The Raptor Report
RHAM Middle School
January 17, 2025
From the Principal's Desk
January 17, 2025
Dear Parents/Guardians,
How the time does fly! Our mid-term early release schedule started today and runs through January 23rd (see info below). Our second semester/3rd Quarter will begin on Friday, January 24th. Students should be reminded to check their 3rd quarter schedules for any changes in their classes that will begin next Friday.
It has been a busy week with all that has been going on here at the middle school. Our sports teams have all been in action, and our teachers have been prepping some of our students, who have high school credit classes, for their mid-term exam. We always remind students that one of the best ways to prepare for the exam (and any exam) is to make sure they get plenty of sleep the night before, eat a good breakfast in the morning, and stay hydrated.
A reminder that if you have an incoming seventh grader for next year, registration is now open on the RHAM Middle School website. We also held our Inquiry Academy Information Night on Monday, and both information about the program, and a video of the presentation, are shared below.
That’s all I have for now.
Enjoy the long weekend.
Michael Seroussi
RHAM Middle School Midterms
RHAM Middle School students who are taking World Languages, Algebra, Geometry, and select Art classes, will be taking midterms beginning Friday, January 17th through Thursday, January 23rd.
Students who do not have exams will have their regular classes.
Please take note of the half day schedule below.
Although not all students will be taking midterms this year, here are some tips for students who are:
- Prioritize Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Sleep deprivation seriously impacts your focus, memory, and mood.
- Nourish Your Body: Eat regular, healthy meals. Try to avoid sugary snacks and processed foods that can lead to energy crashes.
- Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Dehydration can cause fatigue and difficulty concentrating.
- Stay on Schedule: Arrive to school on time so you are not feeling rushed or stressed.
Mark Your Calendar
January 2025
- January 20- NO SCHOOL; MLK Jr. Day
- January 21- Ski/Snowboard Club; Ski Sundown; ½ day of school
- January 21- Midterms - Early Dismissal; 11:45 AM
- January 22- Midterms - Early Dismissal; 11:45 AM
- January 23- Midterms - Early Dismissal; 11:45 AM
- January 23- End of Quarter 2
- January 24- Quarter 3 Begins (Semester 2)
- January 24- Middle School Winter Athletic Photos; After School
- January 28- Ski/Snowboard Club; Ski Sundown
- January 31- Art Show & Workshop Field Trip; University of Hartford
February 2025
- February 4- Ski/Snowboard Club; Ski Sundown
- February 5- Middle School Winter Concert Band & Chorus - 7:00 PM
- February 6- HS 8th Grade Parent Night (6:30 PM In-Person)
- February 7- 7th & 8th Grade Dance - MS Cafe; 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
- February 7- 8th Grade Transition Day to HS for students (during the school day)
- February 8- National Science Bowl Competition; Smith Middle School in Glastonbury
February 9- Snow Date; National Science Bowl Competition
- February 14- Incoming 7th Grade Registration Ends
- February 14- Inquiry Team Application Deadline
- February 14- Pep Rally
- February 14- Early Dismissal; 11:45 AM
- February 15- 8th Grade Munson’s Fundraiser Begins
- February 16- MathCounts Competition; Math Club; UCONN
- February 17-18- NO SCHOOL; Presidents’ Day Recess
- February 27- Internet/Social Media Presentation HS Auditorium
- February 28- 8th Grade Munson’s Fundraiser Ends
- February 28- Ramadan
*Please note dates are subject to change due to unexpected winter weather.
Incoming 7th Grade Registration
Inquiry Academy 2025/2026
Please see the calendar below for Inquiry Academy informational meeting dates and times.
The Inquiry Academy application can be found here:
News From Guidance
Kids are turning more frequently to YouTube for entertainment. YouTube suggests clips and new channels based on what you've watched previously. Kids can also discover new videos by seeing what's popular and trending. This can easily increase the amount of time your kids spend on the site. YouTube also contains quite a bit of inappropriate content. Check out this YouTube review from Common Sense Media to learn about the different levels of parental control you can set for your child's YouTube account to help keep them safe.
Grade 8: On Monday, School Counselors met with all 8th graders. Students were given a paper copy of their PSAT 8/9 Score Report, shown a video explaining how students can interpret their score report, and completed a task in Naviance related to their PSAT 8/9 scores. Many students either have not created College Board accounts, or did not know their login information. Click here to view the presentation explaining how you can help your child create a College Board account.
Open Music Lab
Starting on Monday, January 27th, students are invited to spend lunch in Open Music Lab. You can buy/bring your lunch, sign out, and eat, practice, learn songs with friends, compose music, or listen to music in the keyboard lab, room 231.
