HHS Wednesday Weekly
May 8th, 2024
Principal's Note
Halls High School Families,
This has been a week of many celebrations so far!
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week to all of our faculty at Halls High School, who dedicate their careers to helping teach and mentor young adults!
Yesterday we celebrated our Senior Awards Day, and it was a pleasure to highlight the many awards and achievements of the Class of 2024!
This morning, we were proud to host Mayor Jacobs, Superintendent Rysewyk, and many of our skilled-trades business partners to celebrate Youth Apprenticeship Week. Look for coverage of this event on our local media networks this evening.
Lastly, but certainly not least, we are so proud to announce that Sophia Elkins has been selected as the 2024-25 KCS Student Board Representative! Dr. Rysewyk, Board of Education Members Kristy and Triplett, and I were honored to present her this title last Friday. Sophia is the first HHS student to ever serve in this role, and I couldn’t be more proud of her!
Only four more days of school for our Seniors, and only 10.5 days for our underclassmen until the summer break! Please see the new announcements below.
Spencer Long
Principal, Halls High School
Dedicated to Excellence
Student Achievers
Senior Superlatives
- Best All-Around Girl: Megan Biliter
- Best All-Around Boy: Brady Kirk
- Most School Spirit: Brenna Hunley
Student Citizen of the Week
Congratulations to Miguel Martinez Leos for being selected student-citizen of the week! Miguel spoke at our Ceremony today to recognizing Youth Apprenticeship Week in Knox County. He is an NCCER Industry Certificate holder, and is an excellent ambassador for the skilled trades pathways offered at Halls High School!
University Scholarship Recipients
Congratulations to all of the Seniors who were recognized for earning University Scholarships yesterday!
Carson Newman University
- Haven Helton
- Academic Merit Scholarship
- Honors Merit Scholarship
- Ethan Whitaker
- Golf Scholarship
- Hailey Richardson
- Mocs Scholarship
- Ava Mullins
- Mocs Scholarship
- Natalie Reeves
- Blue and Gold Scholarship
Vanderbilt University
- Jennifer Andrews
- Opportunity VU
- Bill T. Hicks Scholarship
- Delta Sigma Theta High School Scholarship
- Owen Taylor
- Blue Raider Scholarship
East Tennessee State University
- Brady Hodges
- Choral Foundation Scholarship
Music Service Award
Nicholas Marlow
Provost Academic Performance Scholarship
Faculty Academic Performance Scholarship
- Ben Ritchie
- Presidential Scholarship Lee University
- McKenna Reed
- Ecce Quam Bonum Award
Maryville College
- Allison Gonzalez
- Equal Chance of Education
University of the Cumberlands
- Nicholas Goodwin
- Football scholarship
Jackson Alvey
Cumberlands Commitment Scholarship
Patriot Scholarship
University of the Cumberlands Football Scholarship
Bernard J. Thomas Scholarship Award
James Holem
Athletic Scholarship University of the Cumberlands
Cumberlands Promise
- Tristan Post
- Orange and White Scholarship
- Abigail Bui
- Orange and White Scholarship
Alexandra Luttrell
Orange and White Scholarship
Volunteer Scholarship
- Gracie Conner
- Orange and White Scholarship
- Olivia DeMarcus
- Orange and White Scholarship
- Rachel Gribinet
- Orange and White Scholarship
- Kate Sparks
- National Electrical Manufacturers Representatives Association
- Nathan Morgan
- Volunteer Scholarship
- Hailee Hofmans
- Volunteer Scholarship
- Nathan Jeansonne
- Volunteer Scholarship
- Chancellor’s Honors Scholarship
- Ella Kimbro
- Volunteer Scholarship
- Ben Atkins
- Volunteer Scholarship
- Rebecca Caroline Jenkins
- UT Volunteer Scholarship
- Chancellor's Honors Scholarship
- Ethan Crossley
- Presidential Scholars Scholarship
Milligan University
- Grey Fiveash
- Presidential Scholarship
- Athletic Scholarship
- Malorie Walker
- President’s Scholarship
- Megan Biliter
- AIA Basketball Scholarship
- Academic Scholarship
- Natalie Chadwell
- Provost Scholarship
Youth Force Paid Summer Training Camps
Beardsley Farm Paid Summer Apprenticeship Program
ABC Construction Trade Paid Apprenticeship Program
Yearbook Distribution and Sales
For students who preordered a Yearbook and were absent during Yearbook distribution today, those Yearbooks will be distributed on Thursday morning in Ignite Homerooms.
On Wednesday, Seniors who did not preorder a Yearbook can buy one between 8:00 and 8:30 in Mrs. Hite's room for $100 (cash only).
If Yearbooks remain on Thursday, Juniors who did not preorder can purchase one between 8:00 and 8:30 in Mrs. Hite's room.
If Yearbooks remain on Friday, Sophomores and Freshmen who did not preorder can purchase one between 8:00 and 8:30 in Mrs. Hite's room.
