Hilltop Headlines
January 19, 2025
Serving this Week
Elders: Mark Breckenridge, Wayne Cavalier
Organist: Kyle Borcherding
Donut Pickup: Jonathan Kern
Greeters: Cynthia Baldwin, Virginia Lloyd
Offering Assistants: Ryan Buchhorn, Jeff Knippa
Hilltop Cafe: Carole Anne Foster, Ginger Magers
Golf Cart Driver: Robert Baldwin
Audio: Brenda Schroeder
Presentation: Chad Mathews
Connections Coordinator: Josh Hobratsch
Elders: Bert Holmstrom, Mark Tlapak
Greeters: Carol Ellis
Greeters/Offering Assistants: Debby Anderson, Mike Litterst, Tina Kennedy
Hilltop Cafe: Gail Dankis, Lindsey Rochner
Golf Cart Driver: Rick Zinsmeyer
Camera: Preston Fischer
Presentation: Chad Mathews
AV Tech Director: Cody Stephens
A Return of Our Blessings
Offerings/Electronic Giving for this week:
Home $90; General $85.50; Operating Fund $31,717.59; Pam Hight Scholarship Fund $1,100; Capital Improvements $100; Missions $270; Cemetery Fund $10.53; Learning Legacy Endowment $200; Capital Campaign $300.09
Attendance: January 5: 8:00am - 142; 10:45am - 308
10% of General Funds go to the following organizations: TX Dist LCMS, CHS Round Rock, Water Mission, Camp Lone Star, Brookwood in Georgetown, Faith in Action, Rev. John H. Kieschnick Endowment: $9.50
From Your Pastors
Dear Zion family –
As firefighters finally begin to find relief from the Santa Ana winds that have whipped the California wildfires into an unimaginable disaster, we pray for those who are beginning to return home – and especially for those who have no home to return to. As people begin to pick up the pieces of their communities, you can help by donating through our partners at Lutheran Church Charities.
If you know someone who’s not quite yet a formal member of our Zion family of faith, then our new member class is for them! This four-week class kicks off Sunday, February 2 at 9:30 am in the fellowship hall. We’ll talk about what Zion teaches about Jesus and how you can get involved in ministry. If you – or someone you know – wants to be a part, contact our Connections Coordinator, Josh Hobratsch, at josh.hobratsch@zionwalburg.org.
The forecast for this coming week shows some frigid temperatures and inclement weather. If we need to close our school, we’ll send out email or text updates to our school families. If you plan to stop by our offices this coming week and you’re not sure whether our offices are open, please call ahead.
In worship, we continue our series called “History’s Most Memorable Message,” where we’re studying Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Countless sermons have been preached over the history of the Church, but none as memorable, foundational, and formational as Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. This weekend, we’ll look at the value Jesus puts on God’s Word in a section from Matthew 5:17-20:
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.”
Jesus speaks of the importance of “the Law and the Prophets,” which are what we today call the Old Testament. He encourages us not only to study them, but to obey them. But we can all struggle to obey God’s commands. So, what then? Find out what Jesus has to say about what happens when we struggle to obey God’s Word this weekend in worship. We worship at 8 am in our beautiful historic sanctuary, at 10:45 am in our wonderful worship center, or online at zionwalburg.org.
Your pastors love you!
– Pastor Zach, Pastor Kevin & Pastor Kyle
2025 Bible Reading Plan
Have you ever closed your Bible and thought “what did I just read?” Starting January 12, we will partner with The Bible Recap to read through the Old Testament. The Bible Recap is a chronological reading plan with a daily podcast that highlights and summarizes the Bible in an easy-to-understand way. It will not only help you read scripture but help you love reading it. Click the button below for the reading plan or paper copies are available in the Lobby and Narthex.
The Zion Mission Board has received word that the Caring Place is in need of various supplies to make hygiene kits for Williamson county residents. The list of needed supplies are as follows:
deodorant, bath soap, body wash, toothpaste, toothbrushes, dental floss, shampoo, toilet paper, pull up diapers, laundry soap, dishwashing liquid
We give thanks for your generosity in partnering with us for this drive at Zion on Jan 19, Jan 26 and Feb 2. Look for collection containers in the lobby and narthex. Zion Mission Board
Adult Bible Classes
New Class... Jesus in the Old Testament . This 10-week course will summarize the 39 books of the Old Testament. The course connects with the Old Testament Bible reading challenge at Zion this year. Each week we will look at 4-5 books of the Old Testament providing an overview of each book and looking at how Jesus fits into the story. This is a basic Old Testament survey course designed to assist in reading through the Old Testament in 2025. Led by Pastor Dave Kluth in the Sanctuary.
The Apostles Creed continues in the Parlor.
Zion Membership Class
Have you or a friend been joining us for worship at Zion and are you ready to take the next step of becoming a member? Our next New Member Class begins Sunday, February 2 at 9:30 am in the Fellowship Hall and runs for four Sundays. If you’d like to be a part, email Josh Hobratsch at josh.hobratsch@zionwalburg.org or call 512-630-6231. You’re the reason Zion is such a wonderful place to be, and we’d love to have you as an official member of our family of faith!
