First Grade Newsletter
Week of 5/6-5/10
Reminders for the This Week
Please continue to send transportation changes to the office and to your child's teacher.
Please remember that school starts at 8:20am. All students are expected in their classrooms at this time.
Please remember to send in excuses when your student is out sick.
Please have students bring a water bottle to school.
Uniform Reminder
All students are expected to be in uniform. Students may wear jeans or Marietta or Park Street gear any day. Please make sure that jeans do not have holes in them.
Reminder that all students should be wearing tennis shoes every day. We know students like to wear CROCs and sandals once it gets warmer outside. Crocs are not a part of the uniformed dress at Park Street, as well as it can be a safety risk. Students often trip in these shoes, and they come off of student's feet easily.
Upcoming Events
Coming up:
5/6-5/10: Teacher Appreciation Week
5/21: Awards Day
5/23: Last Day of School
Tardy Drop-Off
When a student arrives late (after 8:30), an adult must sign the student in at the office.
Early Pick-Up
Please limit early pick-up of children to emergencies and appointments. If a child is out for any portion of the school day, the missed time is recorded as a tardy. A note sent in the morning will help us to have your child ready. To avoid interruptions to instruction, no student will be released between 2:45 and 3:15. Parents will be asked to wait for the dismissal bell. Come to the office to check out a student. Please be prepared to present photo identification upon request. No student will be released to an unknown or unauthorized person.
Meet the Team
Ms. Kuranda
Mrs. Gonzalez-Soto
Mrs. Sanchez
Mrs. Sato
Ms. Reed: EIP Support
Mrs. Rakestraw: ESOL Support
Inside Our Classrooms:
What we learned this past week:
-We finished our unit on Economics.
-We have finished up our vowel teams!
-Students worked on topic sentences and key details.
-We finished up our unit 5 solving real world problems!
What we will learn this week:
-We will begin our last unit, looking at magnets!
-We will learning about diphthongs, such as oi/oy.
-Students will begin letter writing.
-We will be taking our district quarter 4 math assessment.
From DLI:
Dear DLI Families
As we move into the end of the year, we will be focusing on our reading fluency, writing fluency, and math fluency. Students need to be able to use their skills to read and write. In math are working on unit 5 which is focused on word problems. Please work on reading with your student every night, letter formation and spelling, as well as math fluency.
How to Help at Home
Work on suffixes with your students such as: -ed, -s, -es, -ing, -est and -er and when to use them!
High frequency words/ heart words students should know how to spell and read:
It is incredibly important that your student is able to read and spell these words. We are seeing that students that do not know them, are having their reading fluency impeded.
was, said, they, their, there, were, where, any, many, want, walk, talk, very, does, would, could, should, my, by, who, one, once, two, been, into, goes, about, because, friend, woman, women, again, have, when, here, you, your, done, move, four, forty, fourth, people, pretty, nothing, person, mother, brother, father, water, today, other, another, floor, poor, door, won, son, month
We add new words to this list each week, if your student can fluently read and spell a word. At the end of the year students should be able to read and spell 125 High Frequency words (including the "heart words" or irregularly spelled words.)
Please see below the standard that will be graded on for Q4.
High Frequency Word List:
Students should be able to read and spell 125 words on this list by the end of first grade.
Each quarter the amount that the student is graded on goes up. For quarter 3, students were graded on if they were able to read and write 98 high frequency words. At the end of Quarter 4, students will be graded on if they know 125 or more high frequency words. Please see below for clarification.