RTMS Review
October 1, 2022
Important Dates
October 4 - Picture Retake Day
October 5 - Non-Attendance Day (No Classes)
October 7 - "Fist Bump Friday" with the MPPD
October 12 - Walk/Bike/Roll to School Day
October 15 - All 6th Grade and New Student Medical Paperwork DUE
October 18 - Board of Education Meeting
October 18 - PTC Dine and Share - Station 34 (See below)
October 21 - Fall Dance
October 29 - PSAT8 Testing for 8th grade students attending D214 Schools
Please click on this link to see the 2022-22 District Calendar.
Dear RTMS Families,
It's hard to believe that September is already over! We had a fantastic turnout for last night's Rec Night (our first since 2019), and we are looking forward to so many great activities throughout this school year. Thank you so much to all of the parent volunteers! We could not have hosted that number of students without your help and support. Please encourage your children to become involved! There are so many great clubs and activities; there is truly something for everybody.
The trimester is now half over. Please check in with your student and ask them how things are going. Go through PowerSchool and Schoology with them so that they can show you where they are flourishing, and if there are any areas in which they need more support. Please know that our teachers want to help your child succeed. Check your email regularly, as that is sometimes the easiest way for our teachers to contact you during their planning time.
Our lost and found is suddenly overflowing with hoodies and light jackets now that the weather is cooling down. Please tell your child to check out the lost items this week to see if anything is theirs. We will be donating any unclaimed items after this week.
I wish you all a very happy October! Enjoy the sunshine this weekend!
In partnership,
Mary Krall-Meske
6th Grade & *New Student* Medical Requirements
- Vision Exam
- Physical Exam
- Physical Examination-Immunization Form
*Please note that the top portion on the second page of this form must be completed and signed by a parent or guardian (see below). If you have gotten a physical within the last year, that paperwork should be acceptable. Please check with our school nurse if you have any questions (lveller@rtsd26.org).
- Physical Examination-Immunization Form
Picture Re-Take Day
RTMS Student Support Services
This year, all students will continue to build upon their social emotional skills during Advisory Class. Through daily lessons and activities, students will learn and practice skills related to the Social Emotional Learning Competencies outlined by CASEL and ISBE.
Skill areas include:
Social Awareness
Responsible Decision Making
Relationship Skills
If at any time during the school year, you feel your student would benefit from additional social emotional support, RTMS Social Emotional Support Staff are available. Support in the areas of peer relationships, problem solving, self esteem, emotion management, coping with stress, mental health, bullying and community resources are available to ALL students. Please feel free to reach out to building support staff with any questions or concerns!
Social Workers
Mandy Zavilla- azavilla@rtsd26.org 224-612-7648
Beth Kelpsch- bkelpsch@rtsd26.org 224-612-7704
School Psychologist
Ashley Nistor- anistor@rtsd26.org 224-612-7679Parent Night - Digital Citizenship
Wrestling Coaches Needed
Fist Bump Friday
RTMS PTC - Parent Social Event
Save the Date! RTMS PTC is excited to announce that we will host a parent social at Station 34 on November 12. Be on the lookout for ticket info in the next PTC newsletter to reserve your spot!
Not getting PTC emails? Sign up now to receive them!
Walk/Bike to School Day
Fall Dance
Tickets will be sold during lunches the week prior, and we are looking for volunteers to help sell tickets, and to help at the event. If interested, please use this link to sign up!
PSAT 8/9 Assessment
8th grade families that will be attending John Hersey High School or Buffalo Grove High School should receive more information via mail from District 214. Please note the dates below:
PSAT 8/9 Placement Test Dates at all 6 District 214 high schools:
- Saturday, October 29, 2022: 8:00 a.m. to approximately 11:45 a.m.
- Makeup, Saturday, November 5, 2022: 8:00 a.m. to approximately 11:45 a.m.
October Dine and Share - Station 34
Join us on October 18th between 3pm and 9pm for our next Dine and Share! Station 34 will be giving $8 for each Large Pizza* and $5 for each Small Pizza* ordered this day when you mention River Trails Middle School!. Available for dine in and carryout/delivery.
Order online at station34pizzapub.com or call in at (847) 873-1230.
34 S Main Street, Mount Prospect, IL
Avoid disappointment in May, order your yearbook right away!!
RTMS yearbook sales start Monday, October 3. Your student will receive a yearbook order form/envelope during Monday's Advisory period. Yearbooks can be ordered by:
1) Going to inter-state.com and entering the code 72523B.
2) Returning the completed order envelope with $25.00 cash or a check payable to River Trails Middle School. Thanks for your order!
Lost & Found
We Are Hiring!
- - Reminders - -
Attendance Line: 847-298-1750, option 1
How to Contact Us
Our main office number is 847-298-1750.
Main office
Elia Esparza-Viveros: eesparzaviveros@rtsd26.org
Jessica Escutia: jescutia@rtsd26.org
Lindsay Veller (nurse): lveller@rtsd26.org
Principal, Mary Krall-Meske: mkrall@rtsd26.org or 224-612-7600
Assistant Principal, Kyle Henkel: khenkel@rtsd26.org or 224-612-7601
River Trails Middle School
Email: rtmsinfo@rtsd26.org
Website: http://rtms.rtsd26.org/
Location: 1000 North Wolf Road, Mount Prospect, IL, USA
Phone: 847-298-1750
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RiverTrailsMiddleSchool
Twitter: @RiverTrailsMS