Important reminder to all Ski and Snowboard Club members:
The next trip to Ski Sundown is Tuesday, January 21st.
Please remember to come to school with all your equipment, and bring it to the team room first thing Tuesday morning.
Ski equipment MAY NOT be brought to school on the bus.
Make sure you have all your belongings labeled!
The car drop off line on ski trip days is much longer as it takes time to unload equipment. Please plan accordingly and arrive at school a little earlier on these days.
Winter Sports Schedule
Winter sports are underway!
The link below provides practice and competition
schedules for the four winter teams.
It will update as changes occur.
RHAM Middle School Yearbook
Coffee & Conversation with the Superintendent
Dr. Colin McNamara continues his goal to meet as many parents and community members as possible. To help in this effort, he has added new opportunities this school year for "Coffee and Conversation" with community members at the dates listed below. We hope you are able to attend one of the listed times. Please make sure to bring a photo ID, and watch for any updates due to weather or other circumstances.
Middle School Media Center - Small Conference Room
All dates listed below are from 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Thursday, September 26th
Thursday, November 14th
Wednesday, January 15th
Wednesday, March 19th
Wednesday, May 21st
High School Media Center
All dates listed below are from 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Thursday, October 24th
Thursday, December 12th
Thursday, February 6th
Thursday, April 10th
AHM Youth and Family Services
Weather Delays and Cancellations
For future delays or cancellations, information will be available on the following media sources:
Television Stations: WFSB Channel 3, WTNH, Channel 8, WVIT Channel 30, FOX Channel 61
Radio Stations: 93.7 FM, 96.5 FM, 100.5 FM, 102.9 FM, 1080 AM, 1360 AM.
It can also be accessed through
You can also sign up with one of the local news stations to get text messages sent to your phone. Please be aware to look for Region 8 School District.
Morning Buses will run consistent with the delayed opening schedule. For a two hour delay, the warning bell rings at 9:13 a.m. and school begins at 9:17 a.m.
Approved 2025/2026 School Calendar
Boys and Girls Lacrosse: Learn to Play Event
Attention Middle School Parents!
We are looking for 7th & 8th graders (boys and girls) who are interested in playing lacrosse this upcoming Spring 2025! Currently, we have a large group of 7th graders on both the girls & boys teams, and we would love to add more 8th graders to the mix!
Lacrosse is a fast-paced, exciting sport you can start playing later in middle school. Lacrosse is a spring sport offered at RHAM High School, so starting in 7th or 8th grade will set your child up for success if they continue playing at the high school level.
If your child is already playing sports like soccer, basketball, football, or hockey, lacrosse could be a perfect fit—they’ll love the fast-paced, team-oriented action!
If your child is interested, we have a free Learn to Play event at RHAM on January 26th — a free clinic where they can try it out and learn the basics. No equipment is needed, just sign up on our website to reserve a spot!
8th Grade Girls Volleyball Training
Hebron Parks and Recreation will be offering a winter training program under the direction of RHAM High School coach Tim Guernsey. This high school program will run Thursday evenings from 5:00-6:30pm at RHAM Middle School. The program will start Thursday January 30 and run through Thursday April 10. There will be a heavy focus on skills and drills with game play focusing on specific skills. Coach Guernsey and his coaching staff believe in game like repetitions and honest, player enhancing feedback. This mentality adds to their development and enhances the overall experience!
Click the RHAM Athletics label above to access the Athletic Department webpage.
Click the picture below for the MS Sports Schedule
Clubs and Activities
Here at RHAM Middle School we offer a large variety of clubs and activities for students to get involved in. This is a great way to meet new people and try new things of interest. Please click the picture above to see the most up to date list of clubs, descriptions, dates and times. The full list is also available on the Middle School website.
Notes from the Nurse
Attention Parents!
If you would like your child to be able to receive Tylenol, Motrin, cough drops or lotion during the school day, please make sure you have logged onto Power School and updated your child's Consent to Treat form for this school year.
Access the form on the RHAM Middle School Website under the PARENTS tab:
- Parent Portal
- Forms
- Enrollment
- Health Authorization
Attendance - Absence/Late Arrival/Early Dismissal
FRIENDLY REMINDER - If your child is going to be absent from school, arriving late, or dismissing early, you must report to the school by either filling out the Nurse's Office Form or calling (860)228-9423 X4008 by 8:30 A.M. (Please note that a phone call will need to be followed up with written notification.) The link to the Attendance Form can also be found on the RHAM Middle School website under the “Parents” tab. Additionally, you can scan the QR code located on the RHAM Schools website to access the Attendance Form.