We are partnering with the Isaiah 117 house to get a collection of NEW winter coats, jackets and hoodies to residents in need. They can range in size from infant/toddler to teenagers. The donated garments can be brought up to Zion on January 26th and February 2nd. Any Zion Lutheran school families that wish to support these efforts can drop the winter clothing off at any point during the week in the church office. We give thanks for your generosity in supporting this worthy cause in Williamson county. Zion Mission Board
Offering Envelopes
2025 offering envelopes are on the tables in the entryway of the narthex. If you no longer use/need paper envelopes, please drop your box in the bin below the table so we don't reorder for next year. OR if you don't see a box and you'd like one assigned, please let the Church Office know 512-863-3065. Thank you!
Faith & Film 2025
Mark your calendars. Registration is now open for the 2025 Spring Faith and Film series at Film Alley Theater on the first Sundays of the month. Doors open at 5:30 PM. Click the buttons below for more info or to sign up today!
Iron Sharpens Iron- SAVE THE DATE!
Men-Our next event will held on Saturday March 22, 11am-2pm at the BBQ pits!
More information to come as we get closer. Mark the date and start thinking about who you can invite!
Children's Music Opportunities
Calling all Pre-K to grade 3 to join us in music fun!
Grades 1-3 will be playing the children's handbells while the Pre-K/Kindergarten will sing/sign to the song of Jesus Loves Me.
Date is still unknown, but we will be playing for the traditional and late service prelude.
Please sign up before February 8th as the handbells will practice first.
You can sign up at the following emails: Jonathan Schroeder: pianomanlovespianowoman@gmail.com or Brenda Schroeder: leeschroeder82@aol.com. Also give us a good phone number to contact you with any changes.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email anytime to one of us and we will respond accordingly.
God bless and Thank you.
Jonathan and Brenda Schroeder
Volunteers Needed
Zion Lutheran Children's Ministry is in need of substitute teachers for our Kids Connect classes. Please prayerfully consider joining us as we build strong foundations of faith in our children and youth. If you would be interested in joining our sub list please contact Rachel Mayberry, Director of Children's Ministry at rachel.mayberry@zionwalburg.org.
Thank you from the Arldts
Roy and I just want to thank each of you who continue to pray for us, bring food and check on us as we navigate the cancer journey we are on. We know God is with us and His plans are the right ones. Our mailing address has changed - Roy and Donna Arldt, 1451 Co Rd 144, Georgetown, TX 78626. Thank you all again and keep those prayers coming.
Roy and Donna
Choir benches available
Choir benches from the old Sanctuary Choir Loft are available on a first come basis until they are gone. The suggested price is $100.00 each and the benches can be viewed outside near the music room steps and smoke house (see photo below). Please contact Dave Rowland at 737-240-0444 or email: old149er@gmail.com if you are interested.
Lutheran Hour Ministries
"Timely Resources for Sharing Your Faith"
With billions of people still unreached with the Gospel message, it is critical to bring messages of forgiveness, love, and hope found only through Jesus Christ to a hurting world. LHN has established a bold vision for sharing the Gospel worldwide:
1. Every person has the opportunity to hear the Gospel in an understandable way.
2. Those seeking are connected to a healthy Christian community where they can grow in their faith.
3. Every Christian is equipped to share the Gospel in word and deed/
4. Engaged Christians advance this common mission as a global Community.
In support of this vision, LHM has launched CONNECT. Under 3 key priorities, God is working through this bold initiative to connect people with the Gospel globally, through digital engagement, and right where they are. "We are simply messengers of God's love and mercy, and taking the step to share our faith reminds us that His unconditional love is a beautiful gift to be shared with others," says LHM President of United States Ministries Jeff Craig-Meyer. "Our timely resources allow you to meet people where they are and gain a hearing for the Gospel in a contextual way."
Here are just some of the resources available from LHM to help you share your faith more comfortably with others. You can find faith-sharing and spiritual growth resources at lhm.org/resources
Sermon Schedule
January 19
"He Made Me a Believer"
Speaker: Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler
God makes us believers and the more we believe, the more we become involved in the institutions God made - church, marriage, family, and work. (John 2:11)
You can listen to The Lutheran Hour on KLBJ on Sunday mornings at 7 a.m. or online at lutheranhour.org, through a mobile app, and on new media platforms like Spotify, iHeartRadio, Amazon Alexa, Google Home and Sirius XM satellite radio.
Pastors: Zach McIntosh, Kevin Hintze and Kyle Borcherding
Interim Principal: Suzan Winkelman
Church Office Hours: 8am-4pm Monday-Friday
Church Phone: 512-863-3065
School Phone: 512-863-5345 Fax 512-686-5807
6001 FM 1105, Georgetown, TX 78626