Qmlativ Bulletin
Franklin Pierce Schools IT Department | January 2023
We are busy getting groups of users set up with training in Qmlativ! Groups are prioritized by the number of modules used within Skyward/Qmlativ and the amount of data responsibility that is tied to their staff role.
The following groups are busy getting to know Qmlativ:
Data Managers / Registrars
Elementary Office Managers
Secondary Counselors
Elementary Counselors
Health Staff (partial)
Office Assistants
Attendance Clerks
Next up:
Family Engagement
Nutrition Services
Teaching & Learning Specialists
Cabinet members
If you don’t see your group quite yet, don’t worry! We will continue to rollout training for the rest of the school year! If you would like to ensure that the Data Team is aware of your specific role, please reach out to qmlativ@fpschools.org.
Here is what she has to say about Qmlativ:
"Several years ago, when we were told we were switching to Qmlativ, I admit, I was feeling a bit apprehensive about making the change. I still had a lot to learn about Skyward!! Since then, I have had the opportunity to attend WASWUG and take classes about Qmlativ and dabble in the Professional Development Center. Now I can say that I am looking forward to Qmlativ! Many of the new features will make my job easier in the long run. I am grateful for a forward thinking IT department who are working hard to make this transition a smooth one."
Thank you, Linda, for all your hard work! We appreciate you being a Q Champion!
FINANCE USERS - Viewing Account Information in Qmlativ
Accessing account information in Qmlativ will be exceedingly user-friendly. Qmlativ allows users to narrow down the Accounts they see within their School/Department’s Account List by setting up either custom views or filters. In Figure 1, we have filtered our Account List to only see a select number of accounts.
After setting up custom views or filters, users will be able to add Chart Tiles to their Qmlativ Dashboard. As seen on Figure 2, These Chart Tiles can be set up to provide live data directly to your home page. In our example, we have set up one Chart Tile to provide a sum of the Beginning Balance grouped by Account Number for the accounts that were listed in Figure 1. The second Chart Tile provides a sum of the Available Funds also grouped by Account Number for the accounts that were listed in Figure 1.
More training will be provided closer to Go – Live to review this information in depth.