S.O.A.R Weekly
Freedom Park Newsletter February, 5 2018
School Council
8th Grade Living Wax Museum
8th grade Georgia Living Wax Museum at 10 am Thursday, Feb. 8th in front of the school (by the bus loop). Parents and faculty are welcome to come and learn about various significant figures in Georgia’s history.
Middle School Dance
Georgia Parent Survey
Field Day!
Field Day, March 29th. Please contact Coach Todd if you can volunteer.
No Students Before 8:20 AM!
Intellecutal Disabilities
Raising a Child w/ADHD
Gifted Education - Acceleration
IB MYP Updates
IB Profile of the Month - Inquirer
Inquirers ask questions, look for new information by themselves, are curious, always try to learn and discover new things, and always try to know more.
Freedom Park Passport
Golf Season
Athletic Department Fundraiser
We have had some amazing students play sports this year. We are raising money to help insure they have an amazing sports banquet. Please be advised of the athletic fundraiser- Blow pop sales during and after school dismissal in the concession area.
Track Tryouts
PreK Update
Pre-Kindergarten registration for the 2018-2019 school year will be January 15th - February 28th. All applications for the Pre-K lottery will be processed online through the District’s website at www.rcboe.org.
February 1, 2018 through February 28, 2018 parents can bring documentation to the Central Office from 8 am-5 pm or Tobacco Rd. from 1 pm - 6 pm.
Curriculum Corner
General Information
Milestones Study Guides
I personally use this app all the time and love it!
Eagles S.O.A.R
All County Beginner Honor Orchestra
and Teriauna Williams.
The All-County Beginner Orchestra Concert is Thursday, March 22nd at 7:00 pm at Richmond Academy High School auditorium.
Parenting and Childhood Development
Flu Season
Yearbook Sale and Picture Days
Yearbooks are still on sale. Online sales will end March 5th, as well as hardcover sales. To order online, go to ybpay.lifetouch.com and enter code 10154818. Forms are also available in the office.
February 23 will be our next picture day. Spring individual pictures, class pictures, track, golf, and clubs/groups will be taken. Spring individual and class pictures are prepay only.
March 16, cap and gown pictures will be taken for pre-k, kindergarten, and 8th grade students that prepay only.
Freedom Park T-shirt Sales
The T-shirt fundraiser is going on until Friday February 9,2018. All orders must be placed online or by phone. Please do not send money to the school.
Valentines Day
Student Council selling valentines candy grams, scented roses, and raffle tickets for a basket. Order forms went home Friday.
Staggered Release
Help w/ Intake, Lunch. and Dismissal - Call 706/ 796-8428
We need your help. As you can imagine, the morning intake, lunch, and dismissal are some of the busiest times of the day. How can you help? If you can help at any of these times, please call the front office.
Morning (8:20-9:00)
- Help ensure cars do not park or drop off students in the bus loading area.
- Help ensure students are walked across the street safely (parents should not be letting students out to walk across the parking lot).
- Welcoming students to school in a cheerful manner (high fives, encouraging words, etc).
- Cafeteria helper (breakfast).
- Help students in the morning car line and ensure parents pull as far up as possible to get parents off the street.
- Help teachers get students started (unpacking, passing out items, collecting items, etc.).
- Hall monitor.
Lunch (anytime between 10:55 and 1:20)
- Managing lines and tables.
- Helping students open items.
- Any other assistance teachers or food nutrition needs.
Dismissal (3:30 - 4:30)
- Help ensure cars do not park or drop off students in the bus loading area.
- Help ensure students are walked across the street safely (parents should not be letting students out to walk across the parking lot).
- Help students in the afternoon car line and ensure parents pull as far up as possible to get parents off the street.
- Help teachers get students ready for dismissal (packed, passing out items, etc.).
- Help teachers get students to designated dismissal area.
- Hall monitor.