The Weekly Howl
Principal's Corner
Happy New Year and welcome to 2025! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday break. We are so excited to start the new year with you!
This new year brings fresh opportunities for growth, learning, and connection. Together, we’ll work to ensure that every student feels supported, challenged, and inspired to achieve their best. Our teachers and staff are excited to continue fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment where all students can thrive.
We’re looking forward to celebrating many successes and milestones with you in the coming months. Please keep an eye out for updates on exciting events and opportunities to engage with our school community. Your involvement is a cornerstone of our success!
We are excited to see our wolves on Monday!
January is School Board Appreciation Month- Thank you for all you do!
Coming Soon: A New Year Brings a Redesigned Website
Boerne ISD will launch a redesigned website in January 2025. This new digital experience is visually captivating, user-friendly, and intuitive, better reflecting our community, campus offerings, and improving navigation for students, families, and faculty. More details coming soon!
Check out the PTO page to volunteer!
Links not working for you in the newsletter?
We apologize if you have experienced a struggle with accessing the links in the newsletter. You may have to follow one of these steps to access links:
1) Click on Open in Browser at the top of your screen if using a phone
2) Please feel free to click on the direct links in the newsletter
Please let me know if you have any issues accessing any links. Thank you so much!
We are looking for a Crossing Guard!
If you are interested in applying for our crossing guard position at the entrance of Corley Farms, please let me know. We are looking for someone to help us at arrival and dismissal.
Dismissal Changes
If you are needing to make a transportation change for your child, please be sure to call the office by 2:00 p.m. This will help the front office and ensure our carline remains as efficient as possible.
We also will not be accepting parents walking up with car tag numbers during dismissal. The only dismissal options for students are YMCA, car rider or bus rider. If you forget your tag- you will be asked to park and come inside with a valid ID.
Thank you for understanding that student safety is our number one priority.
Staff & Student Holiday- MLK- 01.20.25
Den's Night Out- Cooper's Kingdom- 01.23.25
Den's Night Out- 01.30.25
Attention- 5th Grade Parents
Please register for BOA- See Info Below
BOA is fastly approaching and it's time to fill out all the forms and complete payment now. Included is a site link with a student application, pick up form, visitation form and parent volunteer form. There is also menu information, a packing list, snack information and important dates.
We will be attending camp February 24-26, 2025 in Comfort at Hermann Sons Camp. It is a 2-night overnight camp for students. If you have any questions, please contact Amber Weidenfeller at amber.weidenfeller@boerneisd.net or Sherry James at sherry.james@boerneisd.net.
Please attempt to Complete all forms and pay by December 20th.
Fine Arts Showcase-01.16.25- 5th Grade Students
Our fifth graders will be going to Champion High School for the Fine Arts Showcase on January 16th. This is a student only event.
Students will have the opportunity to experience a taste of band, orchestra, theater, choir, dance and other fine arts classes offered in our district. This is a great way for students to experience the wonderful electives our district has to offer. Buses will pick up students at around 12:10. The show is scheduled from 12:30-1:30. Students are expected to return to Viola Wilson at around 2:00 p.m.
5th grade lunch will be from 11:25-11:55 on 01.16.25.
Carline Safety
Please be sure to not drive around cars in the car line at arrival or dismissal. For everyone's safety the line is a single file.
Please remember to:
- Drive your child all the way where adults are present for drop off. Please do not drop students off at the curb where no adults are present. We still have some students that are being dropped off without an adult present. Your child's safety is our number one priority and we want to make sure students are safe at all times.
- Please do not cut in front of other vehicles. This could cause a traffic accident and we want to make sure everyone is safe.
- You are welcome to use the parking lot by using the entrance closest to the recess area.
Tardies Reminder
If your child arrives at 7:35 or later, you will need to park and sign your child in. Our carline is improving each day and we thank you for your patience. We would like to remind you that we will ask you to park and sign your child in if they are not in their classroom at 7:35 a.m.
Lost & Found
Please be sure to check our Lost and Found. We have many items in there and will be donating them after December 20th if not claimed. We will be setting out a coat rack next week with the jackets and items we have collected.