Parent-Teacher Organization
The PTO is seeking help for the upcoming school year in the role of Teacher Hospitality Coordinator. If you are willing to help out, please email hallshighpto@gmail.com
Greenhouse Plant Sales
The HHS Greenhouse is currently selling plants to the community. Plants can be picked up through the Main Office during the school day, and this Saturday from 12:00-3:00 directly from the greenhouse. Call the school office at 922-7757 and ask for Ms. Keep for information.
Senior Final Exams
Seniors will take Final Exams on May 13, 14, and make-ups on the 15th. Seniors who maintain a 75 average or higher in class will be exempt from their Final Exams. Seniors who turn in a parent permission form will be dismissed at noon on these days.
- May 13th - 1st and 2nd block exams.
- May 14th - 3rd and 4th block exams. (Class rotation 3rd-4th-1st-2nd)
- May 15th - Make-up exams
Underclassman Final Exams
Grades 9-11 will take final exams on May 21st, 22nd, and make-ups on the 23rd. Students who turn in a parent permission form will be dismissed at noon on these days.
- May 21st - 1st and 2nd block exams. Full day.
- May 22nd - 3rd and 4th block exams. Full day. (Class rotation 3rd-4th-1st-2nd)
- May 23rd - Make-up exams. Half day for all students. Last day of school.
College and Career Announcements
TN Promise Eligibility & Community Service
Any senior who has applied for TN Promise and would like to use the 2 free years of postsecondary education through the TNP program (starting Fall 2024) must submit 8 community service hours no later than July 1, 2024 to remain eligible for this scholarship. This can be done on the TN Achieves website here (see button in top right): https://tnachieves.org/community-service
If you need help finding community service in the Knoxville area, please refer to the list of community service opportunities found on the page linked above (see "Service opportunities in your area" button).
Please note that we had 37 seniors lose their eligibility due to not attending the mandatory meeting on January 8, 2024 AND not filling out the excuse form/watching the required webinar by the April 15 deadline. If you are unsure of your TNP eligibility status, please come see Ms. Helt!
Senior Memo for April and May 2024
The senior memo has now been updated for April & May. You can access this here: https://www.smore.com/n/59edg. Senior students and families- please check the senior memo every couple of weeks for updates! This memo is updated as we receive relevant info and holds very valuable information and resources (including TONS of scholarships).
2024-2025 FAFSA (Deadline May 15, 2024)
Seniors and parents, please be aware that we are just a few weeks away from the 24-25 FAFSA deadline!
All seniors who intend to attend college (university, community college, trade school, etc.) during the 2024-2025 academic year must complete the 24-25 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) no later than May 15, 2024 in order to be eligible for any state or federal financial aid (including TN Promise). The application will close on this date, and no new applications may be submitted. Any parent or student needing assistance with the FAFSA should reach out to Caitlyn Helt (College & Career Counselor, caitlyn.helt@knoxschools.org) as soon as possible! Resources for the 2024-2025 FAFSA are linked below:
FSA ID Step-by-Step guide (english): https://www.collegefortn.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/FSA-ID-Worksheet-Final.pdf
FSA ID Step-by-Step guide (espanol): https://www.collegefortn.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/FSA-ID-Worksheet-Spanish.pdf
Videos on creating an FSA ID & previewing the new FAFSA: https://www.collegefortn.org/fafsa/
Overview of 2024-2025 FAFSA changes: https://www.collegefortn.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/2023-FAFSA-Changes.pdf
2023-2024 Halls High School Scholarship Guide
Repeat Announcements
2025 EF Trip, “Legendary England”
2025 EF Trip, “Legendary England” is officially open for enrollment! The earlier you enroll, the better the price! Please use the following link for more information or to sign up for travel:
Group leader email: delaina.rhodes@knoxschools.org
Summer Drivers Education
The Summer Driver Education course is available to students currently enrolled in Knox County Schools on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration will close when all driving slots are filled. The course will be PASS/FAIL only. Students must be at least 15 years old by May 30, 2024.
Secure your spot by scanning the QR code or clicking HERE to register. (Remember, registration opens on April 15 at 12:01 p.m.)
Look for this logo to register. You will choose your school and then select the week your student is available to drive. These dates can not be changed once you register!
COST: $200.00 (Receipt will be your Ticket to get into class on May 28)
LOCATION: Central High School
Farragut High School
Hardin Valley Academy
West High School
CLASSROOM: Three days of classroom instruction are required, May 28-30th (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday), 8:00 am — 12:00 pm.
Attendance is mandatory for ALL students!
Contact steve.huettel@knoxschools.org with questions.
Important Dates
May 7th - Senior Awards Ceremony (9:00am), Senior Luncheon, School-Wide Yearbook Day
May 13-15 - Senior Final Exams
May 17th - Graduation Ceremony at 5:30pm
May 21-23 - Underclassmen Final Exams
Halls High School
Website: https://www.knoxschools.org/hallshs
Location: 4321 East Emory Road, Knoxville, TN, USA
Phone: 865-922-7757
X & Instagram: @hallshightn