The Weekly Update #4

Meet Dr. Muniz!
My name is Amanda Muniz, and I am thrilled to be starting my second year as your MES principal! Last year was a whirlwind with plenty of learning curves, but it took me no time at all to realize why Moore is such a uniquely special place. Our students, staff, families, and community are truly amazing, and I have felt "at home" since joining the MES family last July.
Having a BS in Marketing from UT Martin, a MBA from MTSU, my teaching certification through Oswego, and a Doctorate in Education from Trevecca, I have been blessed to serve students of all ages - college (Trevecca adjunct 1 year), high school (Ravenwood teacher 8 years, Summit teacher 2 years), middle school (Freedom Middle assistant principal 8+ years), and now our youngest elementary learners! While my journey in getting to MES may have been a long one, I wholeheartedly believe that each stop along the way has been instrumental in preparing me for this leadership role. Moore has a longstanding reputation that I will do everything within my power to uphold!
On a personal note, I grew up on my family's farm in Union City, Tennessee. With my dad, sister, and oldest niece still in west Tennessee, we do get back to enjoy the slower pace quite often. My husband, Mike, was born and raised in Franklin and is a mortgage banker at First Bank in Berry Farms. We have a 12 year old son, Evan, and a 10 year old daughter, Elizabeth.
I am so excited to kick off the 2024-25 school year alongside you! As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to me any time here at the school or via my cell, 615-642-1984.
Greetings from Ms. Larkin!
I am excited to begin my second year at Moore Elementary and my thirty-fifth year in education. I couldn’t have asked for a finer school community of students, families, teachers, and staff! I love being an assistant principal because I know that I can play a supportive role when I partner with families and teachers to help educate our students. Please feel free to reach out any time you have a question or concern.
A little about me…I was a special education teacher for seventeen years before beginning me administrative career. I have three daughters that all attended school in the FSD and have grown into independent, self-confident, and resilient young women. I enjoy gardening and reading historical fiction. It is a pleasure to be a part of the Moore Elementary family and I look forward to a wonderful 2024-25 school year!
Happy, Happy, Birthday!
Mr. Eli Adams & Dr. Markley Jones - August 4
Ms. Kaitlyn Pickett & Mr. Albert Murray - August 9
Ms. Tiffany White & Ms. Sharese Woodard - August 13
Ms. Rebecca Piggott - August 15
Mr. Lewis Piloto - August 27
Counselor's Corner
Welcome MES!! WAHOO … here we go!!
For those new to MES, I am Bruce Coberly (“Mr. C”) and I am your School Counselor. I view my role as one to “support student success!” In fact, as I tell the students, my mission is for MES to be “the most supportive school in the world, baby!!” Everything I do is based on two fundamental goals:
1) EVERYONE has the right to come to school and feel SAFE and RESPECTED.
2) Students are here to LEARN, LEARN, LEARN, and teachers are here to TEACH, TEACH, TEACH!
To accomplish these, I need to know how to support your child(ren). Please take a moment and talk with your child(ren) about my role and how important it is for them to advocate for themselves by letting me know what they need so I/we can make sure they feel safe and respected and are always ready to “learn, learn, learn!"
Please contact me whenever you have a question or a concern, if your child is feeling anxious, or if you need some supplies/resources. I/we want your child to succeed academically, socially and emotionally!
Here’s to a great year,
Mr. C -- Your MES School Counselor
615-790-4700 x. 3307
PTO Membership
Please join the PTO and help us appreciate our amazing teachers! Your $10 donation will go towards teacher appreciation this year. This is not a volunteer commitment! If you would like to join, you can send in $10 cash or check (payable to MES) with your child in an envelope indicating your child's name and homeroom teacher, or you can join online at mooreelementary.fssd.org, click on students and families, then PTO.
We appreciate your support of our teachers!
What’s happening at Moore?
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Like us on Facebook @ Moore Elementary
Check us out on Instagram @ mesfssd
View the MES website @ mooreelementary.fssd.org
New Year = New Additions to our MES Family!
Ms. Abby Brady - 2nd Grade Teacher
Ms. Shannon Bryant - Speech Language Pathologist
Ms. Priscilla Carter - School Psychologist
Ms. McKenzie Griggs - 1st Grade Teacher
Ms. Courtney Hollenbeck - Part Time Special Education Paraprofessional
Ms. Katie Hood - 2nd Grade Teacher
Ms. Janet McQuirk - Part Time EL Teacher
Ms. Rikki Rosseli - 3rd Grade Teacher
MAC (Before & After School Care)
We are so excited for the new school year and looking forward to seeing our MAC friends! New to MAC? FSSD's Morning and Afternoon Care (MAC), is a school-based program that provides childcare for students before and after school.
Need to register for the MAC program? Our NEW online registration forms make it easy and may be found here: www.fssd.org/students-families/mac.
The first day of school, August 7th, is an Early Dismissal day and MAC will be open regular morning hours (6am-8am) and then from 12:30 pm - 6:00 pm. If your child is registered for MAC and they are attending Early Dismissal in the afternoon, let me know via email or you may sign up at Meet & Greet on August 5th. If you have any questions or need additional information about our program, please reach out to Melinda Winter at wintermel@fssd.org.
Arrival Procedures
Our first priority is the safety of our students. Students should enter the school through the main entrance beginning at 8:00 a.m., being dropped off in the car line between 8:00-8:20 a.m. Please do not drop your child off before 8:00. If you need to drop off before 8:00, you may enroll them in our MAC program. If you arrive after 8:20 you must park and bring your child in through the front office.
Dismissal Procedures
Dismissal begins at 12:30 (early dismissal days) & 3:30 p.m. (regular days). If you are picking your child up from school, please make sure your car tag is visible and pull to the designated car line area. Remain in your vehicle and wait for your child to be sent to your car. NO CAR SHOULD MOVE UNTIL ALL CHILDREN ARE IN THEIR CARS AND A SIGNAL IS GIVEN. No car tag? You must park and come into the front office to present your ID.
If you are walking to pick up your child, please wait (with your car tag) in the designated are on the sidewalk and we will send your child to you. No car tag? Please head to the office with your ID.
For safety purposes, walkers and car riders will wait in the gym to be called for dismissal.Thank you for following the dismissal guidelines for the safety of our students!
Transportation Changes
All transportation changes during the school day must be communicated to the front office by 3:00 p.m. This gives us time to inform your child’s teacher. If you know in advance, please send transportation changes in writing to your child’s teacher. Please do NOT email the teacher during the school day, as teachers may not have an opportunity to check email before the day comes to a close.
Notes from Nurse Sanders...
We are so excited to start our new year! I’m looking forward to a fun and healthy year!
A few notes for parents:
**Please make sure that you have an Emergency Contact listed in your Skyward account that is someone other than yourselves. I will always contact parents first but in the event I cannot reach a parent, I need an emergency contact who can act on your behalf.
**State law prohibits students from carrying medications with them on school property. This includes any over the counter medicines like cough drops. Please contact me to complete the required form for medication at school.
**If students become sick or injured at school it is expected for them to be picked up within one hour. Please make sure you have a plan in place now in the event it is needed.
Thanks for helping us keep everyone safe and healthy! If you have any questions or concerns regarding student health, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
Sherry Sanders, RN
MES School Nurse