Read about all the learning we are doing this month!
How To Contact Us
How To Contact Us
Communication is key to your child's success. Please contact your child's homeroom teacher.
Conferences by appointment: 9:25a.m.-10:00a.m.
Rees Elementary phone number: 281-531-1444
Mrs. Hurtado (Dual Language Teacher)
Ms. Flores (Dual Language Teacher)
Mrs. Hina (Monolingual Teacher)
Ms. Moreno (Monolingual Teacher)
Mrs. Gomez (Bilingual Teacher)
Mrs. Castillo (Bilingual Teacher)
Parent Lunch Days /Almuerzo con los padres
Parent Lunch Day for 1st Grade are on Tuesdays. Please read below to see your child's specific lunchtime.
Lunch times for First Grade range from 11:05 - 11:45, depending on the class:
- Hina & Moreno: 11:05-11:35
- Castillo & Gomez: 11:10-11:40
- Hurtado & Flores: 11:15-11:45
MONTHLY REMINDERS (all attire days are optional)
- iStation testing window is the first 10 days of each month
- Mondays: Bedtime stories with Mrs. Owens
- Tuesdays: Rees or Alief Shirt
- Wednesdays: College or Military Shirt
- Thursdays: wear YELLOW for COMMITMENT
- Friday: Rees or Alief Shirt
Additional Important Days for January
Homework is sent home on Mondays and due every Friday
January 6 : Student Holiday
- January 7: 3rd nine weeks begins
- January 8: Bedtime Stories Zoom 7– 8 p.m
- January 9: Report Card Day
- January 10: Science test
- January 15: Math CBA Unit 7 Add & Subtract to 20
- January 14: 90th day of School (hip hop, metallic gold, Bel Air baseball jersey, flannel/plaid, overalls, tracksuits, chokers, etc. )
- January 20: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Day – STAFF and STUDENT HOLIDAY
- January 21: Math test
- January 22: Reading test
- January 30: Progress Report goes home
- January 30: Coffee with the principal
STUDENT HOLIDAY/ Martin Luther King Jr.
January 20 (No school)
Meeting ID: 834 6744 5976
Password: rees123
Reading & Writing
Reading & Writing
Module 5: Now You See It , Now You Don't - We will be working on Module 5 through the month of January.
Why do light and dark come and go?
*Please click on the button for a summary of the module, and how you can support your child's learning at home.
This month, we will focus on the following:
- We will continue Addition and subtraction to 20 Real World Problems.
- We will have our CBA 1/15/25 on Unit 7: Addition and Subtraction to 20
- We will also begin Unit 8 Counting to 40 on the month of January
Addition and Subtraction Video
We will be learning/ Estaremos aprendiendo.
1. Bodies of Water/Cuerpos de agua
- Water comes from many different sources including rivers, streams, lakes, and oceans.
- Different sources of water have different characteristics such as size, types of water, and movement.
- We can describe and identify different sources of water based on observable characteristics such as color and smell.
- El agua viene de diferentes fuentes incluyendo los rios, arroyos, lagos, y el océanos.
- Los diferentes cuerpos de agua tienen diferentes caracteristicas como tamaño, tipos de agua y movimiento.
- Podemos describir e identificar las diferentes cuerpos de agua basados sus caracteristicas como el color y el olor.
English: variety, ocean, lake, river, stream, water, source, natural.
Spanish: varieda, océano, lago, río, arroyo, riachuelo, agua, fuente, natural.
2. Weather and Air
- We can observe weather conditions around us using our senses.
- Tools such as windsocks and thermometers can be used to gather weather information.
- Weather data can be recorded in charts, tables, and graphs.
- Podemos observar las condiciones del tiempo a nuestro alrededor con nuestros sentidos.
- Herramientos como mangas de viento, termómetros pueden ser usadas para registrar el clima.
- Los datos sobre el tiempo se registran en gráficos, y tablas.
English: weather, cloudy, cold, rainy, air, wind, windy, hot, icy, temperature, information, calm, thermometer, wind sock, clear,
Spanish: tiempo, nublado, frío, lluvioso, aire, ventoso, caliente, con hielo, temperature, información, calmado, termómetros, manga de viento, despejado.
Bodies of Water
Weather and Air
Social Studies/Estudios Sociales
Culture and Traditions
We will be learning/ Estaremos aprendiendo
Culture/ Sharing Our Culture
- Culture is made up of food, clothing, housing, language, religion, art, and music.
- Culture is expressed in various ways.
- We are all part of a culture.
- Families and communities shared different holidays, celebrations, beliefs, language and traditions.
- La cultura está compuesta de comida, vestido, casa, lenguage, religión, arte, y música.
- La cultura se expresa de varias maneras.
- Todos somos parte de una cultura.
- Las familias y las comunidades comparten diferentes celebraciones, creencias, y tradiciones.
English: culture, celebrate, family, shelter, tradition, nation, president, hero, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr.
Spanish: cultura, celebrar, familia, alojamiento, tradición, nación, president, héroe, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr.
The Great American Melting Pot
Culture - Basic Needs- Shelter
Pebble Go App
Winter is here! Please make sure your child's jacket or coat has his or her name written on the tag. We will go outside for recess everyday unless it is raining. You are welcome to come anytime to check the lost and found section if your child lost his/her jacket.