Bulldog Paw Prints
January 24, 2025
February Parent/Teacher Conferences AND Registration
Amy D'Amico, one of our secretaries, will also be available at the school during parent-teacher conferences to meet any of your registration needs. She will be able to answer any questions, make copies of required documents, provide computers....anything you need support with to get registration completed.
Sign ups for our winter parent-teacher conference are now open. The sign-up window closes on Friday, January 31st at 11 AM.
Families can sign up using the PowerPTC system.
Conferences will take place the evenings of Feb. 4 and Feb. 6.
View conference signup instructions here.
We value communication with parents and guardians, but we have received feedback that as a result of strong and ongoing communication between home and school a winter conference may not be necessary for all families. You can simply choose not to sign up. Regardless, please know that you can request a conference with your child’s teacher at any time throughout the year. Additionally, your child’s teacher(s) may contact you at any time if they feel a conference would be helpful.
Grove Children’s Preschool will hold an open house on Feb. 12
Grove Children’s Preschool will hold an open house on Wednesday, Feb. 12 from 5-6:30 p.m. at Henry Puffer School, 2220 Haddow Ave. Parents and guardians may tour the preschool, meet some of the staff, hear an overview of the program, and ask questions throughout the open house.
Grove Children’s Preschool tuition applications for the 2025-26 school year will open online at www.dg58.org/preschool on Wednesday, Feb. 19 at 8 a.m. First priority applications are due Wednesday, March 19.
Kindergarten Roundup 2025
Downers Grove Grade School District 58 invites parents and guardians of soon-to-be kindergarteners to attend Kindergarten Roundup at their future school this March. Kindergarten Roundup gives parents and guardians the opportunity to visit their child’s future school, meet the principal and staff, and ask questions.
Children who will be five years old on or before Sept. 1, 2025 may attend kindergarten during the 2025-26 school year. Parents and guardians are encouraged to directly call or email their neighborhood elementary school prior to Kindergarten Roundup to request to be added to any school-specific kindergarten contact lists.
Families may visit www.dg58.org/kindergarten to access the District 58 Kindergarten Resource Guide. This guide includes school boundary maps, kindergarten registration information, immunization requirements, kindergarten curriculum information, the two-way Dual Language Program for kindergarteners, and much more. District 58 will continue to update this page throughout the winter and spring.
Belle Aire School is set to host our roundup on Thursday, March 6, from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Information will be directly shared with our incoming families as the event nears.
Science Fair, 2025
It's science fair weekend, and I'm excited for our 13 Belle Aire scientists. You're going to do great!
Set up will be taking place at O'Neill on Friday, and the fair itself is on Saturday morning. Remember to take all boards and supplies/artifacts home with you at the end of the fair.
Do another practice of your presentation tonight, and remember to smile. SEE YOU THERE!
Bookmark Contest
Downers Grove Library is having its annual bookmark contest again this year. All students are eligible to enter. Designs must be original and done in black ink. Completed forms may be returned to Mrs. Mommsen or directly to the public library on or before Friday, February 14.
District 58 will begin residency verification after winter break.
If your family has moved in the past year, or if your student’s address information has changed in any way, please contact Amy D'Amico at adamico@dg58.org or call the Belle Aire office at 630-719-5820 to provide your updated information prior to winter break. In addition, if you rent a property, please make sure that the school has a copy of your most recent lease. You may email a copy of your lease to adamico@dg58.org or drop off a copy at our school office.
District 58 will open 2025-26 student registration in February, 2025. As part of the student registration process, District 58 works with a third-party vendor to verify that all students live within the District’s boundaries. After winter break, District 58 will begin the student address verification process. By starting this process earlier, we hope student registration will go more smoothly and more efficiently.
If our third-party vendor, Thomson Reuters CLEAR, cannot confirm that a student lives at their registered address, they will flag that student. District 58 will contact the student’s family and request additional documentation to confirm their address. A family will not be able to register their student for the 2025-26 school year until their residency is confirmed.
Keeping your child’s address information up-to-date will help make the registration process go more smoothly and ensure your child’s registration is completed without delay. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter! District 58 will share more information about 2025-26 student registration after winter break.
Winter Weather; Outdoor Recess
As the weather changes, I'd like to send a couple recess reminders your way.
-As in past years, we will continue to have outdoor recess during the winter months so long as the weather permits AND so long as the real feel temperature is zero degrees or above. It will be important that students come to school dressed for the weather and that they have the appropriate outdoor clothing and footwear to stay safe and warm.
-At the times when we have snow, students will be able to head off of the blacktop to play in it. The key to that is that they are prepared. In order to play in the snow off of the blacktop areas, the students need to be wearing snow boots and snow pants/snowsuit.
Mark Your Calendars
Monday, January 27: 2:00 Dismissal, 100th Day of School!
Tuesday, January 28: Lunchtime Book Club (Gr. 4); BAM Theater (PTA Club); PTA Meeting (3:10 p.m. at the school)
Thursday, January 30: All-School Meeting (WHERE YOUR TEAM COLORS); Lunchtime Book Club (Gr. 2)Young Authors Club (3:00 - 3:45)
Friday, January 31:100-Day Museum (Kdg, 1:00 p.m.)