Attention 8th grade parents - This is a reminder that every 8th grade student is required to have a physical form submitted to the school. If your child does not have a current physical on file, you will have been notified, and this needs to be handed in ASAP. The physical needs to be dated July 1, 2022 or later to be accepted.
Attention 7th grade parents - This is a reminder that every 7th grade student is required to have a physical during their 6th or 7th grade year. The physical must be dated between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2025. Please submit your child's physical, along with their most current immunization record to the school nurse as soon as possible.
Please click on the link below for a blank copy of the health assessment form.
Students can bring the paperwork to the nurse's office or you may email it to . Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the health office.
Cafeteria Information
Where Can I Find the Menu?
There are times when families find themselves in need of support to ensure that their children are able to get lunch at school. If you are in need of assistance, please see the Free/Reduced information under the parent tab and then click on food service.
RHAM Late Bus
Important Late Bus information
Late buses run Monday - Thursday (No Fridays).
Students are picked up at the Middle School around 4:00pm.
There is 1 bus per town.
Bus routes are determined at the time of pickup, based upon how many students are on the bus and student locations. The length of time it takes to get home will vary. You might not be dropped off at your actual home, you could be dropped off up to 1 mile away.
You will report to the library after your activity or event and wait there doing school work, etc. until the late bus arrives.
You must be staying after school for an event or activity.
You cannot leave the school grounds then come back to take the late bus.
RHAM School 2024-2025 Calendar
You can follow your child's bus in real time through the My Ride K-12 app or website. Instructions to set up your account can be found through the linked picture to the right.
RHAM Middle & High School Traffic Pattern for 2024-2025
Bus Traffic
All buses will enter RHAM from Route 85 and RHAM Road. The buses will proceed along the bus lane between the schools and the middle school baseball and high school softball fields. All middle and high school students will be dropped off in the morning and picked up in the afternoon at the high school drop off area and the buses will then leave RHAM through the main high school exit onto Wall Street. All students will enter through the High School main entrance. No parent vehicles will be permitted to enter the bus lane leading to the high school and staff parking area.
Morning Drop Off Directions
High school parents dropping their children off must enter the high school drop-off loop off of Wall Street and drop their children off at the drop-off area that is across from the weight room and Central office (See map). Parents must then exit back onto Wall Street. Parents dropping off students will not be allowed to enter any of the parking areas.
Middle school parents dropping their children off may enter from Wall Street through the high school entrance adjacent to the Wall Street practice fields or from RHAM road. Parents entering from Wall Street must proceed along the access road adjacent to the tennis courts and drop their children off in front of the middle school main entrance (See map for drop off/pickup areas). Parents must then take a left at the stop sign and exit onto Route 85 via RHAM Road.
Parents entering from RHAM Road must take a right into the student drop off loop, and then follow the signs that will lead you to the drop-off point in front of the middle school main entrance. Parents must then take a left at the stop sign and exit onto Route 85 via RHAM Road. Parents are not allowed to enter the main staff parking area.
Parents with both middle and high school students must make one drop-off and enter the high school drop-off loop off of Wall Street and drop their children off at the drop-off area that is across from the weight room and Central office (See map). Parents must then exit back onto Wall Street. Middle school students dropped off at the high school will walk through the high school and proceed to the middle school.
Afternoon Pick Up Directions
High school parents picking their children up must enter through the main high school entrance on Wall Street and pick their children up at the pick up/drop off area immediately in front of the weight room. Parents must then exit back onto Wall Street from the exit adjacent to the Wall Street practice fields. Parents picking up students will not be allowed to enter any of the parking areas.
Middle school parents picking their children up must enter from Wall Street through the high school entrance adjacent to the Wall Street practice fields or enter from RHAM road. Parents entering from Wall Street must proceed along the access road adjacent to the tennis courts and pick up their children in front of the middle school main entrance. Parents entering from RHAM Road must take a right into the Parent Drop-off loop and then follow the signs that will lead you to the Pick-up point in front of the middle school main entrance. Parents picking up at the end of the day may wait along the right side of the access road in front of RHAM Middle School. Please do not double park on the left side of the access road. Parents are not allowed to enter the main staff parking area. Parents must then take a left at the stop sign and exit onto Route 85 via RHAM Road.
Parents with both middle and high school students can either pick up both students using either the high school or middle school pick-up area or pick up first at the high school and then proceed down to the middle school pick-up area.
Student Directions
High school students parking in the upper or lower student parking lots must enter and exit through the Wall Street student entrance (see map) adjacent to the Wall Street fields.