Colonial Park Weekly News
October 7 - October 11
Principal's Note
Dear Colonial Park Families -
I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weekend! It sounds like our first frost is coming this week, which will definitely mean some chillier mornings.
Picture Day at Colonial Park is scheduled for this Thursday, October 10. This year, Colonial Park is supporting a local vendor, School Art Studio, owned and operated by a former Colonial Park parent Patrik Kisucky. The ordering process will be done online, and families will receive an email with a link to the photos of your child a few days after picture day. When following the link you'll be prompted to:
Choose your favorite picture
Choose your favorite background
Choose your desired package
And lastly to the payment
If you like more than one photo, or more than one background, feel free to order multiple packages, or use a combination of two photos, or different backgrounds in one package. If you have any questions, please contact Patrik at patrik@schoolartstudio.com.
I wanted to provide some upcoming dates for the month of October:
- Thursday, October 10- School Picture Day will be happening for all students.
- Monday, October 14 - There will be no school in recognition of Columbus/Indigenous People's Day.
- Friday, October 18 - The Stoneham Fire Department will provide Fire Safety information for our students in grades K-4.
- Thursday, October 24 - We will have our next Goldie Gathering.
- Thursday, October 24 - The PTO sponsored Pumpkin Patch is back and will be set up in our library for all students.
- Friday, October 25 - All SPS students will have an Early Release Day. Preschool will be dismissed at 11:40, and students in Grades K-4 will be dismissed at 12:00.
It's definitely an exciting month for our students!
Attached please find the October Lunch Menu. Have a great week everyone!
Rosa Flynn
PTO News
*Colonial Park Spirit Wear Shop - Do you need Goldie Gathering gear? Now is your chance! Our Colonial Park Spirit Wear Shop is now open! We have a variety of shirts, sweatshirts, hats, pjs etc. We also have Spartan wear available! A portion of the cost goes back to Colonial Park for all our fun activities, enrichments and field trips! All items can be shipped directly to your home at cost or for free to the school. The store is open until Friday, October 11th. Colonial Park Merchandise Store
*Colonial Park Pumpkin Patch! -- Thursday, October 24th, in the CP library during school hours. Volunteers are needed for both 10/23 to help us set up and for 10/24. Volunteers must have a current CORI form on file with the office. Please check in with Mrs. Faughnan in the front office to confirm you have a current CORI. 2024 Pumpkin Patch Volunteers Sign-up
*Colonial Park Pumpkin Patch Sponsors! -- We are still looking for sponsors to help offset the cost of the pumpkin patch. If you have a business that is interested in sponsoring this fantastic event, please email colonialparkpto@Gmail.com for more details!
*Room Parents - We are still looking for volunteers to help with being a Room Parent for our RISE classes as well as Ms. Curran’s Pre-K class! Please reach out to colonialparkpto@Gmail.com with any questions! Please Use This Form To Sign Up
*PTO Meeting – Our next meeting will be Tuesday October 8th at 7pm at Evviva Trattoria!
*Colonial Park Trunk or Treat – October 26th 10am - 12pm We hope you'll join us for our annual Trunk or Treat! Interested in decorating your trunk? Please sign up here, 2024 Trunk or Treat Sign up .
We are looking for donations for our raffle! If you would like to provide gift cards, experiences, museum admissions, new toys, jewelry, etc, please email colonialparkpto@gmail.com to coordinate.
*Would you like to be part of Goldie’s Group? -- Looking to get involved with the PTO and be on our volunteer list? Join Goldie's Group to stay up to date on volunteer opportunities so you can help where you can! Click here to sign up!