Greenbriar Gazette 1/10/25

Volume 34 Issue 18 | January 10, 2025
Principal's Message
Dear Greenbriar Families,
Happy New Year! I hope 2025 is off to a positive start for everyone! We were excited to have our Greyhounds back in the building this week and, despite the cold snap, we had some fun outdoors and I saw many smiles around the building. We also spent time revisiting our expectations and procedures in the classroom and around the school. Our Greyhounds did a great job jumping right back into their learning.
Looking ahead, our winter assessment window opens on Monday. Please see the note below about NWEA MAP testing dates/times for 2nd-5th graders. We also have a PTO meeting on Tuesday and Author Matt Eicheldinger will be here to work with 3rd-5th graders. Next Friday is a half day with dismissal at 12:00. Please be sure to share any dismissal changes with teachers. Our staff will be here for professional learning and collaboration time and then we'll all enjoy a long weekend.
There are a lot of updates below about upcoming special events and a special video, created by our students, about our 5th grade Leaders program. Please take a few minutes to skim through the information. Have a great weekend!
News & Notes
February 5th World Read Aloud Day & Read-a-thon Fundraiser
In honor of World Read Aloud Day and Greenbriar's 75th Anniversary, we'll be hosting a read-a-thon fundraiser on February 5th. Students will have the chance to read all day during school, listen to guest readers, visit with authors via Zoom, and raise money for Education for All Children (EFAC), a non-profit that helps to fund educational opportunities for children in Kenya. Click here for more information!
It’s easy to donate! There is no need for your child to ask for pledges or keep track of reading minutes. We are suggesting a one-time donation of $25 per child/family to help toward our goal of raising $7,500 for EFAC this year. We welcome any donations families can provide! Donate via our District 28 Webstore at the link below, by clicking on the Read-a-Thon link and then "register for this class." You can also write a check made out to District 28 and send to the Greenbriar office. Thank you for the support!
2025 Science Night on January 30th
We're excited to host our annual Science Night on January 30th at Greenbriar. Please take a look at this link for more details about this fun event. Sign up to participate at this link by January 21st. We hope to see many of you there!
Winter Assessment Window Opens
Our winter assessment window opens on January 13th. Students in grades 2-5 will take the NWEA MAP assessments--see dates below for each grade. Students in 3rd grade will also participate in the math problem solving set on 2/11 and 5th graders will take the math problem solving set on 2/19 and the reading response assessment on 2/6.
MAP Schedule:
2nd grade math--1/27
2nd grade reading--2/10
3rd grade math--1/24
3rd grade reading--1/31
3/4 multiage math--1/30
3/4 multiage reading--2/6
4th grade math--2/4
4th grade reading--1/28
5th grade math--1/23
5th grade reading--1/16
Kindergarten Registration Starts Feb. 3
Online registration for children who will be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2025 will be held February 3, 2025-February 10, 2025. Parents can prepare for online registration by downloading and completing the registration forms listed on the Kindergarten Registration webpage. If you are unsure which school your children will attend, review the the district boundary map.
Please visit the Kindergarten Registration webpage for more information.
Author Linda B. Davis to Visit with 5th Grade in February
We're excited to welcome author and former Greenbriar parent Linda B. Davis to Greenbriar on Tuesday, February 4, 2025. Ms. Davis will meet with our 5th graders to share her book Food Fight. Please click here for details and information to order a book. Book orders are due by January 15, 2025.
D28 Parent Engagement Series: The Anxious Generation Book Study on January 22nd
We're excited to offer our second of three opportunities for parents and caregivers to come together around topics of interest to our District 28 community. Dr. Meek and Dr. Hiltz will facilitate a conversation about The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt on January 22nd from 6:00-7:00 at NBJH.
Please join us for this discussion by RSVPing here. Please see this link for additional information and details about our final Family Engagement series session in May around the Power of Play.
Attention 4th Grade Families *repeat*
If your child is not currently placed in advanced math and you wish to request a math placement review, a parent nomination form must be completed and returned to the building GT services coordinator by Monday, January 13, 2025. Please visit our website for additional information on the district’s Gifted and Talented Services and District Assessments. If you have a child in grade 3 or grade 5, you should have received an email on November 18th with information on placement review. For grade 5, this includes a review of all students for math placement in the winter and spring of their 5th-grade year. This process determines placement for 6th grade into one of three math courses: Grade 6, Accelerated 6, or Pre-Algebra 6.
Music Parents Club
Music Parents Club Needs Volunteers for Winter & Spring Concerts
Hello D28 Music Families!
Happy New (Music) Year! I am writing to ask that you consider volunteering with the Music Parents Club for our Winter and Spring concerts!
