Lone Oak Elementary Newsletter
Fueled by Faith and Family!!!
1st Grade and 2nd Grade Field Trips this Week!
Tuesday, March 19th- 2nd Grade Field trip
Thursday, March 21st- 1st Grade Field Trip
STAAR Testing in April for Grades 3rd-5th
STAAR Testing Dates
Our 3rd - 5th students will be taking their STAAR tests on the following dates in April. It is very important that students not miss school on their testing dates. Please make every effort to have students to school on time and remain at school.
April 9th and 23rd - 3rd reading and 3rd math
April 10th and 24th - 4th reading and 4th math
April 11th, 17th, and 25th - 5th reading, 5th science, and 5th math.
Thank you to our PTO for planning a successful Fun Run!!! We appreciate your generosity by donating your time and money to our students and teachers! You are investing in our future leaders!!!
***Pictures from the Fun Run will be in the next week Newsletter!
Spring Pictures!
Please be aware that pictures will take place over 2 days.
Prek- 2nd- Wednesday, April 3rd
3rd-5th- Thursday, April 4th
Attendance Reminders
- Doctor’s Note after an Absence for Illness (All Grade Levels) Upon returning to school, a student absent for more than three (3) consecutive days because of a personal illness must bring a statement from a doctor or health clinic verifying the illness or condition that caused the absence.
- We allow 3 parent notes per semester to excuse.
- Notes need to be turned in the following day when student returns.
A note from our Nurse, Mrs. Albanese
If your child needs to take medicine at any point, an adult must bring the medicine up to the front office.
Attendance Matters!!! Every Student. Every Day.
Attendance Incentive:
All teachers have an attendance sign outside their classroom door. If all students are present, a letter on the attendance chart can be colored in. Once all letters are colored in, a special announcement is made during morning announcements to celebrate the class. A free recess is awarded! We will also semester rewards!
The following classes have completed their first sign Attendance and earned an extra recess:
Houser~Douglas~West~ Brumit~Calk~Hitchcock~Diamond~Witt~Hudson~Adams~ McKinney~Boidy~Hutchison~Gifford~Taylor~Barrett~Patterson~Hooten~Mason~Baxter~ Elmore~Hatcher~Hiinson~Honeycutt~Calk~Rumph~Wooten~Jones~Turner~Andrews
The following classes have completed their second sign Attendance and earned an extra recess:
Diamond~Hooten~Calk~Hudson~Hinson~Witt~Patterson~Elmore~Hitchcock~Brumit~Turner McKinney~Mason~Gifford~Baxter~Honeycutt~Douglas~Stewart~Hutchison~Wooten~Barrett~ Rumph~Jones~Hatcher~Andrews~West
The following class has completed their 3rd sign:
Calk~Diamond~Hooten~Hinson~Patterson~Witt~Mckinney~Hitchcock~Barrett~Baxter, Hudson, Douglas~Gifford~Boidy~Elmore~Hatcher~Honeycutt~Taylor~Stewart~Hutchison~Wooten~
The following class has completed their 4th sign:
Calk~Patterson~Witt~Diamond~Douglas~Hatcher~Hooten~Boidy~Gifford~Hitchcock~West~ Elmore
The following classes have completed their 5th sign:
The following class has completed their 6th sign:
Please let me know if I missed your name!
Character Counts!
Book Vending Machine
Earn a -->Coin<-- for Outstanding Behavior:
--> Positive Role Model
-->Positive Attitude
-->Exhibiting Kindness
-->Work Ethic
-->Being Responsible
-->Demonstrating Leadership Qualities
3rd and 4th Grade Picnic on the Playground Wednesday, March 20th
Wednesday, March 20th
3rd Grade Lunch Time: 11:40-12:10
4th Grade Lunch TIme: 12:40-1:10
Picnic on the Playground
Parents and visitors are invited to attend the picnic on the playground if you have a student in one of following grade levels listed below. You may bring food for your student, or purchase a school lunch. Don’t forget to bring a lawn chair or blanket if you wish. If you have a child younger than school age, you may bring them to the picnic on the playground. If you have a child at the school and it's not their grade level day, they will need to stay in class.
Please be aware that dates may be rescheduled due to weather conditions.
Please see the following date for 5th grade picnic:
Thursday, April 4th
5th: 11:50-12:20
BUFF Dads is a program designed for elementary and secondary school campuses to provide positive male role models for the students at Lone Oak ISD. The presence of these "BUFF Dads" will have the following benefits on the students they interact with:
- They will act as a positive role model.
- The additional adult presence will aide in reducing negative behavior.
- They will provide enhanced school safety and security by being an additional set of eyes and ears watching over the students.
- Their presence and time investment will demonstrate to the students that their safety and their education are a valued and essential part of our community.
- These father figures will gain a greater awareness of the challenges that students face daily. As a result, they can learn to relate to and support their students to build deeper connections.
Father figures and male role models are extremely important in the early child development years as children grow. Sadly, as society changes, single-family households have increased, leaving many kids without a positive male role model in their everyday life. As a BUFF Dad, Lone Oak ISD will bring that back to every child in our elementary and middle school with the help of great father-figure volunteers.
Car Tag Information/Car Line Information
Car tags are available for new families in the office. One tag per family. Returning families may use their one from last year. If you need to purchase an additional tag they are $5 each.
Reminder: For your child's safety, if you do not have a car tag, you will be asked to come to the office to sign your child out. Please have a photo ID available.
Car Line- Contracted end time for staff is 4:30pm. If you are in the car line at 4:30, your child's name will be called. If you pull into the car line any time after 4:30 you will be asked to pull around to the front of the school to get your child.
***Students cannot be picked up or signed out by anyone who is not listed on the Parent Portal.
Please remember our no change policy for transportation. We want students to experience consistency each day.
For Safety...
Students are not allowed to get off at other campuses without administrator approval.
Slushies in the Cafeteria the 1st Monday of every month!
As we begin the 2023-2024 school year, all LOISD schools will continue to keep campuses closed during lunch times. We love that we live in a community with parents and family members who are so involved with their students. However, safety is always our number one focus, and space is quickly becoming a concern as well with the growth that our district is experiencing. For this reason, we ask for your help in keeping our kids safe, and keeping the number of visitors in and out of our doors to a minimum. We will continue to have "picnic on the playground" for each grade level this year!
Lunches for the 2023-2024 school year will be $3.25.
- Please put lunch money in an envelope or baggie with student and teacher name.
Social Media
At Lone Oak Independent School District we are dedicated to telling "our story". We need your help! If you have something positive to share on social media about our campus, we would appreciate it! If you have a concern, please call Me/Mrs. Whitehead directly. We want our campus to shine and be celebrated in a positive manner!