Attendance Goal- 96% Each Day
It is so important for our wolves to be at school everyday. We have a goal of 96% attendance each day. Each classroom will have the word Wolfpack in their classroom. Each time everyone is present a letter will be filled in. Once the class fills in all the letters, they can earn a class reward determined by the teacher.
Please help us by getting your children here on time. If your child is needing to be excused please email our Registrar, Lorena Rios at lorena.rios@boerneisd.net.
Thank you!
Arrival & Dismissal Routes
Over the Counter Medications
Beginning this year, the Board of Nursing has clarified that any medications, including over-the-counter (OTC) medications such as Tylenol, cold syrups, allergy pills, etc. must have a medical provider's signature on the medication form. In the past, we have been allowed to administer OTC medications simply with parent permission/signature. This is no longer allowed. Per the Texas Nurse Practice Act, approved providers include MD, DO, APRN, PA, dentist, or podiatrist.
Birthday Treats
Birthday treats must be store bought with a nutrition label. This is a BISD procedure that has been in place since 2018. Treats from bakery's must also include nutrition labels.
Please view the BISD Severe Food Allergy Management Plan for more information at https://www.boerneisd.net/Page/8985.
Page 13 states: All foods brought to campus for special occasions such as birthday parties, holiday parties, any special occasion MUST have an FDA approved label with ingredients and allergens legibly listed.
Birthday treats may be dropped off in the front office. Visitors will not go to classrooms. Teachers will celebrate the last 15 minutes of the day, prior to dismissal. Flowers and balloons are not to be sent to school for delivery for any student
Birthday Invitations
Teachers or students may not pass out invitations to select children in a homeroom class. Either all the class must receive one or all the boys or all the girls must receive one. This is done for good reason - it is never pleasant to be the one who is not invited. Thank you for understanding.
Visitors at Lunch
Visitors will only have lunch with their child and for food allergy/safety reasons, visitors may not bring food for other students. Friends will not be permitted to eat with you. We do ask that you limit the use of phones/pictures as much as possible to insure student privacy. You may arrive a few minutes before the student's lunch time and wait in our office.
All lunch visitors must sign in and out with the front office. First time visitors must have their ID. If you are unable to sign in on our Raptor system, you will not be able to enter the campus nor will be able to have your student join you.
No delivery food for students will be accepted by someone other than a family member for the safety of our students. This includes but is not limited to Chick-fil-a, Uber Eats, Grubhub, etc.
If a family member is dropping off lunch, please make sure the child knows it is coming, notify the teacher and be sure it is received before the student's lunch time. Any student that does not have a lunch within the first 10 minutes of their lunch time will purchase a lunch from the cafeteria.
2024/2025 Lunch Schedule
PK- 11:15-11:45
K: 10:20-10:50
1st: 10:50-11:20
2nd: 11:25-11:55
3rd: 12:30-1:00
4th: 12:00-12:30
5th: 11:50-12:20
Volunteers on Campus
We are so thankful for all of our volunteers! We could not this without you!
If you are on campus as a volunteer, please do not deliver items personally to your child's classroom. If you need to get something to your child, please go to the front office. If you are needing to speak with your child's teacher please email him/her to set up a conference.
Thank you for understanding!
Update Contact Info
Please be sure to submit new email addresses and phone numbers in Skyward regularly.
Meet our PTO Board
We Appreciate You!
Important Dates
- 01.13.25- First day of Spring Semester
- 01.16.25- 5th Grade Fine Arts Showcase
- 01.20.25- MLK- Staff & Student Holiday
- 01.23.25- Den's Night Out- Cooper Kingdom
- 01.30.25- Knighting Ceremony
- 01.30.25- Olie Buck Store PK-2
- 01.31.25- Olie Buck Store 3-5
- 01.31.25- Den's Night Out- Las Palapas
See Something, Say Something
We have updated our See Something Say Something reporting system. Please note that, all reports are now confidential and no longer anonymous, however we will still protect your identity if you wish. This update is important to assist administration and law enforcement to investigate reports more efficiently. Please check out our updated PSA below: (Then paste this video link) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEcPbAMGPXg&t=4s
Follow us on Instagram- @violawilsonelementary
Follow us on Facebook- Viola Wilson Elementary School
VWES Address/ Phone Number
1313 Homestead Ridge
Boerne, Texas 78006
(830) 357-4700