Music Parents Club (MPC) supports all band, orchestra, and choir programs in the district by providing volunteers for events, as well as funding commissioned pieces, guest instructors, sheet music, props, sound equipment, off-site special events like Jazz Jam, field trips, bus fees, uniform maintenance, post-concert treats and much, much more!
Volunteering with MPC is low commitment and HIGH REWARD! We need greeters for Winter and Spring concerts. Our volunteer committee chairs will provide clear communication for what is expected of you and plenty of reminders! Bottom line is we need YOU, a small amount of time and all of the love and enthusiasm you give for your kid.
· GREETERS: One of the cornerstones of our program is greeting families at all concerts. We want to welcome families, set up the photo booth for students and then pass out treats to musicians and siblings at the conclusion of the concert. Parents who volunteer at the concerts will be able to reserve up to 4 seats for that concert.
To sign up as a Greeter click here:
Thank you for your support,
Tamara Reese
President, Music Parents Club
PTO News
The PTO will be sending a weekly update on can also always find the latest news and updates on the PTO website.
Exciting Service Projects Ahead! *repeat*
We are thrilled to announce some upcoming service projects to provide meaningful experiences for our students. Building on last year's amazing success, when our students packaged over 1,300 meals and created more than 1,600 bracelet kits for various organizations, we are eager to make this year even more impactful.
We are teaming up with several nonprofits to facilitate these projects again, and we kindly ask that you contribute to your student's participation (a suggested donation of $25 per student). This support will enable us to purchase materials and supplies necessary for our service activities, ensuring that each student can participate fully.
Together, we can instill the values of compassion and community service in our children while making a positive difference in the lives of others.
Upcoming Events
- January 10: PTO Pizza and Spirit Wear Day!
- January 13: Winter MAP testing window opens
- January 14: PTO meeting @ 8:45 (listen here via Zoom)
- January 14: Author Matt Eicheldinger visits 3rd-5th grades
- January 16: NWEA MAP testing begins (refer to schedule for specific grades)
- January 17: Half day of school, dismissal at 12:00
- January 17: Spirit Wear Day!
- January 20: NO SCHOOL
- January 23: Greyhound Pack meeting!
- January 24: PTO Pizza and Spirit Wear Day!
- January 28: Board of Education meeting, 7pm
- January 30: Science Night @ 6:00-7:00pm
- January 31: PTO Pizza and Spirit Wear Day!
- February 4th: 100th Day of School!
- February 5th: World Read Aloud Day/ Read-a-thon Fundraiser
- February 6th: 5th Grade Reading Response Assessment
- February 7th: PTO Pizza and Spirit Wear Day!
Multilingual Families Meeting - Please Complete Survey
Please join us for our second Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee (BPAC) meeting this school year on Thursday, February 6, 2025! The meeting will take place at the District Office, located at 1475 Maple Avenue, in the HOH room, from 6:30–7:30 p.m. Please complete this brief survey by Monday, February 3rd.
Mark Your Calendars for Important Events!
You can also visit calendar to add these events to your personal device.
Virtual Backpack
District 28 invites local non-profit organizations and community government agencies to promote events for families and children. Each week, some event are highlighted in the newsletter. View the complete list of events on the Virtual Backpack web page. To submit an event, please email the web-friendly flier to Terry Ryan, Communications Director. All fliers are subject to approval.
Summer Camp Open House
Northbrook Park District annual Summer Camp Open House will be held on Thursday, January 16 from 5:30-7:00pm at Techny Prairie Activity Center. More information
Community Wellness Fair
The District 27 PTA is excited to invite the Northbrook community to its annual Wellness Fair! With over 25 vendors and school-sponsored activities on site, you’ll have the opportunity to learn, engage, and access valuable resources to support your family’s well-being. Parents and kids are welcome!
Time: 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Date: Saturday, February 22 Location: Wood Oaks Junior High, 1250 Sanders Road, Northbrook
Why Attend?
◦ Discover Resources: Gain access to a wide range of mental health and wellness resources tailored for both parents and children - from anxiety to ADHD to mindfulness and much more!
◦ Interactive Learning: Participate in engaging activities and workshops designed to educate and empower families.
◦ Community Connection: Meet and connect with other families in our community, fostering a supportive network.
◦ Expert Advice: Speak directly with professionals and experts in the field of mental health and wellness.
◦ Plus, Raffle prizes, swag & snacks!
Inclusion: What Every Parent Should Know
Come and get ideas to support your school community and help you partner with your child’s teacher. In this presentation, participants will learn about recent research on inclusive classrooms and be introduced to related supports, tools, and practices. Video clips, stories, and classroom examples will be used to answer questions such as “What is inclusion?”; "How does inclusion benefit all?"; and “How can I support my child’s inclusive education experience?”
Please Note: This is an in-person event!