newsletter
Extended Care Information
OES Extended Care is available for students aged 5 through the summer before entering 6th grade. There is a $10.00 per family yearly registration fee for the OES Extended Care Program. The registration fee will be applied from June 1 to May 31 each school year and will be charged to the credit card on file. If you are registering your child for the summer program you will not be required to pay an additional registration fee for the coming school year.
Contact Info and Hours
phone: (419)823-4381 ext 4408
email: extendedcare@otsegoknights.org
Summer: June 10th - August 9th
- Hours are 7am-6pm
- Closed June 19th & July 3-5
School Year 2024-25: August 21 (first day)
The program follows the school calendar
- Before School ~ 6:30 a.m. to THE START OF SCHOOL
- After School ~ END OF SCHOOL to 6:00 p.m.
In the event of a school cancellation after a two-hour delay, OES Extended Care will remain open. If school closed before 6:30, Extended Care is closed also.
Pricing and Registration Info
The hourly rate charged is $3.50 per hour for the first child, $2.00 per hour for the second child, and $1.50 per hour for the third child and any additional children. The hourly rate is billed to the quarter-hour. The Credit Card form in the registration packet MUST be filled out in order to register.
The Credit Card Form will be used to pay your Extended Care amount.
Please print out the registration form (all 5 pages MUST be completed in their entirety) and send it to the elementary school office, attention: Becky Hatfield.
Registration for 2024-2025 will be available on May 13th on the Elementary Website or in the Elementary Office.
Questions may be emailed to:
Billing: Steve Carroll 419-823-4381 extension 1101 or scarroll@otsegoknights.org
Becky Hatfield 419-823-4381 extension 4401 or bhatfield@otsegoknights.org
Registration: Becky Hatfield bhatfield@otsegoknights.org
Knight in Shining Armor Nominations
Please use the following form to inform OHS Student Council about a family in need within the school district. While the family does not need to have students in the district, we do ask that they are a member of the Otsego Community. Please use this form to share information about their current situation as well as how they can best be assisted.
Please be sure to understand that while Knight in Shining Armor (KISA) would love to help all community members in need, we are still a new program, and may not have the funds to do so. With that being said, we will consider each request on a case by case basis. Filling this form out does not guarantee that we will be able to assist the family, but we will try our hardest to do so!
These funds are not for routine expenses such as utilities, bills, rent, etc. It is designed for assisting community members in an emergency situation. This can include, but is not limited to unforeseen medical expenses, medical related travel expenses, and household emergencies such as a fire, water leaks, etc. Please keep this in mind when submitting a nomination.
Please refer to this link at any point during the year as a need arises, and KISA will do their best to help out!
Community Events
Eagle Scout Project Fundraiser
Grant Martin, a sophomore at Otsego HS, is working on an Eagle Scout Project to benefit the Otsego Junior High / High School music department. The project will install a custom library racking system in one of the three band/choir practice rooms and efficiently store all the paper sheet music owned by the Otsego music department. Currently, sheet music is stored in all three practice rooms on bookshelves, in file cabinets, and in stacks of boxes on the floor. This doesn’t allow these spaces to be used as designed.
This is an ambitious project. The cost to complete this project is $15,000. The Otsego Music Boosters is providing a significant portion of the funding needed and has offered to match Grant's fundraising efforts up to $5,000 by June 1, 2024 in order to complete the project this summer. Any amount you give would be greatly appreciated and would have twice the impact with the matching gift. Donations can be made at https://omb.boosterhub.com/store/2453/11755 or sent to the high school office attention "Otsego Music Boosters - Eagle Library".
All monetary donations are tax deductible. Thank you for your support.
Box Tops Are Digital!
Want to help raise some money for the school but hate cutting out all the box tops? Or forget they are there and throw them away? Well now you don't have to worry about that; box tops have gone digital! You just need to download the app, set up Otsego as your school, scan your receipt and we will receive the credit. Check out the Box Top website for more information- we will be adding more as well when we get it.
Don't want to download ANOTHER app?
Just send your receipts into school with your kid and we will scan them for you. Please make sure you put them in a bag or envelope labeled box tops for PTO so the teachers know where they go.
Heard a rumor or have a question?
Katrina Baughman
Email: kbaughman@otsegoknights.org
Website: www.otsegoknights.org
Phone: 419-823-4381 (4005)
Becky Buchman
Email: bbuchman@otsegoknights.org
Website: www.otsegoknights.org
Phone: 419-823-4381 (4009)
Twitter: @buchman_becky
Lauren Miller
Email: lmiller@otsegoknights.org
Phone: 419-823-4381 (4010)
Twitter: @OEScounselor
Kayla Phillips
Email: kphillips@otsegoknights.org
Phone: 419-823-4381 (4105)
Jenny Helberg
Email: jhelberg@otsegoknights.org
Phone: 419-823-4381 (4001)
Angie Norman
Email: anorman@otsegoknights.org
Phone: 419-823-4381 (4003)